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land based empires 1450 to 1750 quizlet

What did the Protestant Reformation continue? West How did leaders legitimize their rule through art 1450-1700? Explain the first global economy embodied by the trade in silver. From the 15th to the early 20th centuries, the Portuguese Empire ruled over a significant portion of the world. He also forced all nobility to live there with him so they could not challenge his power while being watched. Developed in South Asia due to interactions between Hinduism and Islam. Empires took people for slaves and traded their goods for wealth. This allowed empires to expand and use the military to take over other empires and conquer land. wealth sent from one country or ruler to another as a sign that the other is superior, religious reformer who believed in predestination and a strict sense of morality for society, English king who created the Church of England after the Pope refused to annul his marriage (divorce with Church approval). There were many plantations built for sugar to keep up with sugar demand. Organizing a society is essential to maintaining stability within an Empire. They blended Christian and Islamic faiths into their empire. Name the technology, its origins, and where it diffused. How did the Asante benefit from participation in trading networks in this time period? In the Ottoman Empire, they were Christian boys from the Balkans who were enslaved & educated to serve the state) helped to consolidate power by creating a very loyal bureaucracy and elite military (the Janissaries). At this time, wealth was measured by how much gold or silver a country had on hand. It was founded by the Manchu people, who conquered the Ming Dynasty and established their own rule over China. Claimed there were only 2 sacraments: baptism and communion. Disease wiped out most of the population and many that were left were able to escape because of superior knowledge of the land. They established the Aztec Empire, a vast empire that ruled over much of central and southern Mexico. What are some examples of religious tolerance 1450-1700? How did they deal with political and religious disputes? During the Tokugawa Shogunate, Japan underwent significant economic and cultural development. A Japanese feudal lord who commanded a private army of samurai, a dynasty of shoguns that ruled a unified Japan from 1603 to 1867, Muslim ruler who led Songhai to the height of its power. Describe the Safavid Empire (use SPICE-T characteristics): The Safavid Empire was located in modern-day Iran. In 1494, they signed the, The Spanish conquistadors brought down the thriving Aztec and Inca empires within a few decades. As Europeans explored and colonized Africa and Asia, they set up. How did land-based empires generate revenue to expand and maintain power? What methods were used by the Ottoman Empire to collect taxes? Once contact with the Americas was open, the Spanish, French, English, and Dutch increasingly invested in the explorations. Explain how Sikhism developed in relation to the Mughal Empire. The Sunni and Shia split after the death of Muhammad. The Atlantic Slave Trade was expanded to supply labor throughout the colonies. Decide whether the italicized vocabulary word has been used correctly in the sentence. The Ottoman Turks were able to control the Silk Road, which was a trading route that connected Europe with the markets in Asia and the Middle East. answer choices Its absorption of traditions and technology from the Byzantine Empire and western Europe The eradication of Islam from Central Asia The use of its strong navy to acquire colonial holdings worldwide The Safavids were Twelver Shia Muslims who made Shia Islam the official religion of the empire. Before 1492, the Americas were isolated from Africa, Europe, and Asia. The era between 1450 and 1750 saw the appearance of several land-based empires who built their power on the use of gunpowder: the Ottomans and the Safavids in Southwest Asia , the Mughals in India , the Ming and Qing in China , and the new Russian Empire. Following the Meiji Restoration, which ended feudal rule in Japan, the Tokugawa shogunate was deposed in 1868. The work of harvesting cash crops and mining silver was labor intensive. Slaves were captured, transported to holding pens (Points of No Return), and then crammed on ships for the. Thats complicated, and unique to each state. Why does it have these characteristics? People will always find a way to challenge state power, especially when survival is at stake. The Soviet Union, which was established on the territory of the former Russian Empire, became a major world power and played a significant role in global politics for much of the 20th century. Religion and cultural ideas continued to play a role, and even spread within empires. This blood is provided through wars, conquests and POW sacrifices. What were the motivations and consequences of exploration? A beautiful tomb built by the Mughal ruler Shah Jahan to honor his wife. The, Newtons Laws of Gravitation, Astronomical Charts, Better mapmaking, Astrolabe, Lateen sail, Compass, New ships (caravel, carrack, fluyt), Established Spanish links to Americas and Asia, Harvested cash crops, worked plantations, maintained homes. The empire was known for its strong military, which allowed it to conquer and expand its territory by conquering a number of neighboring states. The population was increasing and this led to more demand