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28] Pintilie, Constituirea arhivei Securitatii, pp. [26] Historian Marius Oprea believes that the information contained in these files and the identity of the informers drawn from party ranks could be reconstituted with the help of the Center for Information and Documentation computerized system and the separate lists the local Communist Party leaders dutifully compiled. Some individuals may need to obtain proof from Federal or State authorities stating they do not have a criminal record. 38] Tanase, Acasa se vorbeste in soapta, pp. Maricopa County Police Records are documents created by Police Departments that document the details of crimes, arrests, and the criminal activities of particular individuals in Maricopa County, Arizona. After 1968, archived Securitate documents referring to informers turned party members were destroyed, an operation laconically noted in special memos kept by the political police. Then I was introduced in a cellI was alone. And if everything will go smoothly and the [communist] party will be satisfied with you, you might even be allowed to join it.[13]. Any and all information contained within the Superior Court's database is recorded with an understanding that the information is true and correct in as far as all aspects of the documents physically filed with the Clerk of the Superior Court. His last report was dated 20 December, just two days before Ceausescu fled Bucharest in a panic, and disclosed in detail Tanases plans to hide with friends for several days for the political police not to find and arrest him.[41]. [17] After the Center acquired the best IBM computers and asked Stasi engineers to install them, the Securitate became the first Romanian institution to use high-performance large-capacity computerized systems. Picture Booking # First Name Last Name Date of Birth Crime Type Booking Date {{item.bookingNumber}} In his 14 December 1989 report, the informer commented the letter of 18 young writers and intellectuals protesting against communist censorship, which Radio Free Europe had broadcast several days before, while two days later advised the political police that five older writers and two researchers decided to join the protest. The operative or information collection (fondul operativ sau informativ) consisted of the victims operative surveillance files and the pre-communist information service archives. Readers familiar with the East German Stasi should note that the Romanian and East German communist secret police conducted similar recruitment, surveillance and data gathering activities, but the archives they left behind have met with different destinies. Securitate agents had to meet at least twice a year with supporting individuals who usually provided information to the residents (Article 30). The monitoring intensified when he refused to rework two other novels to make them acceptable to censorship, deciding instead to try to send them to the West for publication despite opposition from communist authorities. The documentary collection (fondul documentar) included reports, analyses, information notes, working plans detailing the activity of the Securitate as well as the activity of pre-communist state agencies and political parties, together with a number of other materials of interest for the communist political police. If the victim was incarcerated, the file also contained interrogation memos. Maricopa County Sheriff's Office Home Menu. Criminal records include Maricopa arrest records, mugshots, charges, convictions, sentences (acquittal), etc. For more information about the eAccess portal please visit: Predictably, these reports tended to be self-congratulatory, since any serious oversight in the adopted strategy represented a bad mark for the case agent. Acasa se vorbeste in soapta. Arizona does not expunge criminal records. [3] The number of full-time agents varied over the years, according to the needs of the political police. The Maricopa County Police Department maintains detailed records on arrests, investigations, and the actions of police officers and makes many . According to Information Service data obtained by senator Constantin (Ticu) Dumitrescu, there were a total of 1,901,530 extant Securitate files, of which 1,162,418 referred to victims (individuals or groups), 507,003 were informer files, 154,911 were attached folders with information notes and reports, 29,281 represented documentation, 47,917 were correspondence files, and 317,258 were unfinished files on which the agents were working on in December 1989. [8] These decisions did not apply to documents on informers who were not party members, whose ties to the political police were not so well guarded. In addition, Tanases file included a note presenting in full a conversation he had on 5 November 1987 with former political prisoner and interwar Peasant Party leader Nicolae Carandino at the Capsa bistro in downtown Bucharest. The notes were kept separately from the informers file in the attached folder (mapa anexa), differed in length, detail, accuracy and perceptiveness, and where signed by the informer with real or assumed name. The correspondence collection (fondul corespondenta) was made up of correspondence between different Securitate and Ministry of Interior units and between them and other state institutions and party structures.