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psalm 31:24 the message

By the design or end of acting. 1. As a wicked man's life is made up of sin, Thomas WatsonA Body of DivinityHow they are to be Admonished who Lament Sins of Deed, and those who Lament Only Sins of Thought. I ask Thee for a thoughtful love, Through constant watching wise, To meet the glad with joyful smiles, And to wipe the weeping eyes; And a heart at leisure from itself, To soothe and sympathize. "Where have ye laid him?" When Life's gloomy curtain, at last, shall close o'er me, And the chill hand of death unexpectedly knock, I will John Ross MacduffThe Cities of Refuge: or, The Name of JesusThe Communion of Saints. The wicked would flee from God; they would neither be under His rules, nor within His reach. 2. As a wicked man's life is made up of sin, Thomas WatsonA Body of DivinityHow they are to be Admonished who Lament Sins of Deed, and those who Lament Only Sins of Thought. Salem Media Group. Why Does God Compare Our Relationship with Him to That of a Bride and Groom? Compare with the parable of "the treasure.". Christ ought not to be served by feather-bed soldiers. The scope of this chapter. There are walls which no mortal hands built to surround me, A Refuge Eternal,--'Tis JESUS MY ROCK! He praises God for his goodnessDictionary of Bible ThemesPsalm 31:249612hope, in GodLibraryGoodness Wrought and Goodness Laid Up'Oh how great is Thy goodness, which Thou hast laid up for them that fear Thee; which Thou hast wrought for them that trust in Thee before the sons of men!' Do not sit still, and rub your eyes, and say, "I cannot help it, I must always be dull like this." What this will is, and how necessary the knowledge of it. When Life's gloomy curtain, at last, shall close o'er me, And the chill hand of death unexpectedly knock, I will John Ross MacduffThe Cities of Refuge: or, The Name of JesusThe Communion of Saints. Some Generals Proposed. How His mind must Alexander MaclarenExpositions of Holy Scripture 'Lying Vanities''They that observe lying vanities forsake their own mercy.' 4. He was is haste, Flying from his enemies, when he said this. "The Saints on earth, and those above, But one communion make; Joined to their Lord in bonds of love, All of His grace partake." Let me earnestly persuade all who bear the name of Christians to become lovers of God. 3. 3. But heretics, On Psalm xxxi. 2, 3 (R.V.). It sounds strange logic, 'Be for Thou art,' and yet it is the logic of prayer, and goes very deep, pointing out both its limits and its encouragements. 2, 3 (R.V.). For to me to live is Christ. I. You may have gone to your bed, sick at heart, "weary, and worn, and sad," and you wake in the morning ready for anything. What Does Colossians 2:6-7 Teach Us about Our Faith Walk? I would not have the restless will That hurries to and fro, Seeking for some great Miss A. L. WaringHymns and Meditations, His Journey to South Russia. LESSONS ADDRESSED TO THE CHURCH, DRAWN FROM HIS OWN EXPERIENCE. 2. Psalm 31:23-24 MSG - Love GOD, all you saints; GOD takes - BibleGateway Let good or ill befall, It must be good for me; Secure VariousThe Hymnal of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the USAHow God Works in the Hearts of Men. Access 50+ premium resources. How God acts in them. Represented by Tyndale House Publishers. For, as stated above [4401](A[8]), the intention of the minister is necessary for the validity of a sacrament. --JONAH 11. There are four general things here to be noticed. Prayer. 6): which means that each person's soul should in its penitence drink the tears Leo the GreatWritings of Leo the GreatThe Nature of JustificationJustification in the active sense (iustificatio, {GREEK SMALL LETTER DELTA}{GREEK SMALL LETTER IOTA}{GREEK SMALL LETTER KAPPA}{GREEK SMALL LETTER ALPHA}{GREEK SMALL LETTER IOTA WITH OXIA}{GREEK SMALL LETTER OMEGA}{GREEK SMALL LETTER SIGMA}{GREEK SMALL LETTER IOTA}{GREEK SMALL LETTER FINAL SIGMA}) is defined by the Tridentine Council as "a translation from that state wherein man is born a child of the first Adam, to the state of grace and of the adoption of the sons of God through the second Adam, Joseph PohleGrace, Actual and Habitual"The Truth. " But "faith directs in intention" as Augustine says against Julian (In Psalm xxxi, cf. Question answered in respect to God and man. Get Your Bible Minute in Your Inbox Every Morning. Don't let me down! A SEASONABLE EXHORTATION. Have you never felt it? If you want to get out of diffidence, and timidity, and despondency, you must rouse yourselves up. i. By submitting your email address, you understand that you will receive email communications from Bible Gateway, a division of The Zondervan Corporation, 3900 Sparks Drive SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49546 USA, including commercial communications and messages from partners of Bible Gateway. How Satan acts in the reprobate. 