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pathfinder: kingmaker token of the dryad

Jhod tells you that the problem is reaching epidemic proportions. Fionn himself will waste rounds self-buffing so use that to your advantage. Exhaust her conversation options (apart from the one where you murder her for no reason at all) and she will tell you approximately where to look. Continue south to find a Giant Flytrap. Storyteller is a character in Pathfinder: Kingmaker. Their room is the large one at the top of the stairs. There is a chest with a Wand of Lightning Bolt on the right of the cave and another chest with some minor loot close to the exit. (dryad tokens, coins, dogtags) you can also sell them to oleg. The Storyteller has a supernatural ability to . Controlled Fireball) to take out the swarms. Make your way there and head upstairs. Otherwise, you'll take a mauling if it lands some hits. Move squishier characters into the previous cave and have one character advance into the cave to trigger an assault from four Primal Giant Spiders and a Quickspider close to the northeast entrance. Search under a rock for another Taldan Warrior's Dog Tag. To make you feel extra bad, there are four unicorns wandering peacefully in a forest glade. Continue along the path to the end. Exhaust Kesten's conversation options and those of other advisors who chip in. After killing it, search among the rocks to the east for a Torag's Pendant. Nok-Nok will run ahead and taunt the king ("shatshanks drench breeches" - an insult to cherish). Weapons with elemental damage are also effective. Ask him about the relic he mentioned and he will talk at length about a hammer named Obliteration, initiating his artisan quest. They're still dangerous in packs so get the drop on them and use something like Fascinate to manage them. Buff up before you speak to him. When Sharel delivers an item, he asks that you visit him in Tatzlford. Accept your reward or punishment as appropriate since you benefit either way. Instead, remove the trap just inside and have Ekundayo shoot it. About 130 days before the curse activates, Amiri will come to your throne room and ask to speak to you in the tavern. Question him about his family - but don't have him executed as a spy - and agree to help him. Sounds like a fetch quest! Save your game and tell Jhod you're ready to begin. If you search behind the hit near the cages, you will find a crate containing some gold, a Robe of Air and a Melted Shard of a Ring (11/13). Search the grass nearby for a Token of the Dryad and leave. The addition of Morhalan doesn't make this much more difficult than casting Stinking Cloud. There's a hidden (DC26) crate next to it with the Mother's Warmth kukri. Continue left. I ended up with a DC 35 Intimidate check which is worth 3840 XP on its own. The volunteer will survive if you pass the skill check. The creature drops some First World Fruit (which is a rare cooking ingredient) and an Amulet of Mighty Fists +3. Search the barrel outside the hut for the unique falchion, Beastrender. If you select someone other than "Tsanna, Tedrim's maid", she will summon some assistance before attacking. None of the enemies drop anything noteworthy (besides Masterwork weapons) but there's a hidden crate near the fence with some scrolls and a Shard of Knight's Bracers (9/10). If you side with Jhod, the skill checks that will need to make (Athletics, Mobility, Lore: Nature or Diplomacy) are much harder but more rewarding if you pass. Search a crate near a rock outcrop for a pair of Bracers of Armor +4. When you visit your throne room, Linzi will come to you with the suggestion that you throw a party for Ekundayo to cheer him up, initiating his first companion quest. This will unlock a piece of Curse research. There's a body nearby with some minor loot. More enemies will come from the bandit camp, including the Fake Stag Lord himself who is a Bard. Go southeast and east to find the place. Ask for her room key. Simply take the alignment-based conversation option. She will deny having anything to do with the problems blighting your lands. There's a crate filled with minor loot near the entrance to the southern tunnel. Head south down the slope from the sisters to the water area and continue down to fight three Owlbears. Pathfinders! Climb the hillock to the south of him and search the undergrowth for the Taldan Horseshoe (4/5). You should have 200 or more days remaining. If you go through these fog patches, you will be whisked elsewhere and at this point, you are unable to control it and may end up lost and frustrated. Assuming your response to this provocation is non-lethal, you can persuade them to stay in your Barony (DC16). You will come across a lot of different items/treasure during the game. Either way, you will have a message to convey to Kimo. The Hunting Grounds are immediately north of the lodge. You will emerge in a previously inaccessible part of the map. You will have to split your party up. There isn't a lot you can right now, because you can't explore freely in Varnhold at this time. Dryads are benign forest fey. The goblins are having a party. You will see this notification around 220 days before the deadline. The Shaman is a 14th-level Cleric with a fair sized HP pool. Moray drops a Ring of Protection +3 which will be an upgrade for one of your characters. If you are able to make a Lore: Nature (DC20) check, you will note that the berries are