[23]. Maricopa. Maricopa County Sheriff's Detention Officer Gene "Jim" Lee died in October of 2019 after a violent attack by Daniel . . Some of the reports, notes and analyses described below refer to real victims and spies, and were the subject of much public scrutiny in Romania, often exposing informers to public condemnation and occasionally putting an untimely end to their political careers. Days earlier, Tanases neighbor was asked to confirm information the Securitate found out through the bugging system installed in the writers apartment. . In my collaboration with the Securitate organs I pledge to: actively seek information of interest for the Securitate and offer it in a timely fashion through pre-established channels of communication; to fight for finding the truth and strictly observing the law; firmly and actively prevent criminal actions; promptly prevent deeds threatening state security; show vigilance against the countrys enemies; offer information sincerely, objectively and correctly; not abuse the collaboration, not divulge its secrecy to anyone. MCSO's Criminal Records Section processes Sex Offender Registrations for offenders that are required to register under ARS 13-3821. [25] According to Gheordunescu, by 1974 the files and attached folders of some 230,000 party members had been destroyed in the program. Again I was brought to the cell. All documents included in nominal victim or informer files were bound together in standardized carton covers, with the front cover bearing the victims or informers alias which became the files name. See all locations . Published by Statista Research Department , Jan 24, 2023. 26-27, nos. The 1987 top secret "Instructions on Setting Up and Using the Securitate Informer Network" explained the difference between these four categories. Read more, One Woodrow Wilson Plaza1300 Pennsylvania Ave. NWWashington, DC 20004-3027, The Future of Central Asias Development: Between Russia and China, Cold War Liberation: The Soviet Union and the Collapse of the Portuguese Empire in Africa, 1961-1975, 2023 The Wilson Center. 25] Pintilie, Constituirea arhivei Securitatii, pp. All factual and interpretation errors are mine. Following a succession of mistakes make by the agents accompanying the truck load, the residents of the nearby village quickly discovered the site and rescuing the Securitate documents became their preferred pass-temps before being leaked to the media. Sealing Criminal Case Records. A 1950s collaboration pledge this author accessed in the Securitate archives included a short machine-typed text and the signatures of the informer and recruiting officer. 35] Oprea, Banalitatea raului, pp. Criminal investigation files (dosare de ancheta penala) were opened for crimes against national security, as defined by the communist legislation. 15 November 1987, Brasov (Bucharest: Polirom, 2003), Lavinia Stan, Access to Securitate Files: The Trials and Tribulations of a Romanian Law, East European Politics and Society vol. For example, when the card for file Stan was received, the personnel created additional cards for Stana, Stancu, and Stanca., The archive in its entirety was grouped in collections or fonds (fonduri). 118-166, 207-209 and 228-232. Fax your request to: 602-594-7171. Download a free version now. Fear motivated many citizens, who believed that the all-powerful Securitate would not accept refusal, an intuition not far from reality, since the political police automatically placed individuals refusing collaboration under surveillance. [5] According to documents Constantin ("Ticu") Dumitrescu obtained in 1993, the political police had 507,003 informers, but archival evidence confirmed the involvement of only 486,000. 17] Florin Pintilie, Constituirea arhivei Securitatii, Profil vol. View Mugshots; Inmate Account Deposits; Contact an Inmate; Send a Tip; . CLOSE. Cristescu convinced John and Tanase to let him arrange a money transfer through Romanian emigrant to West Germany C. S., but told the Securitate that he made such proposal so that the relationship between John (and whoever is hiding behind him) and Stelian Tanase be somehow controlled. In other cases collaboration continued over a number of years without having real substance, when the informer provided trivial reports at increasingly longer intervals. The Securitate technical equipment allowed it to identify the phone numbers Tanase contacted, but not those where he was contacted from. Search. Non-chronologically ordered files are generally harder to read and understand. [16] In 2004 the Service reaffirmed its willingness to give the Council 12 kilometers of Securitate archival material that did not relate to national security issues once the Council revamped a newly acquired storage space in the town of Popesti-Leordeni, Arges county, some 80 kilometers far from Bucharest. Afterwards, as soon as an informer whose file was archived became a party member, his personal informer file, attached folder of denunciations, evidence card and microfiche were also destroyed. Its testimonial value is likely to increase if the archive is complemented with information drawn from other sources, including the National Archives and the Communist Party Archives, since we know that some materials were never collected or were destroyed by the Securitate. After each