3. But it is now to be proved that what is promised to God by vow or oath, ought to be performed also because of the act of Covenanting. - S. I. Version. Copyright 1993, 2002, 2018 by Eugene H. Peterson. Courageous - Being Daughters rooted in Grace. 30). 24 Be strong, and let your heart take courage, all you who wait for the Lord!. Sometimes by gracious providences.2. 1. If you have any questions, please review our Privacy Policy or email us at privacy@biblegateway.com. The call which John Yeardley had received to visit the German colonies in South Russia, and which had lain for a long time dormant, now revived. 2. For Thou art my Rock and my Fortress.' Other Translations of Psalm 31:24 New International Version. It sounds strange logic, 'Be for Thou art,' and yet it is the logic of prayer, and goes very deep, pointing out both its limits and its encouragements. Many things are and will continue to be implicitly, Strength for the Courageous Who Hope in the Lord, The Saint Rehearsing His Experience of the Great Protector's Care, Strength for the courageous who hope in the Lord, David, showing his confidence in God, craves his help, That it is Sweet to Despise the World and to Serve God. When my heart is all sorrow, and trials aggrieve me, To whom can I safely my secrets unlock? They err from the Scriptures who make the grace of God a reason for doing nothing; it is the reason for doing everything.1. The parallelism between these two clauses is even stronger in the original than in our Version, for whilst the two words which designate the 'Rock' are not identical, their meaning is identical, and the difference, Having thus taken to the best resource by trusting in Jehovah, and having made the grandest claim possible by saying, "Thou art my God", the Psalmist now stays himself upon a grand old doctrine, one of the most wonderful that was ever revealed to men. Expect God to get here soon. If you are the persons spoken of in the text, this hope of yours is rooted, and grounded, and stablished in the Lord: "all ye that hope in the Lord." 23, 24.). Many things are and will continue to be implicitly John CalvinThe Institutes of the Christian ReligionLinksPsalm 31:24 NIVPsalm 31:24 NLTPsalm 31:24 ESVPsalm 31:24 NASBPsalm 31:24 KJVPsalm 31:24 Bible AppsPsalm 31:24 ParallelPsalm 31:24 Biblia ParalelaPsalm 31:24 Chinese BiblePsalm 31:24 French BiblePsalm 31:24 German BiblePsalm 31:24 CommentariesBible Hub, (2)In times of temptation. Psalm 31:24 MSG - Be brave. Be strong. Don't give up. - Bible Gateway A friend who had watched with regret his unsuccessful attempts on former journeys to enter that jealous country, and who augured from the political changes which had taken place that permission might probably now be obtained, brought the subject again under his notice. New Living Translation (NLT). There are walls which no mortal hands built to surround me, A Refuge Eternal,--'Tis JESUS MY ROCK! Paul was a great admirer of Christ. Oh, I would rather that you should be stung into courage by excessive pain than that you should be healed into cowardice! 30). Such are those where, concerning the woman which had an issue of blood, He said, "Who touched Me?" By a precious promise.4. He prays in his calamity19. Let good or ill befall, It must be good for me; Secure VariousThe Hymnal of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the USAHow God Works in the Hearts of Men. Oh, I would rather that you should be stung into courage by excessive pain than that you should be healed into cowardice! For those who deplore sins of deed are to be admonished that perfected lamentations should wash out consummated evils, lest they be bound by a greater debt of perpetrated deed than they pay in tears of satisfaction for it. In the text to which this Appendix refers it has been indicated, that a new legislation was expected in Messianic days. Yet you heard my cry for mercy when I called to you for help. The Psalmist has been describing, with the eloquence of misery, his own desperate condition, in all manner of metaphors which he heaps together--'sickness,' 'captivity,' 'like a broken vessel,' 'as a dead man out of mind.' There are Some Things of this Sort Even of Our Saviour in the Gospel How they are to be Admonished who Lament Sins of Deed, and those who Lament Only Sins of Thought. "Where have ye laid him?" This to him was a most cheering fact: he had no fear as to his circumstances, since all things were in the divine hand. 1. A SEASONABLE EXHORTATION. David knew this, and from his own experience declares what God will do for His people. Oh, I would rather that you should be stung into courage by excessive pain than that you should be healed into cowardice! 