fatally poisonous. There are prisoners in five of the cages. This is a mechanically annoying fight because you start at extreme distance which means that most of your party will have to waste a round getting into range. By "green jewels", she means an emerald. However, Ekundayo is a dab hand with Lore (Nature) so make a couple of checks (DC25 and DC20) to get her on her feet again. You can investigate the various conversation options - none useful - but in the end you should agree to accompany him. She tells you that the gems were not enough and now her partner is asking for a unicorn's horn. Antiquities Collector does he exist? :: Pathfinder: Kingmaker General Outside the tent is an Old Gnome whom you can speak to. Visiting the Dryad, alone! - Pathfinder: Kingmaker - YouTube By this point, you should be able to defeat the enemies regardless. You will also lock yourself out of a trophy. The person being condemned to destroy a thousand kingdoms to atone for her transgression is the Guardian of the Bloom. Use the shortcut to return to the area entrance. You will find Sharel a short distance to the southwest, having been arrested by a guard. They drop loot worth about 3K if you want to go all Lawful on them. Dryads with druid levels add this racial modifier to their wild empathy checks. They tell you that they were made to drink water and then simply released. Continue making your way west. They have concealment and DR 10/cold iron. Five cultists will arrive to conduct some sort of ritual. To be sure, he deserves a slap with a wet fish, but that isn't going to get him back to work. Tsanna is most suspicious - she has a limp, has come in through the back door, has burnt something in the fireplace and is cooking something that isn't a meal. Go back down through the area with the traps and head west through a gate. A short distance to the right is an abandoned goblin cart with some minor loot. Speak to Una and Kabron Tedrim standing in front of the bar. When it is on, you can pass through the fog without being whisked elsewhere. Go directly east from your starting point. Remember our recent survey about the DLC of your dreams? If you want to, you can climb down from here for a shortcut to the entrance, although it's a one-way trip. When you've damaged him enough, he will surrender and be "arrested", although you still have to kill his associates. A chest on the left of the cave contains a suit of Banded Armor +3 while a final locked chest (DC30) contains the unique Hairsplitter estoc. The team that remains behind will fight the tougher enemies so choose accordingly. The fate of your advisors in this battle depends on your actions at the Goblin Fort: If Jhod made a heroic last stand, he will have some heroic last words. She tells you to talk to Ollie's wife, Lidika, who can be found in Lake Silverstep. Encourage her to persevere (unless you enjoy failing quests). When the event is solved, head to the Tranquil River Bend and you will see the Fey Glade location appear on your map. Continue north. (DC22) option and Ekun will open up. Start making your way up the western side of the map. Pathfinder: Kingmaker - Definitive Edition . A guard is trapped underneath a monster. Your envoy will tell you of an urgent message from Jamandi Aldori, expressing concern that Varnhold has cut off all contact and demanding that you investigate. The Alchemist is a pain since he uses Greater Invisibility which makes him hard to spot and target. When it's dead, speak to the bound goblin, Nok-Nok. There really is no pleasing some people. He tells you that he needs some Inubrix to reforge it and then you might find some in a Technic League camp. Save before approaching the gate. Compared to what Kimo produces and will produce in the future, his offer is not worth it. Assign an advisor to the Expert Mountaineering project which will cut your travel time significantly in the next chapter. Go to the storeroom next door where you will notice that the back door has been recently used. If you came here first, Jhod will survive. There is a puzzle in the ruins to obtain a secret treasure. Instead, meet them in the tavern. Focus will switch to your other party members. Make your way to the Hunting Grounds (which hopefully you made safe) and go east to find the location of the party (it's marked on your map). Otherwise, give him the berries to close off the errand. Don't go through yet, but there's no reason why you can't deal with the group of goblins guarding it who become hostile as you approach. There is a trap just inside the gate and beyond that a group of around ten goblins. Continue until you find a container with some minor loot on your left and buff up. Tell the Old Gnome that you have business to take care of to give yourself a chance to save your game and heal. Head northeast to clear out the rest of the camp. Stolen Land: Gear, Weapons, Armor, Unique Items, and - Neoseeker Behind the first hut are a couple of crates, one of which contains minor loot while the other contains a Token of the Dryad. The main quest will take you there shortly and it's preferable to adventure within your borders so that you can keep an eye on affairs back home. There are three Greater Worgs and an Alpha Worg to fight your way through. The Ancient Wyvern is fairly powerful but the other two are quite weak. Nearby is a tree where you can obtain a Mysterious Bird. Head northwest and some fleeing barbarians will come running