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Patrick has finally been able to get back on skates in the Laurel, MD, adult ice hockey league, and Martine is preparing for her first ten-mile race in two years. I would love to hear from my old friends and acquaintances.. Julie Helitzer Shubin ( shared the news that in March, she was appointed by Secretary of State Antony Blinken to serve as a panel chair on the Foreign Service Grievance Board. Toby Goldsmith,; Lori Spydell Wagner,; Michael Wagner, He says hello to all his fellow Cornellians. The pandemic caused her to furlough starting in May, which was just two months prior to a planned retirement, so it all worked out! Some of the pressure for additional space was relieved by transfer of faculty office space to the Upson Hall extension, and again in 1991 when the third floor of the new Engineering and Theory Center Building was made available to the EE School. (Yes, its a thing!). Karen DeMarco Boroff,; Deb Gellman,; Mitch Frank,; Joan Pease, We had wonderful exchanges of letters, photos, and telephone calls over the period since. When asked what brings him the most satisfaction these days, Howard wrote, Family and getting outside. Howards biggest takeaway from the pandemic is that he has had the opportunity to spend more time with his children. Desperate requests for oxygen cylinders, concentrators, and hospital beds are flooding our WhatsApp groups and social media platforms. Jeffrey Spector writes that his son graduated from high school in June and is attending the U. of Maryland, and his daughter graduated from Colby College in May with a BA in psychology. (AOA)the oldest orthopaedic association in the worldmaking history as the first woman president. Our alternative text listings page presents our map data in tables. Although I am active on email, phone, and Zoom, I havent seen my two children in person since March of last year. Ina has been leading her poetry reading group on Zoom, and last year published a small book of poems for limited circulation. I still have a stack of notes from many of you, which will appear in future columns. In his senior year he was a finalist in the national Westinghouse Science Talent Search. After Cornell, he succeeded brilliantly in his graduate work at Harvard, where he earned his PhD in physics in 1958. Ildiko Czmor Mitchell of Johnson City, NY, regrets not being able to go back to Cornell for Reunions and big weekends but is celebrating having knocked off the Pennsylvania Appalachian Trail last autumn and has a warning for Maryland: Here I come! If you are a fellow hiker of the trail, you might want to connect with her at Now its a way of life. Congratulations on the new grandchild! Available 24/7/365. Send suggestions to Jim at She has been able to see her brother one time, yet traveling to the East Coast to see her sister was put on hold until they are both fully vaccinated. Thanks! Last year, his 96-year-old mother passed away due to COVID and dementia. Effective November 1, he became P&Gs president and CEO. (The book can be found on Amazon.) Rong Yang. Walter also reports that his first wife died in 2018 after 52 years marriage, and he remarried last April. After finishing her pediatric residency at Westchester Medical Center earlier this year, Kelly relocated to Plymouth, MA, where she and Sean recently purchased a house. Marrying her passions for science, technology, and communications, she has built a career dedicated to opening the field of space science research to involve and include all people. Dear classmates: 50 years ago, with our newly minted Cornell diplomas in hand, we embarked on new, exciting, and perhaps daunting chapters in our livesgraduate schools, jobs, travels to exotic destinations, and homes in many different places. Speaking of summer, did you know that five Cornellians competed in the Olympics for Team USA across wrestling, rowing (x2), triathlon, and hammer throw? Were still on the hunt for a class correspondent. Online news form. Howard is looking forward to, hopefully, an active retirement. Do you have news to share? After some serious perspiration, we left our racquets behind to enjoy a long walk on the beach, exchanging pleasantries and tales of the high seas. John beamed, Tony is a clinical cardiac electrophysiologist tending to the hearts of men and women in Jacksonville. Tony enjoys spending his free time with his wife, two boys, and daughter doing things like playing guitar, biking, and family goat yoga. How are you planning to spend the winter months? Son Jeffrey 76 lives with her, and she walks a lot. Since most of these heavy items could not be accommodated by the building elevator, it was necessary to use cranes to insert them through windows that had been temporarily removed. Professor Electrical and Computer Engineering Phillips Hall, Room 423 607/254-8257. Jessica Marcus was scheduled to participate in the 112th running of the Race to Mac, a sailing race from Chicago to Mackinac Island. Both jobs are now operating fully remotely from home. Sally Weisberg Goldberg Elam, MS 71, of Fountain Hills, AZ, has a Zoom course called Wellness, Parenting and You! She says, Another name for it is Immunity with Impunity (without punishment). She writes, teaches, and presents about helping parents make the most of their