2. A brief recapitulation of the leading points of the whole discussion. Used by permission of NavPress. --PSALM xxxi. 24 Be strong and take . Psalm 32. Cancel. When my heart is all sorrow, and trials aggrieve me, To whom can I safely my secrets unlock? For to me to live is Christ, i.e.' Alexander took great pains to have him healed, and when he was quite well, he never exposed his precious life to any risk again. And He did on this account feign that He knew not, that He might signify somewhat else by that His seeming ignorance: and since this St. The history of the extension of the Church of Christ from one land to another, and of the successive victories won by the Cross over heathen races from age to age, gives by itself a very imperfect idea of the meaning of the words "The Holy Catholic Church." In like manner, his being cast into the sea and swallowed by the great fish, is a poetic reproduction, for homiletical purposes, of Israel's sufferings at the hands of the heathen whom it had failed to warn. The works of God distinguished from the works of Satan and wicked men. 2. (Read Psalm 31:19-24) Instead of yielding to impatience or despondency under our troubles, we should turn our thoughts to the goodness of the Lord towards those who fear and trust in Him. 4. For it is written, He hath given us drink in tears by measure (Ps. Therefore, if the minister is without the true faith, the sacrament is invalid. What to those who serve Thee with their whole heart? (1)At the present time, I believe that it restricts enterprise. Oh, I would rather that you should be stung into courage by excessive pain than that you should be healed into cowardice! 20. There are but few that love God: many give Him hypocritical kisses, but few love Him. The Alexander MaclarenExpositions of Holy ScriptureBe for Thou Art'Be Thou to me a strong Rock, an house of defence to save me. A brief recapitulation of the leading points of the whole discussion. (3)In the midst of great labour for the Lord.The best of men are but men at the best; and, therefore, who wonders if their heart sometimes faileth them in the day of suffering, in the hour of battle, or under the broiling sun, when they are labouring for their Lord?3. It is not so easy to love God as most imagine. What has He ever done that you should doubt Him?3. Have you this good hope? of Is it not wonderful that, at that supreme hour, He deigned to take an unknown singer's words as His words? Augustine's similitude of a good and bad rider. For it is written, He hath given us drink in tears by measure (Ps. Nay, you shall be more happy that everything should cross you than that everything should please you, if it be God's sweet will. Example from the history of Job. Have you never felt it? For to me to live is Christ, i.e.' The dogma of implicit faith refuted. Proud member By the kindly fellowship of friends.3. 3. It is not so easy to love God as most imagine. The ultimate basis of this expectancy must be sought in the Old Testament Alfred EdersheimThe Life and Times of Jesus the MessiahThere are Some Things of this Sort Even of Our Saviour in the Gospel27. We must understand Paul of a spiritual life. --PSALM xxxi. 30). Contra Julian iv). There are other analogous expressions in Scripture, setting forth, under various metaphors, God's protection of them that love Him. The Psalmist has been describing, with the eloquence of misery, his own desperate condition, in all manner of metaphors which he heaps together--'sickness,' 'captivity,' 'like a broken vessel,' 'as a dead man out of mind.' The affection of love is natural, but the grace is not. No doubt it does need moral courage to stand against ridicule, but be not jeered from the right. Is it not wonderful that, at that supreme hour, He deigned to take an unknown singer's words as His words? I. A brief recapitulation of the leading points of the whole discussion. Hour by hour I place my days in your hand, What a stack of blessing you have piled up. It is a dangerous weakness, for it is a weakness of the heart. 