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what happened before pentecost

That's how we live the Word, that's how we drink in the Word, and it changes our life and it banishes the fear, gives us confidence in who we are and what we are to do. But on that morning as they gathered, made their preparations, put on their clothes, walked to the location where they all were gathered, and they were about 120 disciples as chapter 1 of Acts tells us, they no doubt had a lot on their mind. "Behold, He said, My hands and My feet, that it is I Myself. In the context of Acts (and the Epistles), we should see that the Holy Spirit is a significant part of the enablement we need. He spent days and days, and weeks and weeks doing that, bringing new dimension of understanding to the Scriptures that they had never had. So He begins to teach them from the Scriptures that they might understand, and that they might comprehend what He was and how He had fulfilled everything that they would have understood to one degree, and then even more they had begun to develop a fuller understanding of the prophecies of Isaiah, or Joel, or Jeremiah, or Ezekiel, the statements about the Messiah. Apostle Peter explains the meaning of what was happening on the Day of Pentecost. People should see God in us. We give ourselves to that devotion, to that devoted study and the process of taking on the nature of God. Though a miracle had taken place in front of them, that still wasn't enough to remove the doubt and fear. He boasted of his victory over Israel, and we read, The king of Israel replied, Tell him the one who puts on his battle gear should not boast like one who is taking it off (1 Kings 20:11).2, The point is that one should not boast before his victory, but should wait until after. Put another way, the same Holy Spirit who empowered Jesus as He gave the Great Commission is the One who will empower the apostles (and the church) to carry out this command. The ministry of the Holy Spirit does not commence in Acts, it continues in Acts. Let us eagerly look forward to the changes Pentecost will bring for the better.. Peter says, "Repent, believe, be baptized, you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit." Indeed, Acts 2:1 literally reads, "As the Day of Pentecost was being fulfilled." What was fulfilled was the prophecy given by both Jesus and John the Baptist concerning the coming of the Holy Spirit. But let's go back, let's look at a few of these scriptures in a little bit more detail and see exactly what had been taking place among the disciples during this period of time, that brought them to that morning of Pentecost. And I didn't know how to make a connection. Not many were wise by human standards, not many were powerful, not many were born to a privileged position. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind and it filled the whole house where they were sitting, and it appeared to them, divided tongues as of fire. Show us which one of these two you have chosen 25 to assume the task of this service and apostleship from which Judas turned aside to go to his own place. 26 Then they cast lots for them, and the one chosen was Matthias; so he was counted with the eleven apostles (Acts 1:15-26). All of these qualities are to the divine nature, to godliness brotherly kindness, and to brotherly kindness, love. Then I finally figured out, "Oh, I got to do this myself. And as we've seen, even when they were confronted with the miracle of Christ's resurrection, and they recognized that they still had to deal with the hostility of the world around them, in a kind of a two-pronged government called the Roman Empire and the Jewish society, plus their own human nature, and themselves. I am inclined to think that verses 12-14 are an apt description of the apostles activity during the entire 50-day period preceding Pentecost. When the Jerusalem Council met to determine what should be required of Gentile converts, they determined that Gentiles must not be placed under the law, and that they observe only a few restrictions. That is the vision that Jesus has for His Church as articulated by the apostle Paul in Ephesians 4:16, and they had it at this moment. 6 Then he appeared to more than five hundred of the brothers and sisters at one time, most of whom are still alive, though some have fallen asleep. If we begin to look at one another as less than trustworthy, then that has other consequences in relationships, and that's taking place among the disciples here at this moment. Darris is the Associate Media Producer for the Church. Find the date for Pentecost 2014 in the multifaith calendar. Jesus promised authority within the boundaries of what God purposed, because the coming of the Spirit was the promise of the Father (verse 4). And so she was the first to see the empty tomb and have that appearance, and she goes and tells them. We, again, don't necessarily always pause and think about this, in these hours and days following Christ's resurrection. Pentecost comes from a Jewish harvest festival called Shavuot. It's the fourth of the spring feasts that marked the end of the barley harvest and the start of the wheat harvest (usually around June). 