time with their children. She advocates teaching about how the body works as part of basic education. Dont forget our 50th Reunion in June 2022. One responded that she often wondered, as her students moved on, where her lessons actually went, if anywhere, and that hearing from me was very valuable. He gets satisfaction from growing his wine and alternative adult beverage business and enjoying their new Florida home. Carroll was an ME and Sigma Nu and, Georgiana says, always enjoyed Reunions. It has been one life-pleasing experience. Faculty members now employ electronic media in teaching, combining video, real-time computer output and 3-D presenters. Online news form. The beauty and simplicity of an early morning at home brings Bridget the most satisfaction these days. Im trying to keep up with friends and former neighbors. What brings her the most satisfaction these days? Check out this website for more information. Now for our classmate news. Whin, ME 68, and Joan Melville, from Pittsford, NY, wrote, We have not been traveling except for a trip to Boston for the first birthday and baptism of our tenth grandchild, whose parents are Jeff 09, ME 10, and his wife, Siobhan. Cornell Maps For GPS, use the street address of the Martin Y. Tang Welcome Center at 616 Thurston Ave., Ithaca, NY 14853 (lat./lng. For sales reps struggling to know whats going on in their accounts, Pretaa seamlessly delivers tough-to-get answers so they can close more new deals, reduce churn risk, and keep customers buying.. Keep sending me newsit is really appreciated. It gave her more time to tend to things on their small farm. Jonathan Laurence has a new book, Coping with Defeat: Sunni Islam, Roman Catholicism, and the Modern State, that delves into parallels between the two religious systems. He has been doing volunteer work as a psychological counselor for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Dept. Mary was a wonderful classmate. He is so proud of his son, Michael, who graduated from UConns engineering school, majoring in computer science and cybercrimes. Marks unparalleled experience and expertise will help our state connect with its past, said Whitmer. She would welcome any reconnection with the brief friendships sparked there. Phillips Hall, Room 305 Fernando Escobedo Samuel W. and Diane M. Bodman Professor in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Smith School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering 344 Olin Hall 607/255-8243 Yong L. Joo BP Amoco/H. The article includes a picture of the two of us on the only occasion at which we met during our overlapping time in country. Rachel Hall Sternberg, MA 81, has a new book, published by University of Texas Press: The Ancient Greek Roots of Human Rights. They loved family togetherness during the pandemic! When not working, she spends as much time as possible in Cape May, NJ. I also saw my Cornell roomie, Sandi Goldstein Karlin, for lunch in Delmar, NY, and we caught up as well. The program exposes students to various career paths, primarily in the hospitality industry, with a curriculum exclusively developed in partnership with Cornells Hotel school. One company, Catapult Group International, provides sports performance and analytics to elite teams around the world; Cornell is a good customer. He had his gallbladder removed laparoscopically as an outpatient; he went in at 6 a.m. and was home by noon. Privacy & Cookie Policy | Terms & Condictions. Get vaccinated!. She is spending time gardening, quilting, cooking and baking, traveling (yes, even during the pandemicjust keeping it local), and visiting with family and friends whenever possible. It was a wonderful view of West Campus, the sun setting, small groups sitting on a very green Libe Slope just to see the scene. Michael Hogan of Delmar, NY, chose to spend January and February in Aruba instead of Albany. The idea behind Lovevery began after Jessica read a doctoral dissertation titled Current Research Findings on the Neurological Development of Infants, explains the companys website. Please keep your updates coming so we can make 2022 the best news year ever for the Class of 92! On the way other end of the time spectrum, as I was working in my garden in March, I found what turned out to be a fossil imprint of a brachiopod, some 400 million years oldthat is 150 million years BEFORE dinosaurs roamed the earth. Phillips will likely also be renovated soon after this photo was taken. After many years of spending most of his time in New Jersey, where he had his clinical psychology practice and was a frequent performer at a Hoboken venue, Tom is now living full time in New Berlin, NY, near the Golden Artist Colors manufacturing plant and the artists residence of the Sam & Adele Golden Foundation. Jeff is an entertainment lawyer who works in music, film and television, fashion and branding, and the digital media space. He says that his daily life is a whirlwindstill working as an oncologist during this pandemic, even though he is trying to slow down and retire. Send news to: Alex Barna,; Gary Rubin, His duties must be so time-consuming that he included no other news. Martha Ballard Lacy ( is also involved in significant volunteer opportunities and is clearing out paperwork and furniture that she no longer needs. My heart goes out to those