visit, he came out with a different person whom he accompanied to various destinations and talked to. Probate Cases. In the morning, with the tin glasses on I was led to an officeThere, behind a desk there was a civilian of 45-50 years old, dark haired, prominent hair loss, with the head turned a little to the side. 14-18, and Dan Ionescu, Personnel Changes in the Romanian Intelligence Service, RFE/RL Research Report (8 July 1994), pp. Among the most important are Ion Diaconescu, Temnita. It includes information on offenses that you been convicted of in court. Serviciul de Cadre al PCR ca politie politica. It is also true that transparency and accountability were never among the goals of the political police, which occasionally even the Communist Party had difficulty to control, although the secret police was created as the party's repressive tool. Studiu de caz: arhiva Comitetului Municipal de Partid Brasov (Bucharest: Polirom, 2002), Serviciul Roman de Informatii, Cartea Alba a Securitatii, 2 volumes (Bucharest: Editura Presa Romaneasca, 1996 and 1997), and Consiliul National pentru Studierea Arhivelor Securitatii, Trupele de Securitate (1949-1989) (Bucharest: Nemira, 2004) si Arhivele Securitatii (Bucharest: Nemira, 2004). [38], On 14 August, Cristescu commented on his meeting with Tanase and the young British journalist John, who wanted to meet with Romanian dissident writers. 49, no. The 1987 Instructions confirmed that the political police opened files for information network members, be they informers, residents, supporting individuals or hosts of meeting places. For family and friends inmate issues, please visit Inmate Services. Eight years later the Securitate troops reached 72,697, including 7,865 officers, 5,306 sergeants, 1,565 civilians and 57,961 high school graduates drafted for up to a year and a half long military service. 29] Recursul la discurs, 22 no. It is impossible to estimate how many of these files were recovered, reconstituted or definitely lost, but certainly a great number of them were used for political blackmail and manipulation during the last decade and a half. 22-25, and Big Brother Is Still Watching, Transition (26 May 1995), pp. Among the case files the National Council received from the Information Service were the files on "Arts and Culture" (detailing the activities and political positions of writers and artists, 78 volumes of 26,972 pages), "Bourgeois Political Parties" (on the inter-war Liberal and Peasant Parties, 177 volumes), "Anticommunist Resistance Movement" (on the resistance groups that remained active in mountainous areas during the first decade of communism, 300 volumes), "Eterul" and "Melita" (code names for the Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, 55 volumes), Central Press (19 volumes), Religious Cults and Sects (on religious life under communism, 56 volumes), Transcendental Meditation (on the 1980s spiritual movement, 4 volumes), and Cooperativization of Agriculture (on the transformation of pre-communist private farms into large cooperatives, 31 volumes).[21]. In a series of recent articles, this author (2000, 2002 and 2004) detailed the political negotiations preceding the adoption of legislation that gave Romanians access to a limited number of Securitate files, the provisions of the so-called "Ticu law," and the factors explaining Romania's delayed transitional justice process. The Instructions further detailed the stages of the recruitment process, which included 1) ranking, verifying and analyzing potential candidates, 2) selecting the candidate, 3) designing the recruitment plan, and 4) recruiting (Article 10). Demographically, 241,932 were sixty and older, 145,294 between forty and sixty, 81,572 between thirty and forty, and 17,995 under thirty years of age. Per page 1; 2; 3 > Clarence Beacham. The Information Network Files and the Securitate Informers. In his memoirs, World War II veteran George Marzanca revealed that in March 1952 the Securitate officer Nicolae Popa tried to recruit him as an informer. Retention Rules. In a continuing effort to promote access to justice, the Arizona Supreme Court has launched a web-based portal called eAccess. Telling a simple joke that mocked Ceausescu or his wife Elena became a good enough reason for Securitate to start monitoring an individual. Alina Tudor, 1955: Batuti la Securitate, doi ceferisti se pling lui Gheorghiu-Dej, Cotidianul (27 May 1998), p. 12. The political police employed some 14,000 full-time agents and 400,000-700,000 part-time informers selected from all walks of life. Like how Maricopa county is run by a bunch of criminal vote traffickers. Stefan recommends her to think not of writing, but of surviving, and adds that he too wrote some books that still wait the communist censorships approval for their publication. On 10 September 1971, Direction C was replaced by the Center for Information and Documentation, which remained active until December 1989 and included, besides the archive and the card system, the Center for Computerized Data Analysis, the Information and Documentation Office, the Microfiche Department and the Analysis and Synthesis General Service. 20] Such folders were also opened for former political prisoners after their release, and were archived when the person died or was believed that he gave up all hostile activity.. In 1960, Colonel Alexoaie of the Barlad Securitate office told Zugravu: This work [as an informer] would be advantageous for you and your entire family. 