30 He is the reason you have a relationship with Christ Jesus, who became for us wisdom from God, and righteousness and sanctification and redemption, 31 so that, as it is written, Let the one who boasts, boast in the Lord (1 Corinthians 1:26-31). 9 For if there was glory in the ministry that produced condemnation, how much more does the ministry that produces righteousness excel in glory! I happen to think that they, no doubt during this period of time, as the days go on they talked and they read. The events surrounding Judas death7were interpreted as the fulfillment of the prophecy of Psalm 69:25. You remember what Ruth said to Naomi when Naomi, in the book of Ruth, had lost her husband and children, and these two daughters-in-law, Ruth and Orpah, tried to follow her away from Moab, and Orpah decided to leave. Acts 2. And then it came to an end, it came to a close. But she said, "Go ahead Ruth, you go home too," and Ruth says, "Your God will be my God, wherever you go, I will go." This makes sense, given both their impulsiveness and their lack of faith. 28 Watch out for yourselves and for all the flockof which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to shepherd the church of God that he obtained with the blood of his own Son (Acts 20:28, emphasis mine). He had a long way to come to be the one to stand up and to give the sermon on this day, but he did it. Read more. The world of the 1st century was very much tied into an awareness that there was a spirit world, and a lot different than even we today, we see a spirit world today in media and entertainment form. But that was a life lesson that I had to learn. Did they doubt that it was real? The Roots of Pentecost . in 1971. 7 Then he appeared to James, then to all the apostles. We can deal with them. If I were to summarize it, it would probably be like this: Your mission until I return is to preach the gospel to all nations. For if these things are yours and abound, you will be neither barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.". Verses 40 to 47 is a summary of one of the most remarkable periods of the church experience. Q. As we came here this morning, to services, and as we gathered here this morning ourselves, there is a very important lesson for us to learn as well. Christ did not leave His disciples as orphans. And so I made a certain few inquiries, I got on the bus, didn't miss it. Our text also reminds us that whenever God commands us to do something, He will provide all that we need to carry out His command. And the tomb was empty, and the disciples had seen Jesus, and the authorities were beside themselves trying to figure it out, looked for the body. Pentecost is one of the Great feasts in the Eastern Orthodox Church, a Solemnity in the Roman Rite of the Catholic Church, a Festival in the Lutheran Churches, and a Principal Feast in the Anglican Communion. And those days you didn't fear getting on a Greyhound bus, and you could go all over the country on a very cheap pass. About 10 days earlier, Christ had finally ascended for the final time and they were left alone. Third, Luke makes it emphatically clear that the power to carry out the Great Commission is the power that the Holy Spirit will bestow (1:4-5, 8). When the apostles asked Jesus regarding the timing of the coming of the kingdom of God, they appear to indicate that they know the kingdom will be set aside for a time: So when they had gathered together, they began to ask him, Lord, is this the time when you are restoring the kingdom to Israel? (Acts 1:6). It is the day, 40 days after the Resurrection, when Jesus returns to his Father. Pentecost starts in a locked room with believers waiting. We know in Acts chapter 2, when we turn there and look at the story alluded to in the sermonette here this morning, that they were gathered together. He was just [snaps fingers] gone, He was there. 9He does not forbid taking any action until Pentecost; He merely forbids the apostles to leave Jerusalem (in carrying out the Great Commission) until after Pentecost. And it is Christ in us that is that hope of glory. In Colossians chapter 1, Colossians 1:27, Paul writes, "To them, God will to make known what are the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles which is Christ in you, the hope of glory." Pentecost is celebrated 50 days after Easter and is when Christians remember the gift of the Holy Spirit. From this, we can infer that Jesus unbelieving brothers (John 7:5) had come to believe in Jesus, no doubt largely due to His resurrection. They thought that the body had been ferretted away by the disciples, someone had stolen it. The English word "Pentecost" is