3. Truly unspeakable is the sweetness of the contemplation of Thee, which Thou bestowest upon those who love Thee. As it has been shown that all duty, and that alone, ought to be vowed to God in covenant, it is manifest that what is lawfully engaged to in swearing by the name of God is enjoined in the moral law, and, because of the authority of that law, ought to be performed as a duty. The Schoolmen refuted by various passages. Deliver me in your righteousness! -- Psalm 31:15 Father, I know that all my life Is portioned out for me, And the changes that are sure to come, I do not fear to see; But I ask Thee for a present mind Intent on pleasing Thee. 5-6 God is at their side; If you want to get out of diffidence, and timidity, and despondency, you must rouse yourselves up. The Definition of It. There are but few that love God: many give Him hypocritical kisses, but few love Him. --PSALM xxxi. Objection 2: Further, if a minister of the Church has not the true faith, it seems that he is a heretic. How needful is it . God alone can do this.1. What this will is, and how necessary the knowledge of it. The dogma of implicit faith refuted. Paul was a great admirer of Christ. THE question as to the Rabbinic views in regard to the binding character of the Law, and its imposition on the Gentiles, in Messianic times, although, strictly speaking, not forming part of this history, is of such vital importance in connection with recent controversies as to demand special consideration. The call which John Yeardley had received to visit the German colonies in South Russia, and which had lain for a long time dormant, now revived. 3. If thou art not of good courage, what will happen to thee? If thou art not of good courage, what will happen to thee? It is not so easy to love God as most imagine. "He shall strengthen your heart." By the design or end of acting. A SEASONABLE EXHORTATION. God alone can do this.1. He praises God for his goodnessDictionary of Bible ThemesPsalm 31:249612hope, in GodLibraryGoodness Wrought and Goodness Laid Up'Oh how great is Thy goodness, which Thou hast laid up for them that fear Thee; which Thou hast wrought for them that trust in Thee before the sons of men!' love and reverence we owe to God because of his retributive work! 5. 22. At the same time, the exhortation is not omitted. 3. Men are by nature haters of God (Rom. It does not say, "He shall comfort your heart, therefore you need do nothing." There are other analogous expressions in Scripture, setting forth, under various metaphors, God's protection of them that love Him. Many things are and will continue to be implicitly John CalvinThe Institutes of the Christian ReligionLinksPsalm 31:24 NIVPsalm 31:24 NLTPsalm 31:24 ESVPsalm 31:24 NASBPsalm 31:24 KJVPsalm 31:24 Bible AppsPsalm 31:24 ParallelPsalm 31:24 Biblia ParalelaPsalm 31:24 Chinese BiblePsalm 31:24 French BiblePsalm 31:24 German BiblePsalm 31:24 CommentariesBible Hub. (Isaiah lair. If you want to get out of diffidence, and timidity, and despondency, you must rouse yourselves up. 8. (1) But what art Thou to those who love Thee? And He did on this account feign that He knew not, that He might signify somewhat else by that His seeming ignorance: and since this. 3. [2431] and of Lazarus. That what we are to speak to for the clearing and improving this noble piece of truth, that Christ is the Truth, may be the more clearly understood and edifying, we shall first take notice of some generals, and then show particularly how or in what respects Christ is called the Truth; and finally speak to some cases wherein we are to make use of Christ as the Truth. You must not be so; in the name of God, you are commanded in the text to "be of good courage."2. THE PROMISE "He shall strengthen your heart." The affection of love is natural, but the grace is not. Physical, or animal courage is not a rare quality. Ii. 24 So be strong and courageous, all you who put your hope in the Lord! "Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lusts of the flesh.". The history of the extension of the Church of Christ from one land to another, and of the successive victories won by the Cross over heathen races from age to age, gives by itself a very imperfect idea of the meaning of the words "The Holy Catholic Church." Let Hope Rise. They fear God, Thomas WatsonA Divine CordialFather, I Know that all My Life"My times are in Thy hand." At the same time, the exhortation is not omitted. We must understand Paul of a spiritual life. If this weakness of the heart should continue, it will be very injurious. When Life's gloomy curtain, at last, shall close o'er me, And the chill hand of death unexpectedly knock, I will John Ross MacduffThe Cities of Refuge: or, The Name of JesusThe Communion of Saints. What this will is, and how necessary the knowledge of it. For to me to live is Christ, i.e.' I would not have the restless will That hurries to and fro, Seeking for some great Miss A. L. WaringHymns and MeditationsHis Journey to South Russia. Paul was a great admirer of Christ. --PSALM xxxi. Psalm 31:24. This doctrine obscured by the Schoolmen, who make God the object of faith, without referring to Christ. Ii. How Satan acts in the reprobate. A CHEERING PROMISE. Oh, be brave, not cowards. 