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thailand drug penalties

Some require a permit, and the majority are restricted to 30-days worth in the original packaging and accompanied by the prescription. Just a not online diazapam question I asked a while back , I had lost / or had stolen from room safe my valpam.I went into a pharmacist in Phuket , either letter from my sister listing the medication I was carrying for epilepsy. If you are comfortable doing that, then go ahead. Hello my friend. Thailand seems more focused on getting visiting tourists to blow their wad of vacation cash on hotels and tours rather than angering them with a spanking for such a minor slide into the recesses of the technically illegal. Carry the original prescription if you have it. There were 21 different forms of capital punishment under the Law of the Three Seals, many of them cruel. Steps have been taken by the government to criminalise torture and strengthen accountability mechanisms within the police force however it is crucial to also see more pro-active measures to prevent incidents of torture. prescribed for the patient's treatment The reality is that you would only get tested if you appeared to be intoxicated by drugs, or you were caught with cannabis on you.However, if you are a user and this concerns you, you might be interested to read the information belowA review of data compiled by the US National Drug Court Institute estimated that:- an occasional or first-time user would probably test positive up to four days after last using Therefore, a patient under treatment can carry this medication into Thailand for personal use in a quantity NOT EXCEEDIND 30 DAYS OF PRESCRIBED USAGE.The application for a permit from Thai FDA does not required, Interesting question. In Europe, the legal drinking age ranges from as young as 16 up to 18 years old, while in Australia, New Zealand and parts of Canada it is 18. I am on pre-gablin a generic form of Lyrica. How can they demand you have a permit but not have easy access to the permit?! Hi I wear a buprenorphine patch 5mcg. This includes my blood pressure medicine, a weekly pill for osteopenia, and a couple of dietary supplements. Let your readers know if your medicines are in the orignal bottle with doctors name, their name, pharmacy name and expiration date they normally will not be questioned. Drug and narcotic abuse have long been a distressing issue in Thailand. If you have any doubt over the legality of a prescription drug you intend to travel with, get a letter from your doctor to verify your prescription and obtain the necessary IC-2 permit. She happily have me 10 10mg DiazapamI can't recall the name , but it was 450 bahtcost more then 50 5mg in Australia. 72 tonnes of a chemical called propionyl chloride arrives in a remote region of Laos. Spell check will do wonders for you. You can certainly visit a hospital and get prescription from a doctor, but I'm not sure how long he/she will issue a prescription for. Do prescriptions cost the same in Thailand (the equivalent of the US price in Baht)? That is generally the case, but do check the linked document in the post to see if your medication falls under a category that requires clearance. Category 2: ordinary narcotics such as morphine, cocaine, codeine or medicinal opium. However non FDA approved steroids are illegal "The Powers the Be" are tarting the pharmacies. Thank you. Of course, seldom do people get stopped over a some painkillers, but it's best to exercise caution better safe than sorry. I would assume so. But know that you may end up in jail anyway. Your reply would be highly appreciated. I think these will be fine under the standard rules of a 30-day supply, plus a proof of prescription. [9], The most recent execution occurred on 18 June 2018, when the death sentence of a 26-year-old man guilty of robbery resulting in death was carried out. I don't think it is. I'd be careful on this one. You will certainly need a prescription for that. Though the punishment may seem less severe compared to the previous laws, a life sentence or death penalty is still a possible ruling for an individual commanding a drug network. My partner and I are both on pain medication for medical conditions and injuries. Hello my name is Kimberly, nice to meet you. Any one caught in violation of the above mentioned laws shall be punished by imprisonment or death depending on the circumstances as weighed by the Thai Courts. It's not legal without a prescription in Thailand, but always available under the counter. In previous comments, you have said codeine is ok to take into Thailand. Your client would need to visit a doctor or hospital. I am going to Thailand for two weeks very soon. Yes, with less maximum 30-days prescription in the original bottle with the prescription notice. Hi, I am on a blood thinning med for the rest of my life. She had gone to pick it up for someone else and wasnt even much of a smoker herself. Ive never heard of anyone being arrested for carrying sidegra or viagra but if you are worried about being searched just leave them in your hotel and take before going out for the night . Ahh okay, first of all, thank you for your reply. Yes. If people are doing coke or any other drug and invite you to sit with them (foreign or Thai), stay away. In the case of morphine, opium or cocaine, 3-20 years or a fine of 60,000 400,000 Baht if the amount is under 100 grams, or 3-20 years or a fine of 500,000 5,000,000 Baht if over, Up to 5 years or a fine not exceeding 100,000 Baht or both for possession. I've tried everywhere to find the answer and am so worried about it. There are also chemists everywhere! Use the link in the post. That way, if there's any questions asked of you, they can't say you haven't tried. Thailand has a reputation as a steroid haven for bodybuilders, with all sorts of body-enhancing drugs available over the counter. Long-standing concerns with