a transliteration of the Greek word pentekostos, which means "fifty.". Our Lords last words sum up the focus of the first 11 verses of Acts: They are to be His witnesses, beginning in Jerusalem and ending in the remotest part(s) of the earth. Apparently, two angelic figures appeared to them as the disciples were kind of watching Christ go. And had they seen anything near that type of an ecstatic demonstration, it might have been in a form by someone doing something by their form of religion that they didn't identify with. So, let's continue our Book of Acts Bible Study. Every generation of God's people have done that. They came together, in verse 1 of chapter 2, "On the day of Pentecost when it was fully come, they were with one accord in one place. We can internalize that and think that through. 14 All these continued together in prayer with one mind, together with the women, along with Mary the mother of Jesus, and his brothers (Acts 1:12-14). The Feast of the Ascension ranks with Christmas, Easter, and Pentecost in the universality of its observance among Christians. It isnt about us, my friend; it is about God. That is what caused them to banish their fear, trouble, doubt, and unbelief: Christ in them through the Holy Spirit. The apostles were celebrating this festival when the Holy Spirit descended on them. In the Great Commission of Matthew 28, Jesus claimed all authority, and He based His command to proclaim the gospel to all nations on this authority: 18 Then Jesus came up and said to them, All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. They watched Him rise until a cloud obscured their vision. And yet, they had not been able to completely separate the fact that now what they were part of was the real, the real thing, because Christ had died. Before long (Acts 5:3-4), the Holy Spirit will be identified as God. We know that unified prayer preceded this process (1:14); indeed prayer was a part of the process (see 1:24-25). And what happened? They had a very life is now, living in the present mindset that this was all going to happen in their lifetime, which is something that pertains to every group of people from that time forward, that looking for the appearance of the Kingdom, the return of Christ. He was seen by them over a forty-day period and spoke about matters concerning the kingdom of God (Acts 1:3). We all have signs, we take certain things as signs. Again, what they thought that they were becoming a part of was a movement that was noble, that was good, there had been many movements of other Messiah-type figures at this period of time in Judea. And of course, one of the most dramatic scenes in all the Bible occurred with the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the gathered disciples, and the speaking in tongues, and a mighty rushing wind that we find it hard to imagine what it was like, because it's not part of our custom to try to pray that down today like some other denominations and religious forms do. And it was the high priest and those people who had engineered His death, and they knew the power that they did have. And speaking about the deep things of the Kingdom of God to prepare them for what they were to take part in, and what they were to be a part of. In verses 12-14, Luke tells us what the apostles were doing while they waited. And this small group of people who had signed on to what they thought was a remarkable, gifted rabbi, and followed Him around and soon learned that they had fallen into something quite different than anything they could have ever imagined, as they witnessed miracles of loaves and fishes, and people being brought back to life, and dramatic healings. Acts 1, consistent with the rest of the Book of Acts, reminds us that it is not about us; it is about God. He seals us in Christproof of the promise that we are forever in God's presence ( Ephesians 1:13-14 ). But I had to go to St. Louis about 100 miles north of my hometown and pick up what they called an express bus, that would go through the larger cities. 2 Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. 9 For I am the least of the apostles, unworthy to be called an apostle, because I persecuted the church of God (1 Corinthians 15:3-9). Zechariah's prophecy in chapter 14 shows that Christ will, on that day, set foot on the Mount of Olives. At the end of John, you remember, John says, there were so many other things that He did in his life and no doubt probably part of that 40-day period that it would take volumes to teach it, and to record it during this period. And God will expose sin, ours to ourselves, sometimes to others. I've got to find out where that next bus leaves, and what time." 1 When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. That's how I imagine it and He was home, He was back at, He was at the third heaven. These were redeemed from among men being firstfruits to God and to the Lamb. With a account you