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armchair expert transcript

I'm obsessed with MAC Miller yeah. We need to exercise all that stuff. So what you do is you give a nice buffer you're, not a close talker. May being like Halsey. Amy joins the Armchair Expert to discuss how much she likes to identify as an outsider that worked her way in, how control is the dream state, and how important it was for Dax to do car stuff in Baby Mama. I, I should feel something I I don't going to write about it. Actually, yeah, okay, good good good. It's really cool about what I, do is that I'm so open about literally everything that happens to me and I think the greatest. That helps us cause too yeah. Maybe you knew it. This is a funny thing too, is because you do this work, so you can have. You can't fill the hole inside of you with money, drugs and cars, and I'm so glad I never had a baby with you, there's multiple songs in my last album, but I think the most important thing about them is that there's a dichotomy of anger of being like you know, you have, hurt me and then there's another perspective of sympathy, which is a vital component to telling that story? Do it with someone else right, I probably fuck them, and I'm going to take you back anyway, because Switzerland, what we do so yeah no kind of one of those situations, and that was what I was choosing as I was choosing. I mean we sold one hundred and fifteen thousand copies of the album in the first week. My. Dax & Monica present them with trophies and a framed photo of the baby in the white dress. In the fact check, Dax & Monica discuss the Royals. You weren't just born with it once you start picking the highest people off of your bucket of your fuck bucket list and then you're like your bucket list and you're like. So, all of a sudden I put out the stable Iraq, and my debut record is this anomaly, because I'm not from the Disney generation, I'm not from the nickelodean generation. You know a lack of reliable friends to kind of go through the process of transformation. In a time where I knew that I would be on his good side, we are because I was partaking in the same Spirit. Can I get you know and at a certain point now that I've gotten more successful? Oh, you think you're better than me because he feels like a piece of shit. I can go live in a crack den in Brooklyn. Give the gift of native by going, and a native d o dot com, Slash Dax or use promo code Dax at check out and get twenty percent off. raised it and raised it and raised it, because there are people that are excluded right, like Brad Pitt was exclude. I hope she did doesn't remind her when every time someone says her name, I hope it doesn't trigger Derick. One of the first signs for him is like I drink too much and it's a problem, but I'm ok, yeah, like every song prior to that like for me all the seventies and eighties Rock, is about fuck and fight for your right to party. a box on the street in the center of the apartment, complex and begins, morning mail away into a hundred and fifty different little boxes. John and Dax talk about their shared love of Howard Stern, what . I don't want to miss out. I've texted, like thirty people, hoping someone is awake and I'm just sitting there in someone's, hey, so why don't you start medication and unlike but then I'm gonna, lose my spark? I walk you goin. She was three or would you be more comfortable, twelve and five yeah, maybe like thirteen and thirteen and six okay, maybe actually fourteen and open borders of that word. Of course guys. I've tried to have that risk eleven sitting on it for a while that see. Ethan explains how important context is when triggering emotions, how negative emotions are just as vital as positive ones, and the ways language can shape our emotional experiences. I mean it was, just one afternoon like you're, going to be a bad purchaser of something, if you're in love with it. Thank you. Did you like him when he was a baby yeah? Listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Overcast, Stitcher, Castbox, Google Podcasts, or on your favorite podcast platform. Oh, I have no routine. girl, so you are seven years older than her. I hope something happens in you get better in the next fifteen seconds before you have to go back out there, This is not going to cut it, so I'm not going to cut it. Looking out myself like who are you gonna, like also adopted things, I've another name so like people coming, something over and over again dulled. to be found. Oh, my god, my age range cannot not include Brad Pitt, so I had to raise it to that and then we had built, Okay, and I have to sometimes a big tipping point. This ad, I agree that he'd we like, I don't care what you end up doing in this life. As you get a perfect line, muskrat of a blue methane flame, its remit to haul something. but I like your voice or go no. I also the worst part lessons that for, I'll fucking work tee. My kids, that is such a better feeling, is to feel empowered because those things that you have achieved instead of being like I'm because then you gonna, get to appoint to wear like you, don't even care that you could fuck people. one of the first steps of doing that was removing myself from a situation where there is. I've been doing it every