the state of drug treatment and rehabilitation provision in Thailand abounds, as highlighted again this year by the discovery of wide-ranging abuses against people detained as part of a drug rehabilitation programme in a temple in Kanchanaburi province. There's other places to visit. Tamoxifen. This is a controlled drug so you'll need to follow the guidelines. ); Triazolam (Halcion), Schedule 4 Alprazolam (Xanax); Diazepam (Valium); Lorazepam (Ativan), Category 1 Heroin;Amphetamine; Methamphetamine; MDMA (Ecstasy); LSD, Category 2 Cocaine; Codeine; Methadone; Morphine, Category 5 Cannabis; psychoactive mushrooms; Kratom Plant, Imprisonment of 5-20 years and a fine of 100,000-400,000 Baht for production, importation or exportation sale, Imprisonment not exceeding 5 years and a fine not exceeding 100,000 Baht for carrying across borders, Imprisonment of 1-5 years and a fine of 20,000-100,000 Baht for possession, use or consumption, Imprisonment not exceeding 5 years and a fine not exceeding 100,000 Baht for production, importation or exportation sale, Imprisonment not exceeding one year or a fine not exceeding 20,000 Baht or both for possession, use or consumption, Up to life imprisonment and a fine of 1,000,000-5,000,000 Baht for production, importation or exportation, unless for the purpose of disposal, in which case the penalty is death. I will be bring prescription drugs for high cholestoral and triglycerides. But my advice is to exercise caution and know the law on what you are carrying. Hey mate I'm travelling to Thailand this Sunday. Although I'm quite sure nothing is going to happen to you carrying for these tablets, I can only tell you what the law is and as a responsible person writing online I have to advise that you abide by the law. I was reading the online and it seems really serious. If so, then yes, because it contains natural ingredients. There appears to be no mention of harm reduction measures, such as overdose prevention, treatment programmes such as opioid substitution treatment and needle/syringe programmes, in the Narcotics Code. Just want to know if I can bring some male enhancement pills(5-6 only) legally without getting into any trouble? Execution methods have changed over the years. However, the Military Commander-in-Chief and National Police Commissioner are included as members of the Committee. Is it ok for me to carry the same in my check-in baggage and the procedure I am required to follow at the passport control? Generally those types of meds will just require you to bring it in the prescribed container and no more than a 30-day supply. Just do your own research, do not simply rely on your doctor. My cousin needs to finish his medication for pneumonia. I assume the online form is just asking for a copy of the passport; uploading a photocopy, right? Immodium you can buy here in Boots, and paracetamol is available in all 7-11s, which are every where! Which customs, your home country or Thailand? is she allowed to bring enough sertraline to cover her trip of 74 days? In theory, fighting drug addiction in Thailand is a sensible idea. Be sure to consult our property lawyers before doing so. I did read it, but find it confusing. Nonetheless, personal use of drugs remains a criminal offense. But can i bring to my 90 days trip? Your email address will not be published. Hi, I am not sure whether the previous post got through. It's just as easy to stay away from narcotics and people who use them. Hello, thank you for taking the time to have this very informative site. Though, if caught by the wrong policeman or over-zealous customs official without a prescription, you could get fined. My prescription does not fall under any of the restricted category's, but i'm only flying into Bangkok as part of a flight transfer, moving onto a country that does allow more than 30 days worth of prescription (I need to take more than 30 days worth). All the information is in there. Also consider that if an officer thinks you are under the influence of drugs when stopped, you may be taken to the station for a blood test. It is however very difficult for drugs crimes and those who do get sent home are normally those involving in fraud and violent crimes. Can I take naproxen into Thailand and also melatonin 2 nasel spray? If I take monthly supply of medication could it cause problems in your opinion? If the quantity is over 10 kilograms, the penalty is increased to a maximum of 15 years and a fine of 200,000 1,500,000 Baht, Imprisonment not exceeding 5 years and or a fine not exceeding 100,000 Baht or both for possession, Imprisonment not exceeding 1 year and a fine of 100,000 1,000,000 for consumption, Imprisonment not exceeding 2 years and a fine not exceeding 200,000 Baht for production, importation or exportation, Imprisonment not exceeding 2 years or a fine not exceeding 40,000 Baht or both for disposal or possession for the purpose of disposal. [9], The last execution by shooting was on 11 December 2002 and the first execution by lethal injection was on 12 December 2003. Speak to a lawyer with regards to Section 72 of the Drugs Act, a person is prohibited to produce, sell, or import the following drugs: Fake Drugs: any drug/substance which is considered as an imitation of a genuine drug, partly or wholly; or any drug which shows name of another drug, or one that bears an expiration date which is not correct; or any drug bearing a false description of the producer and its location; or any drug which falsely show that the contents are in accordance with the formula for which it was registered; or drugs which are produced with active substances which quantity or strength is lower by 20% than the minimum or higher by 20% than the maximum standards set by the registered formula; Substandard Drugs: any drug produced with active substances which quantity or strength are lower than the minimum standards prescribed in the registered formula; or any drug