for resources. It followed the Yuan Dynasty and preceded the Qing Dynasty. The only one of the singers who (knows, know) this part is absent. How did land based empires in 1450-1700 use religious tolerance? Spiritual equality and education so you can read the bible. The Portuguese Empire was one of the largest and most powerful empires in history, with territories in Africa, Asia, and the Americas at its peak. In what way might the narrator's family and the police have acted if they thought it was a ghost in the house? The Qajar dynasty, which followed the Safavids, eventually regained control of the empire and ruled over Iran until the early 20th century. It was also a period of economic and cultural growth, with the creation of a unified currency and the development of a distinct Qing style of art and literature. The Tokugawa shogunate, a feudal government led by the Tokugawa family, ruled during this period of political stability and economic growth. Great wealth and splendor. Which of the following contributed most to the emergence of Russia as an expanding Eurasian power in the period between 1450 and 1750? Legitimized power over the Chinese since the Manchu were seen as foreigners. Before 1450, Europeans did not play a prominent role on the global stage, but after 1450, Europeans were the main puppeteers of the global economy. A Shi'ite Muslim dynasty that ruled in Persia (Iran and parts of Iraq) from the 16th-18th centuries that had a mixed culture of the Persians, Ottomans and Arabs. Salvation came from faith alone and the Church could not determine your destiny. The Dutch Empire began to decline in the 19th century. What methods were used by the Aztec Empire to collect taxes? Eliminate repetition by replacing the boldfaced word or words with a synonym from your lesson words. What changes in networks of exchange existed in relation to the 1200 to 1450 time period? SUMMARYGroupsColumn1Column2Column3Column4SourceofVariationBetweenGroupsWithinGroupsTotalCount10101010Ss2997.112314.715311.82Average349348366365df33639MS999.0464.30F15.54p-value1.2E06Fcrit2.866. How did joint-stock companies allow European states to consolidate and maintain power in their colonies? In the Spanish and Portuguese colonies, things were different. After her death, the Portuguese gained control of the region until well 1975. under the altars of churches throughout the city of Rome The worldwide transformation into a trade-based economy using gold and silver is known as the, -As a result of increased trade and mining, prices also increased across the board. Used the Shia version of Islam. What European Christian traditions were changed by the Protestant Reformation? \end{array} The Protestant Reformation increased literacy through Europe, created civil rights, gave states more power, and led to modern democracy. The Inca Empire is known for its cultural achievements and its sophisticated system of government and administration. Were very wealthy, powerful and diverse. (appositive), or p.a.p.a.p.a. During the Ottoman Empire, the arts, including literature, architecture, and music, flourished. The empire was also a center of learning and scholarship, with the establishment of several major universities and the support of scholars and intellectuals. (The Ming Dynasty was the last native dynasty in China). The French Empire came to an end in the mid-19th century, following Napoleon's defeat at the Battle of Waterloo. The Columbian Exchange was started by Christopher Columbus and it traded luxury goods around the globe. Missionaries The Aztec Empire, also known as the Mexica Empire, was a Mesoamerican empire that ruled over a large territory that included parts of modern-day Mexico and Central America from the 14th to the 16th century. They brutalized the native population and believed in profit over faith. Ethnic divisions: The majority Han ethnicity faced the most intolerance from the Qing. From the early sixteenth to the mid-nineteenth centuries, the Mughal Empire ruled South Asia. However, there was a business opportunity in the search for resources. How did the Ottoman Empire (c. 1300-1922), in Middle East & Southern Europe centralize their bureaucracies? The Incas were skilled metalworkers and weavers and produced many works of art and crafts in gold, silver, and other materials. \hline \text { Column 2 } & {10} & {348} \\ Before 1450, regional trade was all the rage as the Silk Roads, Indian Ocean network, and Trans-Saharan routes exploded with more merchants and goods flowing. The British Empire was the largest empire in history, with territories on every continent. Click the card to flip Definition 1 / 22 They blended Christian and Islamic faiths into their empire. You can specify conditions of storing and accessing cookies in your browser, In the Manifest Destiny Nearpod and videos, there was an image of people moving and in the center, there was a woman in white. Art (ex: Qing imperial portraits, Incan sun temple, Mughal mosques) The expansion of trade on a global scale expanded both the upper elite class and the lower labor class. However in 1675, Metacom mounted one last effort to drive the British off the Native land. They had a large bureaucracy and had religious freedom but women had no rights. The Portuguese controlled some areas on the Indian Ocean network as they strong armed locals, but merchants continued to trade and migrate. Manchu Empire, 1911. The rivalry eventually popped off as the. This is why the ancient civilizations