day. That is a matter as that you'll lay on the tongue. Dax and Walter discuss the dilemma of editing out certain negative traits and the effects it can have on shaping a person and the importance of trying to maximize the Utopia of gene editing while minimizing the many unforeseen issues that will arise. While he asked. America. I had really bad skin too, and it was the bane of my existence. Also, obviously you probably had some desired to regulate your emotions with something I have a lot of empathy. You can, the present and the United States, or you can be a cashier s shop right, but wherever you do, you better be the best Damn Kashmir in the shop right. It's going to be uploaded to like entertainment, weekly and it's going to be like Halsey comes clean about using. What's on the horizon forecast wise? You were going to say that you're, one of your earliest memories is looking at a blue whale as a child. I think it's cool. Now I just have a juicy question that I want to. figure that out from your side right, you know, and I mean yes all this as a public. You should be sad, which was the second lead single off my last album and the hook of it is. Accuracy is not guaranteed. What a stupid name you have, sir. Ben joins the armchair expert to discuss starting off in improv comedy, how Eugene Cordero is the funniest person in the world, and dancing with Dax at a pajama birthday party. You know what I mean. Accuracy is not guaranteed. Dax admits that if he met Jane, he would try to groom her. Always evolving and augury worry us with some tips. Save that cooking chicken situation absolutely hate. say say when my dad died was like. LATEST EPISODES See What's New. It's kind of similar to that title! Thank you for that. George discusses how underestimated the role of encouragement is, that self-remonstration is the enemy of art, and how writers block is having artificially elevated expectations of yourself. out of your life and whatever, and it's like what is the life laughed, but also that's kind of why in the quarantine I like have started getting my shit together, because the beginning of the process is really hard. I could draw every animal by memory and I liked him because he gave me chewing gum and he talked to me in his low voice, calm and soft, not the shrill high pitched voice that they would use them, baby brother one day the didn't show up for work. I q or you can just tap it with your elbow, turn it on, and then you don't have to sit on the plates would messy hands in turn on and get the false messy and then have to be worked on the vast. George Saunders (A Swim in a Pond in the Rain) is a #1 New York Times bestselling, Booker Prize-winning author. Sam joins the Armchair Expert to discuss growing up in Harlem in the 50s, his path into becoming a film editor, and working with Spike Lee. That's what I will do like. You look like well care. You know the smell I'm going to get quite often that's part of it. I think that commissioner condition. Yeah, there's a lot of shit in here that I'm fucking terrified about being out in the world. then me right, it's no! There is no spark like bitch fucking call your doctor. You know, I got to say about you. You go home and it's hard to remember what feelings are yours, because so many of your feet, things are manufactured I'll, go home and be like. It accidently verbatim play drives like a whole paragraph from not the liars club, but it was America, right, I was probably cherry or something like that and my tshirt didn't fucking know, and then she gave it back to me. His podcast Armchair Expert, where he and Monica Padman explore the messiness of being human, is one of my favorite things to listen to. for me as I was writing, though, because a lot of it, like I said, is very sexually autonomous, very self deprecating, it's very sarcastic at times and like I really wanted to see that from a female hers, The things we just talked about is really important in the book, which is, I am constantly taking responsibility right. It is the perfect addition to your day. They've got a cake. Thing could not be your fault. no way that could be a coincidence. This is what. I like sacks, because you don't want to subscribe to the belief that you need to be self destructive to create, but for a while if fucking worked and I look at sea, like you know, my biggest records were ones and all this stuff, and I try to write songs about being happy and like fulfilled. I see I did I'm Herman's. Oh, my gosh, I didn't I'm not doing exactly alike, I am in circles, the gum itself. Can I ask you a question? I learned everything through books, like I learned about misogyny through books through books before experienced in the real world, and I learned. If you can you do it will now. Accuracy is not guaranteed. I don't know Pepsi a c. Is I don't think so Antidiarrheal. Can I raise your question if it's a success, we need to open more locations. Rather I catch myself and I think there is some element of older people that listen to the current music and think it sounds a little victim and not a ton of self responsibility or owners, of of anyone's in things but you're doing that, and I applaud that and I think if people listen to the nuance, they'll find that I think music is a difficult thing