who have suffered so much loss. The pandemic has taught her to get over yourself and worrying about what others think. Jeff gets the most satisfaction spending time with family, playing a good round of golf or a game of tennis/pickleball, and organizing an activity that friends can enjoy. Online news form. Grandson Kyle Wolf was accepted early decision into the Class of 2025., Warren Walker, PhD 68 ( is professor emeritus at the Delft U. of Technology. Once the contribution period has finished, the book will be frozen, and the file will be available to all classmates. Good newsand thanks to all who enjoyed the experience. They have three wonderful children: Mark, a litigating partner in a law firm in Providence, RI; Tracy, former associate in a prestigious law firm in Manhattan; and David, a writer and entertainer in Westport, CT. Dick and Pat have eight grandchildren, five of whom are college graduates (the others will soon be), and, as of August 15, a great-grandson. While summer has been busy, we took a short trip to Spring Lake, NJ, in July to visit (and surf!) In 2004 he was called back by the firm to promote civic activities in the Cleveland metropolitan area and for 17 years has reported daily to the office. Martha and husband David have enjoyed staying home and relaxing and watching the growth of flowers, trees, and the vegetables. He reports that after in-person meetings were dramatically curtailed during the pandemic, there is now a slow return to travel, dinner with friends, and shopping while keeping safety restrictions. Throughout the memoir, she offers important advice that she learned from her service dog, including to enjoy the present moment, try new things, lean on others when you are struggling, and be a good listener. By year-end, I had been promoted to managing editor, but I still write. Please feel free to reach out to me or submit online. How are you planning to spend the holidays? He also has a book proposal based on his career as a lawyer and consultant working on climate change that has been sent to agents and is awaiting a response. I hope you found our column! Tom Gibson, MBA 19, is the senior development manager at Community Preservation Partners (CPP), a national affordable housing developer committed to creativity, performance, and purpose. I am also chairman of the environment committee of Concerned Citizens of Laguna Woods Village. Ryan Silberts latest audio project with Audible, Stan Lees Alliances: A New Reality, stars Wil Wheaton and debuted at the top of the science fiction charts this summer. If you have a disability and are having trouble accessing information on this website or need materials in an alternate format, Thus far, I have been to 62 countries and counting. Reach out if youre ever in the area! We are all feeling the sadness of the death of friends. After John landed at his home in Washington, DC, I asked him, Why all the classmate friends who are doctors? John laughed, Well, I do have medical needs. He assured me that he has other Cornell friends who are not doctors, like Sanjeev Dhawan, the big cheese of critical construction projects, also part of this fun group.. For those categories, please talk with your professor/advisor/team leads or visit the Rapid Prototyping Lab located in Upson Hall. Please send news to any of us via the email addresses below, connect with our class on Facebook, or submit an online news form. Congratulations to Carly on this incredible honor! Some bone is resting on a nerve, which causes severe pain when touched. Along with the rest of your 2011 class officers, Im excited about the possibilities to grow and develop relevant content and programming for a fascinating stage of our lives as alums. Co-enrollment in a one-credit Academic Excellence Workshop (ENGRG 1092) is an option for engineering students who wish to enhance their understanding of the course material. Now (which seems quite suddenly) we are no longer in our 20s enjoying the 70s, but in our 70s dealing with the somewhat unfathomable 20s. Were still working on the specifics (and well be asking you for your ideas as well), but rest assured that Zoom happy hours are too boring for our ambitions. Hu brilliantly exudes a lifetime of education, research, experience, patient commitment, community involvement, innovation, and leadership in the field of orthopaedic surgery.. One of our new class officers, Tara Benedict, has shared some great photos from a campus walking tour on our Cornell Class of 2001 Classmates group on Facebook. DeanS.C. Hollister, who had been planning the development of a new engineering quadrangle for a number of years, was fully aware of the fragmented state of housing for electrical engineering. She teaches diabetic education and is a private health and wellness coach. Please let us know how youre doing. Her biggest takeaway from the pandemic is that less is more. When I think back to our time at Cornell, I realize how much simply passed me by. Which of course takes time, which we all have on our hands. Under his leadership, the company has doubled its growth in the last five years through establishing operations infrastructure, producing innovative confectionery treats, increasing distribution, and launching engaging media campaigns. Leslie also writes about culture and society for Vogue and