are so fascinating because they all developed similar structures without knowing about each other. Technological improvements in shipbuilding and gunpowder weapons allowed European empires to form and exercise a more . The land gained was a part of the European country and as such, the European countries would take the raw materials for their benefit. But as of yet, the fastest way to Asia was through the Mediterranean, which was monopolized by the Byzantines followed by the Ottomans. Gunpowder would have violent consequences in the decades to come. The empire was also a center of learning and scholarship, with the establishment of several major libraries and the support of scholars and intellectuals. Rulers continue to use religious ideas to justify their rule, Rulers waged conflicts against other rulers of different religions. These were empires, and, while each empire was run slightly differently with different systems of administration or taxation or military technology, they were absolute monarchies. On the backs of millions of slaves, sugar eventually outpaced silver as the most profitable good at the time. This allowed empires to expand and use the military to take over other empires and conquer land. How did social hierarchies change in this time? During this time, Europeans stuck to themselves in trading posts and did not assert authority over land, but did overseas known as, Difference Between Land-Based and Maritime Empires, Divine Right of Kings (French Empire), Mandate of Heaven (China), Songhai Islam (Songhai), Devshirme System (Ottoman Empire), Samurai Warriors (Japan), Qing Dynasty (Restrictive Policy on Han Chinese), Spanish Empire (The Casta System), The Ottoman Empire (The Millet System), The Mughal Empire (Zamindar/Rajput System), The Portugese in Africa/India, The Dutch in Southeast Asia, The French in North America, The British in North America, The Spanish in North and South America. They had numerous canals, causeways, and bridges and central walled area with palaces and temples. The Inca Empire is particularly known for its system of quipus, which were knotted cords that were used for record-keeping and communication. In 1685, the Catholic King James II ascended to the throne and began enacting anti-Protestant policies. The Spanish had the purpose of exploiting gold and providing it as a population outlet. They took the title "Caliph" to show they were the legitimate successors of Muhammed. William of Orange was backed by Protestants to overthrow him. Safavids were Shia Islam, and the Mughals were Sunni, West Africa, Morocco invaded Songhai and eventually brought it down, Examples: Muslim & Hindus in the Mughal Empires, Muslims & Christians in the Ottoman Empire. The tsar wielded absolute power in this autocracy. Still used Mandate of Heaven, State and NeoConfucianism. China and Japan has isolationist policies as it motivated the desire to prevent forgein influences to disrupt their core values. These new scientific discoveries and navigation undoubtedly opened up new trade networks across the Atlantic and Pacific, which also led to mass migrations of people (forced and voluntary). In North America, the Spanish had control of the southwest regions, central America, and Florida. Escaped serfs began to organize as free peasants, especially in the steppes. Religion (ex: European notion of divine right, Songhai promotion of Islam) the doctrines of a monotheistic religion founded in northern India in the 16th century by Guru Nanak and combining elements of Hinduism and Islam. They were called Cossacks. This kept more money in the bank at any given time. An external challenge to the state usually comes from neighboring states or other colonizing forces in the region. From 1368 to 1644, China was ruled by the Ming dynasty. Another knock against the Europeans in this period (1450-1750), is to look at when the Land Based Empires finally fell. The original rules were superseded by the addition of several new directives. The Mexica were a Native American civilization that existed from the 14th to the 16th centuries in central Mexico. The most common destination for slaves was Brazil because sugar was so harsh to cultivate that the lifespan of slaves was extremely short (5-10% of slaves died every year). Trade thrived and art led to success. Europeans had trading posts in Africa because they then had access to slaves, ivory, gold, and grain. What were the characteristics of the Safavid Empire? Describe European maritime empires: French. The Dutch were a highly commercialized society that's main trade was in spices. Emperor who reigned from 1736-1795. It was distinguished by a global trade network and a system of colonies and dependencies. The Safavid Empire was a Persian Empire that ruled over parts of present-day Iran, Iraq, and the Caucasus region from the early 16th to the mid-18th century. In the Americas, they did not have gunpowder but a large military still led to intimidation and the consolidation of power. They built strong militaries that were able to give threat to competitive empires. It was one of the largest and most long-lasting empires in world history. How did they deal with political and religious disputes? Elite Ottoman soldiers from the Devshirme system. prevent a civil war from happening A religious movement of the 16th century that began as an attempt to reform the Roman Catholic Church and resulted in the creation of Protestant churches. Describe the Ottoman Empire (use SPICE-T