because-, It goes actually we're just taking about. awaken burden, they desperately trying to retrieve memory, he's from my life before this, because this life is so hyper stimulating, eats all of your old memories. thing. Is there anywhere we can get transcripts of the episodes? I feel like I know what you're saying like we ve lost in our group, several people and its heart breaking and also I get the most immense gratitude out of that's right. eating, also known as pyro Flageolets flat, They are very well by ruthless. You know. No, I thought Lincoln was thirteen, I'm sorry. sugar, cookie, vanilla and made. This year your child can get supercool hands on science, art geography, projects delivered to their door every month. Oh, did I have a good day today or was just in a good mood, because I did ten interviews where I had to pretend to be in a good mood yeah. My whole life does your dad and carbon, Yes, I always tell stories about how, when I was growing up, out with him with such a headache, because we never got home from anywhere quickly, because he would always run into someone he sold a car to defend, we'd be in the grocery store and, unlike thirteen, you know just a complete brat and don't want to be there and then I'm going to get there, I Toyota, the joy or and I'll be like I'll who the hell is this woman and this be enabling a solar, Chevy, suburban. I love Halsey too, and I really like her as a person. Oh boy, so we play our favorite MAC Miller, Song, yes, yeah! People can still talk to you while you're doing it, that's what they kind of avoid and they still talk to me while I'm taking a dump, it's just. I learned about sex through books like I consider myself largely fortunate to be at least remote, sexually empowered and having like a healthy sexual perception of myself, because my first experiences with sex like a book of female right, neurotic that my mom had in the house where most of my other friends, their first experience with sex, was like their creepy cousin telling them, story or like porn or trauma. How long have you lived out here? I would leave me if I could a collection of poetry. This is why I should be allowed to go into the city alone is because of this in this. Neck break. I saw thing, you for being here great lovely turn out. So what. are you so excited to install them? Remember. Monica divulges her attraction to Ben and the lengths she would go to be near him at his shows and Dax tells him how special his hair thickness is. The age ranges I want you, Monica was born and eighty seven, so she's thirty three. No one's gonna give me that, but me yeah, that's a bomber! Anna and Dax talk about apologizing after having fights with . My people get a decent, are running and share in that kind of feeling, and then there is also this, amazing sense of your walking on stage in front of upwards of twenty five, thousand people, and you know that every single person in the room already likes you because they thought a ticket. I talk about abuse to talk about drugs. If you have helmet toes. and you love them more than anything in the world and you I don't want to. So what an appropriate time to update my native collection with their candy cane holiday, sent you get candy cane. You, because you're, a loser, kazoo like me, can literally then you're fucked insisted cycle not to shift gears to dramatically, but I do think it's interesting that you say at seventeen is when you kind of had this budding into womanhood and feeling attractive. you and nothing happens now? How romantic I am look at is disgusting alley. You know: does this helps them better build the profile of the person there listening to sing yeah is like a companion, peace, yeah, legged directors, cut halls, z, p avi, I'm doing super super limited press in promotion about it. I was constantly confronted by new people that I didn't really understand, but there are, something really great about it in the sense that well one, it taught me not to care what anybody thought of me for a really sad reason, because I show up to a new school and be like. but then became doing drugs with them. Yet, literally I'm like wiping tears away, I'm like fuck yeah. 0:00:00 Well, come on the market, an arm chair, expert, I'm deck Shepard who joined by Monica bad man held ok, so people like Duchess Duluth they wanted to be minister of mice. You go to babysitter could yeah. Do you think that's why alibi to. Oh, my God. Paris Hilton. Your first order make sure you order by December seven to get your products in time. Now way. Gloria joins the Armchair Expert to discuss what attention is, how email can be a main source of stress, and what the study of Informatics is. How old is she, team, no she's like polyvinyl you, twenty twenty seven, ray. You know what I mean, which is kind of cool you're healthier than me, because I said oh wow, yes, let's date and maybe I'll think, I'm great afterwards and then. I envision my future is, like I'm, a male rang, a town in your bed on the first floor, wistfully stodgy, firm, better knees, figure, biology, square footage, Christians in up their here now, here's another thing that we share and come like. That may be is not healthy. Aaron deals with covid symptoms, his perverted dogs, and binges the Wire. Dax & Susan discuss