the New York Times. Online news form. Pete also volunteers at a soup kitchen once a month, participates in a mens group thats been meeting for over 20 years, and walks on a Rails to Trails path and the Chesapeake & Ohio Canal a number of times a week. Their son Blake married Meredith Machesney in September 2020 on Cape Cod, and their daughter, Samantha 09, married Ryan Sigman in June 2021 in Sonoma, CA. Tom 79 and Carol McKenzie Moore enticed them to come to New Hampshire to look around, and they fell in love with the area. He . Have lots of good reading matter at home. Barbara loves Ithaca and lived there for 15 years after graduation. All restrooms are single occupant with locks. Lauri hopes to see everyone in Ithaca next year for our 45th Reunion! Too bad we missed it, because they were handing out complimentary glasses of wine, and dinner came with a 15% off coupon. I was so tied to campus, between friends and studies and extracurricularsnot to mention lack of a carthat I rarely appreciated my surroundings to the fullest extent. How are you planning to spend the winter months? How was your 2021? He is a veteran and current artillery officer in the US Marine Corps Reserve. It would be quicker to relate what Tom didnt do to earn this award than to quote all the endeavors involved. From Voorheesville, NY, Cornell trustee emeritus Peter Ten Eyck reports that he is not old enough to retire at 82 and gets much satisfaction from growing food on the large farm that has been in his family for several generations. Being stuck at home isnt so bad after all, Scott notes. What have you done to celebrate this key birthday? One of my favorite benches on the Arts Quad states: Cornell was a time and place that changed our lives. Thelma Bush Blood reports that she and her husband, William, an Ithaca College graduate, no longer have an automobile and accordingly spend almost all of their time in their home. One Grand Noise: Boxing Day in the Anglicized Caribbean World explores the regional celebrations and traditions surrounding the holiday and traces its roots from Egypt and British colonialism into the 21st century. Vik Kohli, MBA 10, was recently promoted to VP of safety and reliability at Enbridge, working on company-wide safety, environment, and lands services for both operations and projects. Katie attends school in person a few times a week, so she is at home more. The main ECE offices are located in Phillips Hall on the Cornell University Campus. and tutoring graduate students at U. of Washington. He reports the loss of classmate Warren Terry Grinnan, his good friend and roommate. When Alex said he had never heard of orbisculate, Hilary was happy to bet $5 that it was in the dictionary. He practices environmental law remotely on a reduced-hours basis. Bob McKinless gives us an update on his recovery from breaking his leg a year ago, stopping his extensive biking reported in some earlier issues. Congratulations to all! Doing some writing, much readingand we are very much looking forward to our son Jasons visit from Indonesia, where he is Googles director of communication. Barbara also notes that she and Bob loved our trip to Greece and Crete two years ago with a USC alumni tour. (Her PhD is from USC.) 400, Ithaca, NY 14850. Charles is learning the joys and pitfalls of transitioning from a life of working full time to retirement. My wife, Wendy, and I have gotten into a large pattern of encouraging each other in reading and writing. Our combined Kindle library is 1,400 books. Between them run alternating strips of blue-green terracotta panels and aluminum-cased windows. Kellys friend and former Cornell Elderly Partnership co-president Meghan McDarby served as a bridesmaid alongside Kellys childhood friends and sisters, while several of her Jameson Hall suitemates were in attendance as guests. I would have listened. David ( and Trisha Sheaff live in Harpswell, ME. This summer I am visiting my old roommate, John van Gelder, in Ann Arbor. We also lost Carroll Blake last May, learned in a note from his wife, Georgiana. The lead-in to the video states: Gorge historian Dan McClure takes us on a short video tour of Hemlock Gorge, one of Cornells most iconic natural areas. Sam loves interacting with his grandchildren and watching them grow up. She was surrounded by close family and spent the last few weeks at home on hospice care. We heard from a number of classmates who slowed down a bit during this time, although they continued to be active and enjoying life. Congrats also to Burton Tripathi, who recently joined the board of the Santa Barbara-based electric aerospace startup LaunchPoint. Hes focusing on talking with friends, working out, and cooking. TheSchool of Electrical Engineering became a separate entity in 1921, but the 1916-level classroom and laboratory space remained essentially unchanged until World War II days. Not a lot of news this round from our classmates, but we are looking forward to hearing from all of you next time! I myself have made over 500 for the club and 200 for friends and family. The series is scheduled to start at 4 p.m. on Friday and conclude with a doubleheader on Saturday starting at 12:30 p.m. Friday, April 28 Niemand-Robinson Field | Ithaca, N.Y. at Cornell - 11:00 a.m. (DH)

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