145-181, Moral Cleansing Romanian Style, Problems of Post-Communism vol. Dr. Hernandez will replace Interim President Dr. Ernie Lara, who assumed the role on October 4, 2022. Maricopa County Justice Courts. Among those who lost manuscripts were philosopher Lucian Blaga, poet Ion Caraion and pre-communist political party leader Constantin Titel Petrescu. Do not rely on this site to determine factual criminal records. Name Business Name Case Number DOB: (mm/dd/yyyy) After 2000, the Information Service published the list of authors whose manuscripts were found in the Securitate archives for the authors descendants to reclaim the writings. In 1998, writer Romulus Rusan quoted Pintilies statement to the Chamber of Deputies that the estimated total number of Securitate files lost during the December 1989 March 1990 period is 130,000, of which only a tiny number were recovered from those who retained them illegally.[29], There is evidence that in the early 1990s former Securitate officers working for the Information Service tried to destroy thousands of political police files and standardized forms in an ill-conceived operation that was eventually revealed to the press. Be sure the documents are in the following order: Set Aside a Conviction Instructions and Forms - CRSA1 He also says that she will have a difficult time to find another job because people are laid off everywhere.[33]. A meeting place could be used by only one agent (Article 8). For some it was misplaced patriotism or the genuine desire to help their country, which they believed was threatened by domestic and foreign agents working to destroy its independence and sovereignty. Crime rate relative to county average in Bucharest 2021, by district. Custodian of Records. For foreign citizens who want to live permanently in the United States. 45 (1998). 13-907 DOES NOT REMOVE the conviction from the public record. As a result, the Securitate destroyed the pre-1967 files and cards of individuals who meanwhile became party members. It includes collections of primary documents like Marius Oprea, Banalitatea raului. 9] Oprea, Banalitatea raului, pp. 5] Cristian Troncota, Noua politica in domeniul institutiei securitatii regimului communist din Romania, 1965-1989, Arhivele totalitarismului vols. While it included only a selection of the Securitate file Tanase received, which itself was a selection of the original file, the volume was important for presenting the variety of documents the political police produced.Much of the published file documents refer to interception of phone conversations, an operation carried out by the special Securitate unit T. On 22 August 1984 the Securitate agent working the case asked for Tanases phone to be listened to to find out any kind of political comments, data on his literary projects, the nature of his relationships with other writers, his plans to contact foreign citizens in order to have his manuscripts published abroad.[32] The report had the approval, official seal and signature of the head of unit T, and was followed by transcripts of phone conversations Tanase made or received over a number of years. When the source [Cristescu] tried to open a discussion on the German romantic philosophers (Fichte, Schelling, etc. 18] The Securitate first installed the computers and then told Ceausescu of the purchase. 50 of 30 March 1951 set up the Securitate Evidence Service, known as Direction C in Bucharest and Service C in the territory. After disclosing the measures Tanase took to protect himself, Cristescu revealed Tanases plans to attend the funerals of respected Orthodox monk Nicolae Steinhardt, and his literary projects, which included the English-language translation of an original manuscript to be published in the West. The Maricopa County Superior Court is . Some Romanians were firmly convinced that the archive found in December 1989 in the Securitate warehouses was but a small part of the archive the political police produced over its entire existence. Lavinia Stan received her PhD from the University of Toronto, and then joined the Department of Political Science at St. Francis Xavier University in Nova Scotia, where she heads the Center for Post-Communist Studies. Set up in March 1990 through an unpublished presidential decree, the Information Service inherited the Securitate archive, buildings, assets and technical equipment, and a number of agents and informers. While all these English-language authors have talked about the role of the political police and its archive in the communist political system of terror, none has drawn an exact picture of the contents of this elusive collection of documents, mostly because few had direct access to the archive and because the information on specific Securitate documents that surfaced to date in Romania has been some times contradictory and other times inexact and unequal. [7] While occasionally engaged in counter-terrorist actions, the investigation of economic crime and the protection of national state security, the Securitate remained a political police whose primary role was to quash dissent and opposition to the country's communist leaders, ideology and policies.

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