produced so that their purity or other characteristics which are important to their quality differ from the standards prescribed in the registered formula; Deteriorated Drugs: an expired drug; a drug which has so denatured as to have the characteristics of a fake drug or a drug which differs from the minimum standards set by the registered formula; Drugs produced and imported by a licensee which registration formula has been cancelled; Drugs which formula registration has been ordered cancelled by the Minister. Will the customs allow me? And this is Thailand, where until last June you could be jailed for five. Can over the counter vigra be taken into Thailand. It will be important to monitor the use of judicial discretion and sentencing outcomes, including the extent to which the objective to reduce the numbers of people in prison is being achieved. Hi, my wife takes Gilenya (Fingolimod) for Multiple Sclerosis. thank you. Because, imbecile, I have replied to over 300 comments on this post saying the same thing over and over again. They have hundreds of video and audio lessons to help you start speaking Thai today. The pharmacy on the crossroads as you come round onto Chaweng high street (the one way bit) sells all that stuff. Thank you. This coincided with a conservative backlash across South. There is no longer a minimum sentence prescribed and perhaps it is possible for a judge to decide that no sentence of imprisonment is warranted. And dont be fooled by worldwide headlines about Thailand legalizing cannabis in early 2022 smoking marijuana can still land you in a Thai jail. You can declare this to customs when you arrive. My only hesitation is that the article states that you must obtain an IC-2 form. Careful burning that candle at both ends, you could get burned. They will most likely give you enough to last the rest of your trip to save you going back again. I am leaving in three days so a quick response would be appreciated. And would we be able to take it out of the country? The Ministry of Social Development and Human Security, Ministry of Labour, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Public Health, and ONCB will support the operation of the centres. I think that is the best idea. I have a document from my doctor from France with the details how much I need to take daily, how much I have with me for the trip, the date till it's valid. Flying into Thailand on 28 January 2018. If you want Valium (diazepam) legally you will need to go to a hospital and ask a doctor who will write a script which can only be used at the medicine counter at that hospital. Tricky one. I have been stopped and searched in both Koh Samui and Bangkok. Boots might stock it. Commonly known substances falling within the ambit of the Narcotics Act include the following: Under the provisions of Psychotropic Substances Act, the penalties are as follows: Under the provisions of the Narcotics Act, the penalties are as follows: Imprisonment not exceeding 1 month or a fine not exceeding 2,000 Baht for consumption. Thanks for the reply, looking forward to the holiday, the response begs the questions what (sort) of places and how easily? In Bangkok, any pharmacy on the stretch between Asoke and Nana station (where they have that market during the day and night. Hi can you help me please, can i take methotrexate in pen form injections into Thailand, i do have an old letter from the hospital , as proof , thank you. Do I need to fill the form for permission? as a general rule, the medications that you have to be careful with those that are opioids, or that contain amphetamine, or medications that may potentially cause hallucinogenic effects, et cetera. Normally, I'd say bring 30-days worth with a prescription, and then go to Boots or a hospital here to get the rest that you need. Rock solid advice and a must read for anyone visiting Thailand for the first time. ?plz reply nd help me out. Everything I've read states only 30 days. Which is not more than 3 pill each? Also would it need a prescription, im sure most nootropics enthusiasts who use it at home dont have a prescription but this is an asian country with harsh penalties so the risk is not wise if there is risk. Ayut Sinthoppan, director-general of the. I've seen a friend extorted by local police, who took his passport until he paid up the tea money. Will place it in my check in baggage. Drugs have ravaged working class communities in Thailand and destroyed lives, particularly yaba, the crazy drug, which is a mixture of methamphetamine and caffeine. Note again that if the quantity of the substance or substances found exceeds prescribed levels in the act, then possession for the purpose of disposal will be inferred. Narcotic Substances: Under Thailands Narcotics Act, certain harmful drugs and substances are listed in different categories. You can get a doctor's letter to carry with you, just in case someone questions what the medication is for. I will be on the islands (koh chang). Secondly, if you overstay your Thaivisa by between 90 days and one year, you face a one-year ban from re-entering Thailand, and will find it more difficult to get Thai visas in the future. Caitlin Ashworth reports on Thailand's burgeoning drug trade and the futile attempts to try and control it. Or Can I see an ordinary thai doctor for the prescription? I've not ordered like that before but I was told that by a friend. The person who posted this made too many spelling errors. And though neighbouring countries still have problems with a troublesome . I'm freaking out. The traveler is required to obtain a permit Form IC-2 issued by the Food and Drug Administration. 25 Apr 2023. Getting caught posting steroids back home, selling from a website inside Thailand, selling to friends inside Thailand, or attempting to leave with a suitcase-full from the airport could land you in serious trouble.

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