will be able to save items to read and study later! What was on their mind? What was the doubt that was nagging away at them even as they saw Him, and even worshiped Him, knowing that they as they did know that He had died, and yet there was doubt? Ministers in church often wear robes with red in the design as a symbol of the flames in which the Holy Spirit came to earth. The Cross And Unjust Suffering (1 Peter 2:19-25). And therein, lies a key to the understanding of what had taken place with these individuals here. The apostles did as the angels implied; they returned to Jerusalem to wait. Having said this, our Lord ascended into heaven. They immediately began telling others about Jesus. And we can have the power to believe that, and to grow together and develop together as a bride of Christ, and accomplish His work and His purpose and His will. Why, then, does Luke include these verses? And you can begin to imagine how this dynamic begins to must have been being set up within the disciples, because when you begin to doubt one another, you begin to lose trust. BBC 2014 The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites. Peter and John, and James, and Andrew, Philip and Thomas, Bartholomew and Matthew, James son of Alphaeus and Simon the Zealot, and Judas son of James were there. And there wasn't a Jew in Jerusalem, not a rabbi, not a priest who'd ever understood Joel or the Psalms in that way, nor would they have ever dreamed of applying it to what had happened just weeks earlier, with the arrest, crucifixion, and death of this Man called Jesus of Nazareth. 3 To the same apostles also, after his suffering, he presented himself alive with many convincing proofs. And perhaps like you and I would today, we might look at it as a little bit odd. 6We can easily deduce this since Pentecost was 50 days after Passover. This is the dimension that was given on Pentecost, and what this day is all about for those of us who are the firstfruits. And so Christ gives them teaching and He gives them understanding. Bob is a pastor/teacher and elder at Community Bible Chapel in Richardson, Texas, and has contributed many of his Bible study series for use by the Foundation. And yet Peter does, and he gives a bold sermon. And it is also the mission of the Church, we see right here, it has begun. God's Word and Spirit give us power to overcome and to change to accomplish the work of God. But they were frightened and they thought that they had seen a spirit. 12 Then when the proconsul saw what had happened, he believed, because he was greatly astounded at the teaching about the Lord. Pentecost is a Christian holy day that celebrates the coming of the Holy Spirit 50 days after Easter. He explained Pentecost to the people of Jerusalem. The church, the body of Christ, began on the Day of Pentecost by the work of the Holy Spirit. That He had to rebuke them and teach them. During the 50 days after Jesus' death, He had many interactions with his Disciples and followers, providing them with guidance and . It is the ideal to which every subsequent church period has wished to be able to emulate, including ours today. This was just three and a half years, and in really a few weeks, seven weeks and a day of intense thought, emotion, that they had to grapple with and deal with as they came into the presence of one another on the morning of Pentecost. It is regarded as the birthday of the Christian church. Jesus had already gone back to Heaven so the disciples and new believers of Jesus were waiting to receive the Holy Spirit because that's what Jesus told them would happen. Jesus was appearing to the apostles for 40 days until His ascension, and so there had to be 10 days left until Pentecost. Let us never consider going back to the old. The before and after theme is found frequently in the media. We learn that it was Peter who provided the leadership (1:15). What we are seeing here is again, the power of the Word of God. While you will be able to view the content of this page in your current browser, you will not be able to get the full visual experience. Jesus Christ was born to be a King, and He will return as the King of Kings in the Kingdom of God. Articles that are published in our magazine or scripting for our television programs goes through a very, very thorough review process. Related Topics: Bibliology (The Written Word), Robert L. (Bob)Deffinbaugh graduated from Dallas Theological Seminary with his Th.M. He now consistently refers to them asapostles.The termdiscipleis now employed when reference is made to new believers in Acts. I think it was because Jesus had revealed the mystery of the church to them. He certainly became one of the boldest witnesses for the faith. "Also for this very reason, giving all diligence into your faith virtue, to virtue knowledge, to knowledge self-control, to self-control perseverance, to perseverance godliness, the divine nature. The Jewish authoritiesthe Sanhedrin, the Scribes, the Pharisees, the Sadduceesthat authority was intact in Jerusalem, running the temple, running the religious side of the culture and the social life of Judea under the Roman cap, and it too was a very, very powerful force you didn't run up against. Acts 1 is the before section of this great book. Pentecost, also called Whitsunday, (Pentecost from Greek pentecost, "50th day"), major festival in the Christian church, celebrated on the Sunday that falls on the 50th day of Easter. Why does Luke spend as much time (12 verses) describing this one event as he does depicting the 40 days of our Lords appearances on the earth (11 verses)? 