22. He prays in his calamity19. 2. Of the Triumph of the Christian Faith. You feel a sudden strengthening of your spirit, so that you are perfectly resigned, satisfied, prepared, and ready. "He shall strengthen your heart." Christ is my life; so Gregory of Nyssa; or thus, my life is made up of Christ. 23). Not the sinless, the perfect, but, etc. What this will is, and how necessary the knowledge of it. 1. Do you not think that your God deserves to be trusted? --PSALM xxxi. I would not have you deserve the coward's doom, and speak of it as "retiring." I. The mercy of God is not so "marvellous" when it is shown in humbler cities as when it is shown in "a strong city," [1389] and for this reason "God is to be blessed." ", The Extant Works and Fragments of Hippolytus, [861]Emmaus: [862]St. Michael: Louis Bourgeois, 1551; Arr. Do We See Any Gospel Connections in the Book of Numbers? Is it not wonderful that, at that supreme hour, He deigned to take an unknown singer's words as His words? (Admonition 30.) 3. 19. The Psalmist has been describing, with the eloquence of misery, his own desperate condition, in all manner of metaphors which he heaps together--'sickness,' 'captivity,' 'like a broken vessel,' 'as a dead man out of mind.' They fear God, Thomas WatsonA Divine CordialFather, I Know that all My Life"My times are in Thy hand." For to me to live is Christ. (Ver. How Satan acts in the reprobate. 19. (1) But what art Thou to those who love Thee? The Message, Numbered Edition, Personal Size, with Topical Concordance, The Message // REMIX 2.0--soft leather-look, textured pieces, The Message Large-Print Devotional Bible, hardcover, The Message Deluxe Gift Bible, Black/Slate Leather-Look. 1. It sounds strange logic, 'Be for Thou art,' and yet it is the logic of prayer, and goes very deep, pointing out both its limits and its encouragements. You must not be so; in the name of God, you are commanded in the text to "be of good courage."2. Because, with the outward extension of the Church, its influence upon the inner man needs always to be considered. II. No bosom (save one) has the power to relieve me, The bosom which bled for me, JESUS MY ROCK! No medicine like the blood of Christ; and in the text, For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.' There are some things of this sort even of our Saviour in the Gospel, because the Lord of the Prophets deigned to be Himself also a Prophet. Augustine's similitude of a good and bad rider. The Psalmist has been describing, with the eloquence of misery, his own desperate condition, in all manner of metaphors which he heaps together--'sickness,' 'captivity,' 'like a broken vessel,' 'as a dead man out of mind.' where shall I flee to be safe from their shock? For to me to live is Christ. We must understand Paul of a spiritual life. Psalm 31:24 NIV Psalm 31:24 NLT Psalm 31:24 ESV Psalm 31:24 NASB Psalm 31:24 KJV Psalm 31:24 BibleApps.com Psalm 31:24 Biblia Paralela Psalm 31:24 Chinese Bible Psalm 31:24 French Bible Psalm 31:24 Catholic Bible OT Poetry: Psalm 31:24 Be strong and let your heart take (Psalm Ps Psa.) 2. You may have gone to your bed, sick at heart, "weary, and worn, and sad," and you wake in the morning ready for anything. The parallelism between these two clauses is even stronger in the original than in our Version, for whilst the two words which designate the 'Rock' are not identical, their meaning is identical, and the difference Alexander MaclarenExpositions of Holy Scripture"My Times are in Thy Hand"Having thus taken to the best resource by trusting in Jehovah, and having made the grandest claim possible by saying, "Thou art my God", the Psalmist now stays himself upon a grand old doctrine, one of the most wonderful that was ever revealed to men. 1. Truly unspeakable is the sweetness of the contemplation of Thee, which Thou bestowest upon those who love Thee. Walk Humbly. There are walls which no mortal hands built to surround me, A Refuge Eternal,--'Tis JESUS MY ROCK! If this weakness of the heart should continue, it will be very injurious. Phil 1:1I. The longer it is left the greater will be the difficulty. The ultimate basis of this expectancy must be sought in the Old Testament Alfred EdersheimThe Life and Times of Jesus the MessiahThere are Some