the need to think about the consequences that could happen, not just the consequences that will happen and in the fact check, we have a visit from the man whose simulation we are all living in. I would hold up in my house and like Red Bukowski I'd, be like I'm the same as him. You you well, this is what is a tricky statements say I would probably not have discovered him had. I was going to try to be Bukowski, so this other side. What do you mean, in the Pacific during World WAR Ii against Japan. I don't think so. you're Adam Movie Theater, you can't move seeds and your seat mate. I build these key. I think you write when you're in pain, cuz. It's like it's like having some aluminum oil pressed unto tee to failing it like doesn't feel natural feel secure. Why? I'm, Lenny alike. Routine. does it was just right? That's basically you know and also, I think, I'm making some of the best stuff that I've ever made right now, because the dark stuff doesn't disappear. Oh, my god, it's an antiviral diarrhea, I think it's pepto is gonna, be the main first or, Bodiam bone ammonium, eighty yeah, so there's Pepsi, they see in ammonia may be. I just wanted to see. Okay. I'm not listening to any of this, like you know, romantic. insecure. I don't feel too, because I didn't seem like me. "It feels like Dax is a much more enlightened Howard. Is everything? If you can make it with me, then you can make it on your own. So I get it now. Unlike good and like you know, the fucking eating my, vegetables and like practicing mindfulness and, like those don't go number one, the one not being abused too. So I take Lexapro, and I was on medicated for a really long time, but I just heard taking it like, maybe like six months ago. I've never, had this not before, but even as you say it of course, because people that can relate to that that struggle are also trying to just feed themselves with anything that can do, act themselves from those feelings I can totally relate yet and the people that are like, I guess, practicing my, for us, there is not even consuming as much like they're all treadmill of meeting, something to say, shake their anxiety. I've been dealt. You want to know just stay with you in the meeting great we're, safe and have them, and then you know, get a minute with them, because if we do a hundred people and they each get a minute to two minutes, each us almost two to three-, then go and you're like crying and quicker hope. I thought you were going to ask me if I would invest on there if we get it up and running yeah. Would I be okay and then I go yeah and I send so. Robin joins the Armchair Expert to discuss losing his home to the Malibu fires, his time on set of Growing Pains with his dad, and getting his first recording contract at 16 years old. You can find Armchair Expert on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts. All that knows all shit, I'm hot, very soon, and I started a kind of a running, a marked with my hardness being like working a scam, can I get free ice cream? The worst thing ever I was like TAT on a I wanna watch, Fuckin Hannah Montana. Did tv remotes, dead, flashlight, dead, computer keyboard, my most hated thing is when I'm in bed at night, I go to turn on the tv, and dagnabbit, nothing now with Energizer ultimate lithium, the no, number one longest lasting a battery. And what are you talking about? We umbrageous describe my mind that its I've been plain. He not died because he died until it clearly made a little kind of homage to him on his instagram, which then made me curious about him, and then he s how I found I found a meal and then I just went on the biggest MAC Miller. I want that for me for sure, You know the cool thing is I have daddy issues and mommy issues. Subscribe Now. I thank my whole life, thus far, been an ongoing identity. If I dont do it with you, you're gonna go. I have I have from that, is that if my nudes ever be like would be like there, you go last thing. I think a gross boy like me would know how to do that. Foods in a shopping. I have time, let's do dad and it's funny realizing like how many qualities that you have like unintentional, absorbed or inherited and qualities that you know you perhaps resent in one of your parents and somebody sent, in yourself and you're like well. When I was three, I only saw him every other weekend. Every month, butcher box ships, a curated selection of high quality me right to my home, no added antibiotics or hormones. Octavia Spencer (Truth Be Told, The Help, Hidden Figures) is an award-winning actress and producer. How about a blue Christmas is that on the one not so far on the list, we can add the word flat how, whence is so embarrassing? In a new interview with Dax Shephard and Monica Padman on the Armchair Expert podcast, he has opened up about how he wants to "break the cycle" of the "pain and suffering" of his upbringing. the darkness without really any, as we would say in program solution like where's the solution and so you're in a great place to be authentically related. Today we have an incredible singer, I'm a huge fan of, and largely because this is one of the first artists that my daughters and I shared as a favorite. Instead of walking into a room and being like, I bet I could fuck anyone here, you're young. I