characteristics): The Ottoman Empire was located in modern-day Turkey. Black people traded there. The lateen sail was a triangular sail that allowed ships to sail against wind. The empire was also a center of learning and scholarship, with the establishment of several major universities and the support of scholars and intellectuals. They ruled with aristocrats who were elected based on merit and their power was controlled. A major change in European thought, starting in the mid-1500s, in which the study of the natural world began to be characterized by careful observation and the questioning of accepted beliefs. How did land based empires consolidate power in this era? The Qing Dynasty is known for its territorial expansion, including the conquest of Taiwan and parts of Central Asia. What specific states supported maritime exploration in this time period? Focused on logic rather than just faith (medicine). The Ming Dynasty is also known for its cultural achievements, including the construction of the Forbidden City in Beijing and the completion of the Great Wall of China. in the hills surrounding Rome in specially designed bui Name:_____ Date:_____ Period:_____ Unit 3 - Land-Based Empires 1450-1750 (use presentation and AMSCO p. 353-371) Ottoman Empire Location: North Africa, The Middle East, and Eastern Europe Dates: 1299-1919 Safavid Empire Location: Middle East Dates: 1501-1722 Mughal Empire Location: South Asia Dates: 1526-1857 Political / Military HOW did rulers legitimize and consolidate power? The languages of Spanish and Portuguese became the dominant languages of the region. Europeans would have to wait a few centuries for access to China. Through a 8 year conquest moving east ward and stopping at Russia. Explanation:Click to let others know, how helpful is it. The Asante benefited from participation in the trading networks as they got slaves, gold, ivory, and kola nuts. A Roman Catholic tribunal for investigating and prosecuting charges of heresy - especially the one active in Spain during the 1400s. Give examples of how state expansion and centralization led to resistance from groups on a local level. Negative - disease, environmental issues, more money being spent to fix the issues. The Ming Dynasty was known for its trade expansion to the outside world, including the establishment of diplomatic relations with the Ottoman Empire and the creation of the Treasure Fleet, a powerful navy that allowed China to become a dominant maritime power. Free peasants affected by heavy debts often lost their land and were forced into serfdom. \end{array} & 2314.71 & 36 & 64.30 & & & \\ A one-way analysis of variance experiment produced the following ANOVA table. Intensified the tension between the Sunni/Shia hostility. Why does it have these characteristics? Land-Based Empires 1450-1750 CE Term 1 / 15 Europe Causes/Ways of Expansion Click the card to flip Definition 1 / 15 Monarchies gain pawer due to the end of the medieval period along with more literacy among the population, increasing development economically and centralization Click the card to flip Flashcards Learn Test Match Created by Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan commissioned the Taj Mahal as a tomb for his wife. decide a president, Where did early Christians meet, hide, and bury their dead to avoid detection and persecution? Ruled from 1644 until 1911. Some women, such as Roxelana, climbed the social ladder from slave to wife of the Ottoman ruler Suleiman the Great. Develop an argument that evaluates the extent to which interactions between societies and cultures affected the institutions of land-based empires in this period. The Ottoman Empire is known for its cultural achievements and its role as a major world power. Joint-stock companies allowed financed exploration which led to finding and conquering lands which expanded their power. The mit'a system was to build buildings and create roads through an empire. How did Maritime (sea-based) Empires exert and expand their power? In the Americas, Indigenous groups rebelled against European conquest. The Songhai Empire is particularly known for its contributions to the study of mathematics, astronomy, and Islamic studies. In Asia, the trend was toward large, land-based empires which were controlled from a central capital city. After the tumultuous years of the Mongol invasion and the subsequent Yuan dynasty, it was also a time of relative peace and prosperity in China. members of the Society of Jesus, a Roman Catholic religious order founded by Ignatius of Loyola, missionary activity, The great fleet sent from Spain (Catholics) against England (Protestants), Spanish were defeated, War between Catholics and Protestants; 10 million died, ended with the Peace of Westphalia in 1648, the view that knowledge originates in experience and that science should, therefore, rely on observation and experimentation, AP WORLD HISTORY- UNIT 3 Land-Based Empires (, AP World History Unit 3: Land-Based Empires, Chapter 3 Test Overview of Empires (For Test), Quiz: Henry David Thoreau and Transcendentali, AP World History Unit 1: The Global Tapestry, Unit 4: Transoceanic Interconnection (Explora, Dahia Ibo Shabaka, Larry S. Krieger, Linda Black, Phillip C. Naylor, Roger B. Beck, Human Physiology - Back of the chapter questi. The Dynasty produced thriving trade and sea trade. The Tokugawa Shogunate ended in 1868, when the Meiji Restoration restored power to the emperor and ended the shogunate's rule. Describe European trading posts in Africa. Key Takeaways AP World History Period 2 (1450-1750) The Americas became part of the global trade network, spurred by the Columbian Exchange. 