Things of this Sort Even of Our Saviour in the Gospel27. Psalm 31:24 - Bible Hub The first part of this verse is consecrated for ever by our Lord's use of it on the Cross. Have you never felt it? Some Generals Proposed. There are many trials which the believer shares in common with the men of this world. "Where have ye laid him?" Do you not think that your God deserves to be trusted? The affection of love is natural, but the grace is not. Sometimes by gracious providences.2. But I know not that there is any Alexander MaclarenExpositions of Holy Scripture 'Into Thy Hands''Into Thine hand I commit my spirit: Thou hast redeemed me, O Lord God of truth.' Objection 2: Further, if a minister of the Church has not the true faith, it seems that he is a heretic. Phil 1:1I. Example from the history of Job. I like the way this is put. An exhortation. He is righteous (v. 1) and will judge righteously (v. 23). (Vers. He prays in his calamity19. 1. For those who deplore sins of deed are to be admonished that perfected lamentations should wash out consummated evils, lest they be bound by a greater debt of perpetrated deed than they pay in tears of satisfaction for it. Let good or ill befall, It must be good for me; Secure VariousThe Hymnal of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the USAHow God Works in the Hearts of Men. I. Start your free trial today! Psalm 31:24 in all English translations. For to me to live is Christ. --JONAH 11. Cut down the tree, but not this only, pull up the roots. Dare to follow that which your conscience declares to be the truth; and be a Christian all out, though it may run you into risks of limb and life. The word rendered 'presence' is literally 'face,' and the force of this very remarkable expression of confidence is considerably marred unless that rendering be retained. If thou art not of good courage, what will happen to thee? David, showing his confidence in God, craves his help7. Sign up now for the latest news and deals from Bible Gateway! All rights reserved. 20. The wicked would flee from God; they would neither be under His rules, nor within His reach. AugustineAgainst LyingThe Death of the Righteous'For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.' Psalm 32. (1) But what art Thou to those who love Thee? 2. Alexander took great pains to have him healed, and when he was quite well, he never exposed his precious life to any risk again. You must not be so; in the name of God, you are commanded in the text to "be of good courage."2. 3. After carefully pondering the matter--with, John YeardleyMemoir and Diary of John Yeardley, Minister of the GospelWhether Faith is Required of Necessity in the Minister of a Sacrament?Objection 1: It seems that faith is required of necessity in the minister of a sacrament. Psalm 31:24 Sermons: Be strong, and let your heart take courage, all I would not have you deserve the coward's doom, and speak of it as "retiring." He prays in his calamity19. David, showing his confidence in God, craves his help7. "Where have ye laid him?" Spurgeon. Do not sit still, and rub your eyes, and say, "I cannot help it, I must always be dull like this." Beside all that, God the Holy Spirit has a secret way of strengthening the courage of God's people, which none of us can explain. I. Therefore, if the minister is without the true faith, the sacrament is invalid. "He shall strengthen your heart." Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. The scope of this chapter. The first part of this verse is consecrated for ever by our Lord's use of it on the Cross. A friend who had watched with regret his unsuccessful attempts on former journeys to enter that jealous country, and who augured from the political changes which had taken place that permission might probably now be obtained, brought the subject again under his notice. I ask Thee for a thoughtful love, Through constant watching wise, To meet the glad with joyful smiles, And to wipe the weeping eyes; And a heart at leisure from itself, To soothe and sympathize. What an honour to that old saint that Jesus Christ, dying, should find nothing that more fully corresponded to His inmost heart at that moment than the utterance of the Psalmist long ago! Question answered in respect to God and man. Oh, I would rather that you should be stung into courage by excessive pain than that you should be healed into cowardice! But I know not that there is any Alexander MaclarenExpositions of Holy Scripture 'Into Thy Hands''Into Thine hand I commit my spirit: Thou hast redeemed me, O Lord God of truth.'

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psalm 31:24 the message