past you. A chest behind the desk contains a Wand of Echolocation. Golden Toad - Pathfinder: Kingmaker Wiki If you killed or exiled her, the Priest will "curse" you": +2 to Persuasion, -1 AC vs animals and magical beasts. While you're fighting these, you'll probably aggro the next group of enemies as well, including two Alchemists. Follow the path around and take out another pair of Fighters and a Bard. For the best outcome select "Don't submit to despair". However, you're almost done and there's still another pack of wolves to kill on this map - an Alpha Worg and three Greater Worgs on the way to the area exit. Let him invite whoever and the Hunting Lodge will be added to your map. If one survives, both will. This gives you time get your barony onto a solid footing - rank up your advisors, establish a second town, maybe conduct a little more Curse research. It needs to killed and has 120HP. Cross over the Crooked River and head south (this is the route you took to Talon Peak earlier). In the first room. Leave the cave and head to Tatzlford. There's still a bit of clearing up to be done in the city. < > Visit her outside her shop and she will tell you about an associate, Ollie, who disappeared with a chest of gemstones which was to be a downpayment for an amazingly rare item. There is a chest filled with minor loot in the northwest corner. I got a bunch of items with Golden symbols, what are they for? You will learn that the goblin shaman who wanted to sacrifice him may know more about the source of the infection. Credit for the information on this page goes to Unikatze / Christopher Gerlach and the Pathfinder: Kingmaker community. Some beginning questions regarding Items :: Pathfinder: Kingmaker Be careful because some of the lower ones will go round the long way to attack the characters you left behind. When you find Amiri, she will want to talk to you about her tribe, the Six Bears. If you search the carts nearby, you will find a locked (DC21) crate containing a Shock Dagger +1. After you've freed the guard, you can do some shopping with Verdel if you have an urgent need to offload dead looters' junk and animal pelts. This is somewhat tough, with high AC and concealment, but manageable so long as you overcome its DR. Search its remains for a Melted Shard of a Ring (8/13) and a Throwing Axe +1. Continue down to the repurposed torture chamber and buff up - a potion of Heroism is good for the skill checks. There are three Quickspiders and two Doomspiders close to your starting position. Ask about the three wishes and she will name her second wish: berry wine from Kyonin or Elven Absinth. Buff up (Haste is good) and head through, the eastern portal. You have five choices. On the left of the cave is a locked (DC29) chest with a pair of Bracers of Armor +4 and the Peridot Wyvern which may be used to summon an ally for a few minutes per day. When you catch up with the annoying Horsereaper, you can murder him or let him go. I won't give suggestions for managing your kingdom in the walkthrough text, but priorities for Act 3 are: You can build to help raise a stat to 60. Otherwise, you should put them to work when you return to your capital. When it finishes, interact with the water. Head east from your capital. it's Starday or Sunday), you can kill time in the kingdom management screen. Return to the kitchen and speak to the Tedrims' servant, Tsanna. Speak to Kesten and you will learn that the goblins are deliberately infecting human prisoners. The next time Sharel delivers a gift, he will tell you that Morhalan has escaped. Take Nok-Nok with you. After you've killed it you can find a Token of the Dryad in the undergrowth. She is a 12th-level Inquisitor. Cross Lake Silverstep and the Womb of Lamashtu will appear on your world map. Eliminate the Alchemist first. r/Pathfinder_Kingmaker on Reddit: My main character's weapon is in He also tells you that goblins have started appearing anticipating the "day of glory for Lamashtu". As you make your way east, you will see a pack of three Dire Bears through a gap in the rocks which you can attack from this side. War of the River Kings - The Menagerie - Chapter 5 - Gamer Guides If you head north, you will be attacked from two fronts by worgs which puts you at a disadvantage. You can investigate further, but the most profitable option is simply to announce that you are the baron and he an impostor (Intimidation DC22). which can of course be much more useful than getting a few . When they're all cleared, start heading north for an interesting vision about something called an "Everblooming Flower". Afterwards, you can simply burn it. Return to Tatzlford, Give Kimo his flower and and the confirmation of innocence to the guard. The Arch-Chemist drops a Ring of Protection +1 while the Commando Commander drops a Melted Shard of a Ring (12/13). Respond to him how you like. If you explore the tunnel, you will find more minor loot in a crate and a Taldan Warrior's Dog Tag under a rock at the end. There's a locked (DC23) container with minor loot. Ask for their key and you may (in fact probably will) notice that they are nervous. You have to climb a ladder to free the last slave. Wander around the Narlmarches for an indeterminate amount of time and you will eventually have a scripted encounter. You will find another Taldan Warrior's Dog Tag in a rock. Before you can do anything with it, you will have to eliminate the creatures nearby: an Ancient Wyvern