2023 Fiveable Inc. All rights reserved. In AP World History: Modern, Unit 4 spans from 1450 CE to 1750 CE and accounts for 12-15% of the material on the exam. \hline \begin{array}{l} In the Americas, the Spanish established the e, Meanwhile, the silver trade was insanely profitable for the Spanish and the mines at. The Safavid Empire is known for its cultural achievements and its role in the spread of Shia Islam in the region. \hline \text { Total } & 5311.82 & 39 & & & & \\ The empire was also a center of learning and scholarship, with the establishment of several major universities and the support of scholars and intellectuals. It was also known for having an advanced government system that included a well-organized bureaucracy and a highly centralized administration. How did Sognhai rulers in West Africa use religion to legitimize their power 1450-1700? The Atlantic Slave Trade began immediately after the Portuguese arrived in Africa, but seriously expanded after Native American populations were decimated. Stopped crusades and expanded Islam. North of the Spanish territory, the French and British were fueling their rivalry as they competed for land and control of resources. For example, they forced all men to wear their hair in. These new markets were profitable, but could only be sustained with a lot of cheap or free labor. Eurasian empires had all gained access to gunpowder based weapons. \text { Groups } In the 15th and 16th centuries, the Songhai Empire ruled over a large portion of West Africa. TheFrenchEmpirewasdistinguishedbyapowerfulcentralizedgovernmentandavastnetworkoftradeandcolonization. In the British North American colonies, Europeans, Natives, and African slaves remained separate classes that rarely mixed. Native Americans did not have biological immunity to the common diseases brought by Europeans like smallpox and typhoid. What factors drove the demand for chattel slavery? Large cultural divide. It was founded by Ismail I, who declared the Safavid dynasty to be the region's legitimate rulers. The Americas are mostly defined by ethnic division during the period of 1450-1750. The Spanish empire then used it as labor. Explain how land-based empires utilized monumental architecture to maintain power: Land-based empires utilized monumental architecture to maintain power because the large creations were used to show off wealth that the empires and rulers had. This will not only help you review content from Unit 3. How did leaders legitimize their rule through architecture 1450-1700? It was founded by the Aztec civilization, which developed in the central valley of Mexico and eventually came to dominate much of the region through military conquests. Contextualizing the Unit (1450 to 1750) Before 1450, regional trade was all the rage as the Silk Roads, Indian Ocean network, and Trans-Saharan routes exploded with more merchants and goods flowing. The rulers and nobles all converted to Islam. Tokugawa, 1868. (subject), v.v.v. The British mostly worked in the sea as they traded soldiers, goods, explorers, and soil for their land. Negative - disease spread, environmental issues, slave rebellion, silver taken. The British Empire was a major player in world affairs, helping to shape the modern world. The Russian Empire was a state that ruled over a large territory that included parts of Europe and Asia from the late 18th to the early 20th century. 95 Thesis, posted in 1517, led to religious reform in Germany, denied papal power and absolutist rule. Methods used by rulers to hold onto power in their empires? His family ruled for 300 years & were the last czars of Russia. European society was ruled by a royal family that gained enormous wealth from trade and corruption. But there are a few key features of these empires. The Russian Empire was a multiethnic state with over 100 ethnic groups living within its borders. During the French Empire, the arts, including literature, music, and architecture, flourished. The French Empire, also known as the Napoleonic Empire, was a French state that ruled over a large territory that included parts of Europe, Africa, and the Americas from the early 19th to the mid-19th century. The Incan Empire was known for its advanced system of government, which included a well-organized bureaucracy and a strong centralized administration. These things brought them great wealth. As states expanded power, they were consistently met with resistance and rebellion. This is also known as the. Advanced technologies, the finding of the New World, and knowledge of monsoon winds and currents. Lutherans and Calvinists did not attend. What were the challenges to state power and expansion? Major center for Islamic learning and commerce. (predicate nominative), A Protestant denomination of the Christian faith founded by Henry VIII in England when he wasn't allowed by the Pope to divorce. The French Empire is known for its cultural achievements and its impact on European politics and history. The Inca Empire, also known as the Inka Empire or the Tawantinsuyu, was a South American empire that ruled over a large territory that included parts of modern-day Peru, Ecuador, Chile, Bolivia, Argentina, and Colombia from the 13th to the 16th century.

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land based empires 1450 to 1750 quizlet