4 Now we have such confidence in God through Christ. 15 In those days Peter stood up among the believers (a gathering of about one hundred and twenty people) and said, 16 Brothers, the scripture had to be fulfilled that the Holy Spirit foretold through David concerning Judaswho became the guide for those who arrested Jesus 17 for he was counted as one of us and received a share in this ministry. 18 (Now this man Judas acquired a field with the reward of his unjust deed, and falling headfirst he burst open in the middle and all his intestines gushed out. My point here is that Luke links the ministry of the Holy Spirit in the life of our Lord in the Gospels to the ministry of the Holy Spirit in the life of the church in Acts. Transcript Darris McNeely Beyond Today Presenter Then what looks like tongues of fire rests on the followers of Jesus, the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. And then even when we see in the days after Jesus' final ascension, a roughly 10-day period, when they came to make a decision to replace Judas, they read Scripture, they applied it properly, God blessed the decision. Did they doubt themselves? Trials hit us that will shake our faith, test our faith. I believe the first chapter of Acts could be titled Before, because it precedes Pentecost in chapter two, and from there on it is definitely after. While we may be eager to get to Pentecost, let us pause long enough to consider Lukes introduction to the Book of Acts and to the transforming power of Pentecost. And that power would be what would begin to banish the fear, the troubling, doubt, that they had, coupled with the Word of God that they were to have. 1Copyright 2005 by Community Bible Chapel, 418 E. Main Street, Richardson, TX 75081. A violent wind sounds. I remember taking my little bag and walking over and kind of looking around, and sitting down on a bench. Now, it was all beginning to come together. The second power that they'd run up against was that of the Jewish authorities. And in the room of the house where they were gathered, it obviously became a little bit too small for all that took place, because as these other people take note of it, you get the impression they moved out into a more public location in Jerusalem. What did they do during that 10 days? The reason is that Luke ceases to use the termdisciplesto refer to the eleven or twelve in the Book of Acts. No one could learn that song except the 144,000 who were redeemed from the earth. Anyone anywhere in the world with an Internet connection will be able to use and print out the NET Bible without cost for personal study. And while they looked steadfastly toward heaven as He went up," and this is through the account here in Luke, then, would be the final bodily appearance of Jesus to them. Number one was the Roman Empire. A further matter of interest is that during this 40-day period, our Lord spoke with the apostles concerning the things pertaining to the kingdom of God (1:3). Pentecostal Christians believe in the direct experience of the Holy Spirit by believers during all of their services. This unique feast occurred 7 weeks after Passover (49 days), culminating with the actual feast on day 50 (hence, the New Testament term "Pentecost"). I still have many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. Our Lord saw to it that these witnesses had more than enough evidence of His resurrection, and added to this was the witness of the Spirit to the resurrection: 7 But I tell you the truth, it is to your advantage that I am going away. I would like to look at Acts 1 in three segments: Verses 1-11 From Christs Resurrection to His Return, Verses 15-26 Filling the Vacancy left by Judas. 