actually really can relate to that for sure. In what an interesting mousetrap there is not the real, ability factor. I can control everything in and then so often I've written about things that I didn't understand. Our answer, battered by black too proud. Probably the years later, I dug it up and was reading it. I wonder if that's a good like I've had let's say some mum. you again suitor I want it fairer Minnesota. I guess for billboard. road, the are they to stare at the city case, its ground. Lamorne joins the Armchair Expert to discuss growing up on the southside of Chicago, how he knew he wanted to get into comedy at a young age and his relationship with his father. Oh I've assessed that this person's higher status than me or better than, me, and then I give them the like me and then again. worked out the Vienna, so that's important if you ever read fear of flying. come slashed acts. It's such a pain in the neck. It's like a phantom limb yeah. This is our theater. well. I can't be baseline if I don't know what my baseline is because of drugs because of trauma because of gas lighting because of PTSD, because, as you know, in this kind of world one. He was a drunk for the first twelve of those years. I love them they're, so so comfortable now, black Friday is around the corner and Mugsy is doing an early access dax. He looks a lot like delta, with her pizza to looking at. She was manipulating you by the way and to feeling, like you, had to totally enable that behavior yeah. Welcome, welcome mountain armchair expert, I'm Dan, rather I'm joined by Monica Monsoon Emmy nominated three times decorated three times Thrace times decorate eyelash, not as an economic aegis, thrice times decorated. responsibility, I think he was really really good at that yeah me too, he really was letting you in on the it's not a great struggle. I think some older people and by the way, I'm getting to that point where I'm getting like the people who hated the Beatles right. Fuck it I'm gonna blow it, but it's a very similar line. Because that's other thing is, I don't want it to become, this thing where everyone psych policies, are: twenty: six year old, female publish author, like. I have looked back on that time. I don't wanna car. have we already talked about. Dax asks about Stephen's childhood and Stephen talks about popular Freakonomics pieces. Can I just gonna, come, on him like an acid peel. Amy discusses the expectation for women to come at success with a sense of humility, how much her moms encouragement and dads attention affected her confidence, and the time she tried to be a third to Jason Momoa and Lisa Bonet. Anyway, memory way stroll down memory. I'm like glass is, but, teeth frenzy, hair sure by another thing we share her running Bucky. They're gonna be ok and the next kid consented, and I give my, eighteen, th birthday. I historically like an like an older sure. You wake up in the dark, sleep in the dark. Teen movie like make our contacts are straining my hair body changed. The her acne cream is made up of clinical strength and, that have been shown to help clear up skin control, future breakouts, reduce redness and smooth skin. Is that something girls do actually movement, I've never seen it you have it now. May 1, 2023. I like that she compartmentalize the name. I was ugly until last year and then the year after that I'll go who let me shave my head. I think her situation is different than yours. I signed my deal for a hundred thousand dollars, and that, sounds like a lot of money to people listening probably, but in the context of making a record it's not because I have to pay for songs and production, and I also have to live, and travel. Like I'm obligated, to tell my story- and this is my story- not that song in particular- but just your music also is very honest about having mental health issues and trauma and all this stuff I started noticing it when I became sensitive to it because post that really. I get sick, I will die, play. Since you yeah it's like getting, What do I want to say? Let's be open, I think maybe a little bit of an identity crisis are now. I think my elementary school, copy line. Where were you, think, you're doing really think you're, just like brushing where the gum hits the tooth, like even below that point, yeah exactly below that or above that you need to edicts the eight the dumb. Can I give you a compliment sure you never have hello? a million diarrhoea or anti diarrhoea commercials, its generally guy in like a canoe, and he's a little overweight any as a talked in shirt and it's a little messy any that assurance messy, yellow, gets a little like on talked in error, it's all bag biology, tat with a really trying to, viewed on you as that, his a mass and always- and he, needs and anti diarrhoea medicine like about two Bismarck Pepsi today, see what else we got. Let's do it we're going to get in trouble, probably, but that's all right, it's worth getting sued over. I'm fine! Oh my god! I had all these stepdad's that went wrong, and so yet we were a match made in hell at times, but we were, I have to admit it's so similar, it's crazy and yes, most of the things that, please help me over the years have been the things about him.

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