and Red and Yellow Dweomerwyverns. The result of the vivisection - regardless of choice - is a seed that summons a monster. Choose to drop poison on the petals. They have concealment but so long as you are protected from poison, they aren't terribly dangerous. Return to Mim. She will want you to get a bottle of wine from Elina so that she can "steal Ekun for a moment". Kill two Ferocious Wyverns. Head back through the Hidden Creephole and start making your way south and west. Are they part of the greater First World plotline? If you build Mage Towers in your capital and your second town, you can teleport between them without having to rank up your Magister. If you invited Bartholomew Delgado along and ask him to help, the skill checks are much easier. If the lock is too tough for you, there's a key elsewhere in the area. If you drink jagwart, you will have to make three Consitution checks (10, 11, 12), "[Stealth 13] Nok-Nok climbed on the roof", Primal Spider Matriarch, Primal Giant Spider, Spider Swarm x2, Quickspider Swarm. Return to the world map and make your way to Bridge Over the Gudrin River since the place has changed since you were last there. You will receive this event about a week after Kimo delivers his first item. If you do ask Elina for a bottle of wine, say that it's for Ntavi and you will receive Cheap Wine. Basically, they want to do something with the old prison - I suggest Guards Headquarters because Stability is a harder stat to increase than the others. When Irlene delivers her first item, she will have a proposal for you. you'd get more money from the storyteller NPC later, but having money now can buy you stuff that makes the game easier. Continue and you will see Nightmare Skeleton Soldiers attacking the barbarian warriors (who, to be fair, stand up for themselves just fine). Olika's room is the middle of the lower three rooms. Act 3 - Season of Bloom - Pathfinder: Kingmaker - GameSpot Kill her (and maybe everyone else involved as well), "(Chaotic Neutral) Smiled, muttered 'why not'", "Answered that he didn't feel like it" (unless you want "kicked a dog" on your conscience), Either. Search a rock just beneath it for a Taldan Warrior's Dog Tag. Select the "Troubling events" option and exhaust his conversation options and he will give you the Magical Lantern which will allow you to navigate the magical fog. The guards will probably hinder your efforts by surrounding the enemies. Either way, you unlock a 20d project. Once done, turn your attention to the west, where another cavern full of centipedes awaits. Check the cart to your right for ingredients and a new recipe, Succulent Sausages. At certain points in the countdown to Ancient Curse, Part 3, various events will occur. There's a chest near where he skulks which contains a probably useless scroll of Hold Person. The Hamadryad has 210HP and fast healing, together with the usual fey DR 10/cold iron and is more or less immune to most elemental damage. Go inside. Search some rubble to the south of the shrine for a Taldan Warrior's Dog Tag. Do so and ask him what he wanted to tell you. Amiri will give him a well-deserved Glasgow kiss. When they're dead, the Old Gnome will appear asking why you "crave the crown". There are a bunch of goblins at the back of the area who mutter vague threats. When you're ready to proceed, take the southeast exit. When the deadline is reached, your advisors will congratulate you and you will receive 8600G. Head north from here where you will find Hyland and a group of guards fighting a pair of Venomhydras and a Venomanticore. Allow him to do so. Head south to the Swamp Witch's Hut. However, it has no special properties. Search under a rock for the final Shard of Knight's Bracers (10/10). If you don't want to make this complicated for yourself, simply attack her. You start off in the southwest of the area. Immediately afterwards, a battle will begin. A chest contains minor loot and you will find a Taldan Warrior's Dog Tag under a rock. Needless to say the Primal Hydra in the pen will attack. Search the Primal Manticore's remains for the Cypress Queen's Crown (5/5). Your enemies are two 8th level fighters, a 10th level fighter who's a bit tougher than the others and an 8th level priest. Continue south and force march your party all the way to Talon Peak. If you go south from here, you will be able to go behind the first hydra pen. Advance and you will find yourself in battle with a Greater Enraged Owlbear. Afterwards, you can raid their nest for two Owlbear Eggs. As the tied-up goblin predicted, the Owlbear refuses to touch him and turns on its keepers instead, killing one. Select the "What do you mean?" Instead, head west along the path and clear another Primal Giant Spider and Spider Swarm. There's a locked (DC25) container nearby that you can loot for some gold. Join. Unfortunately, for the optimum outcome to Amiri's questline, you have to pull them apart. When the week is up, seek Irlene out again. Before he dies, he will mention a place called the Womb of Lamashtu. When you get to the bears' location, search a rock for a Token of the Dryad. Morhalan makes clothing from the skins of Lizardfolk. If you have a lawful alignment, you can order this bonehead back to the capital where he belongs. You can then send him to Jhod for help which is the best outcome for this sidequest.

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pathfinder: kingmaker token of the dryad