7 But if the ministry that produced deathcarved in letters on stone tabletscame with glory, so that the Israelites could not keep their eyes fixed on the face of Moses because of the glory of his face (a glory which was made ineffective), 8 how much more glorious will the ministry of the Spirit be? 1 I wrote the former account, Theophilus, about all that Jesus began to do and teach 2 until the day he was taken up to heaven, after he had given orders by the Holy Spirit to the apostles he had chosen. And He leaves them on the Mount of Olives, which is a very, very significant geographic feature there on the east of Jerusalem across from the city, and through the Kidron Valley and up on this Mount called Olives. Let us seek to answer this question by observing what happened. They must not attempt to carry out the Great Commission without Pentecostal power. In his last face-to-face meeting with the Ephesian elders, Paul spoke to them about their responsibilities as shepherds. Doubt, some of them doubt, what did they doubt? In days gone by, I have sided with those who found the selection of Matthias as an example of fleshly action hastily taken. Jesus was coming back, just as they saw Him depart. Thank you Mr. McNeely , for making Christ more real. Let me explain why I have reached this conclusion. (2 Corinthians 3:4-11). What happens?". Hymns sung at Pentecost take the Holy Spirit as their theme, and include: The symbols of Pentecost are those of the Holy Spirit and include flames, wind, the breath of God and a dove. Based upon Pauls words in Ephesians 3, I am inclined to assume what a portion of this conversation may have been: 4 When reading this, you will be able to understand my insight into this secret of Christ. It was the Roman soldiers that had carried out the death of Christ and had sealed the tomb and a Roman guard had been placed there. Bold, Men and brethren, he begins to explain what's happened. It is the Spirit of God working through weak and even foolish (in the eyes of the world) men that reveals the power of God, and brings glory to Him, not us: 26 Think about the circumstances of your call, brothers and sisters. Jerusalem was swelled with pilgrims, at this point in time, and this added to the drama of the moment. And second, the replacement of Judas is carried out in a way that is very Old Testament.. Luke chapter 24. It seems to me that these loyal followers of Jesus are at their finest in verses 12-14. Christians celebrate Pentecost 50 days after Easter Sunday to commemorate the descent of the Holy Spirit upon Christ's disciples.. 24 Then they prayed, Lord, you know the hearts of all. There is a great difference between before and after.. Because Ruth saw in Naomi, God, an example that she wanted to be a part of. 28For it seemed best to the Holy Spirit and to usnot to place any greater burden on you than these necessary rules: 29 that you abstain from meat that has been sacrificed to idols and from blood and from what has been strangled and from sexual immorality. We can be certain that He will provide us with everything we need to carry out His command. We are told in verse 2 that Jesus gave orders by the Holy Spirit. I didn't know how to read a board to tell me these things. I like that phrase. There was doubt. 10 As they were still staring into the sky while he was going, suddenly two men in white clothing stood near them 11 and said, Men of Galilee, why do you stand here looking up into the sky? In verse 38, after everyone has calmed down, they realize theyve been involved and they were responsible for the death of Jesus. The Holy Spirit is the third part of the Trinity of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit that is the way Christians understand God. It's an informed sermon. As His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us by glory and virtue, by which have been given to us exceedingly great and precious promises, that through these you may be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped corruption that is in the world through lust." But on that 50th day, from the morning after Christ's resurrection, a lot had happened. So if I can come back to the question that I asked, what was going through their mind on that morning of Pentecost? The feast has been celebrated 40 days after Easter in both Eastern and Western Christianity since the 4th century. The Cross And Our Response to Trials (1 Peter 4:12-19), 8. The publication of this material is a grace ministry of Community Bible Chapel. And it brings it down to the end of the chapter. Not many days, we would look at it roughly 10 days from that 40-day period. [Darris McNeely] On the morning of Pentecost 31 AD, what do you think was going through the minds of the assembled disciples in Jerusalem? "And He said to them, 'Thus it is written, thus it was necessary for the Christ to suffer, to rise from the dead the third day, and that repentance and the remissions of sins would be preached in his name to all nations, beginning at Jerusalem, and you are witnesses of these things. First, I note the wording of the first part of verse 13: When they had entered Jerusalem, they went to the upstairs roomwhere they were staying(Acts 1:13a, emphasis mine). What we have in verses 12-14, then, is a description of where the apostles stayed and what they did from the time of our Lords death till Pentecost. She went and told those who had been with Him as they mourned and wept."

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