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Table A.3:Navy Materiel Sustainment Agreement Performance Framework - Core Key Health Indicators. 5.57A briefing to DMO Division Heads in September2011 summarised the shortcomings of Defences approach to sustainment in the absence of an asset management approach: 5.58In 2011, DMO set about developing a Sustainment Business Model drawing on generically applicable asset management principles.179 There is then little evidence of substantial progress of the project for some years. The audit found that Defence had established and continued to refine a generally sound Materiel Sustainment Agreement (MSA) framework to facilitate the management of sustainment activity for specialist military equipment. They are mandatory for all procurements valued at greater than two million Australian dollars (AUD$2m), and guidance for all others, unless exemptions apply. This method produces a rough order-of-magnitude estimate, and is generally used early in the life cycle of a new asset/system when technical definition is immature and insufficient cost data is available. In this light, the cost of those staff is a substantial omission from the apparent price of services facing the capability manager. Contracts with the principal provider are not performance-based. This issue could be managed provided the scope of any sustainment review is appropriately selected. These tests also apply regardless of treatment as a direct cost Costs that can be identified specifically with a particular sponsored project, an instructional activity, or any other institutional activity, or that can be directly assigned to such activities relatively easily with a high degree of accuracy. 12For example, the Kinnaird and Mortimer reviews recommended an independent entity. Maintenance is still a large cost component for sustainment of these systems but regular replacement is more significant in comparison with platforms. Commonwealth Procurement Rules | Department of Finance The following paragraphs provide an overview of the contents of the 201516 performance documents. collaborating with a university recipient would be subject to the cost principles The government-wide principles, issued by OMB (or, in the case of commercial organizations, the Federal Acquisition Regulation [48 CFR 21], or, in the case of hospitals, 45 CFR 75, Appendix IX, "Principles For Determining Costs Applicable to Research and Development Under Grants and Contracts with Hospitals"), on allowability and unallowability of costs under federally sponsored agreements. These are known within Defence as Fleet Screenings.23 While Fleet Screening procedures vary among the Services, the intent is broadly similar: that is, to review the funding allocated to sustainment through the MSAs, and make decisions about changes to funding levels, equipment operation, or performance indicators.24 For example, additional funding may be required for equipment that has recently returned from operations. It provides only a partial account of materiel sustainment within Defence and is potentially at odds with the One Defence model promoted by the First Principles Review. That review found shortcomings in the application of procurement principles, which exposed Defence to risks. External Maintenance Period Activity Cost Growth. A primary example is the detailed, technical paper produced by Navy in 2006, A Quantitative Approach to Navy Performance Measurement. A Smart Buyer collaborates with Industry and engages early and throughout the Capability Life Cycle. Following the change in government in 2013, it terminated work on the Strategic Reform Program. the experience, skills and competencies of Systems Program Office staff; [Systems Program Offices (SPOs)] not being able to manage to an effective asset management plan; Disrupted maintenance schedules, affecting availability and increasing costs; Shortened life of type, and increased whole-of-life cost; and. Setting the Direction 3. CASG was also managing 109 sustainment products with a total annual budget of A$7.7 billion; for a total annual budget of A$17.0 billion.[2]. However, they are not conducted according to any auditing standard. The Review found, in terms similar to those of Coles: In fact, the general comment is that sustainment is the poor cousin to acquisition.28 In June2017 Defence advised the ANAO that it was attempting to address this perception through the current round of reforms, such as the new Capability Life Cycle and the December2016 release of Support Procurement Strategies. A Smart Buyer will also enable appropriate financial return for its Suppliers. 5.65The audit found limited evidence that Defence was preparing to evaluate the reforms to Capability Acquisition and Sustainment Group, its execution of the reforms or their outcome in terms of improvements to either acquisition or sustainment. The instruction was cancelled in March 2014 and replaced by the Defence Logistics Manual, DEFLOGMAN Part 2, Volume 10, Chapter 16, Life Cycle Costing Analysis. The success of the contract will be measured by Defences ability to operate without Bechtel support at the end of the contract, rather than by any specific product delivered by Bechtel. The Department of Defence welcomes the Australian National Audit Office (ANAO) performance audit on Defences management of materiel sustainment. However, they are in a different order, which may reflect changes in organisation following the delisting of DMO. In February2016, the Deputy Secretary, Capability Acquisition and Sustainment Group, informed the First Principles Review Implementation Committee that the business framework project has commenced and been resourced to deliver a fundamental rebuild of all Group processes.159 The completion date was extended to 1July2016 and the objective was to have a High-level business framework approved. 34. Defence informed the ANAO that both measures are based on direct product costs incurred by the Capability Acquisition and Sustainment Group and do not include sustainment costs incurred by other parts of Defence. For example, those sources state: The 2016 Houston Review also found that the full potential of the Australian Tiger program, when reached, will not be adequate to provide the robust, reliable and sustainable aviation reconnaissance and attack capability that Army requires. a sustainment gate review of Air Forces Airborne Early Warning and Control fleet, which observed that all Systems Program Offices staff needed to be fully capable to deal with a complex platform and small fleet of aircraft. Progress in implementing the quoted recommendation has not been explicitly tracked with the other recommendations such as 2.12 and 2.13 in regular reporting on progress of the First Principles Review. 130, Overview of the enhanced Commonwealth performance framework, July 2016. Capability Acquisition and Sustainment Group officers have stated that, because of the lack of internal capacity and expertise, the group has depended heavily on consultants/contractors with its reforms. 3.12In a recent submission to the JCPAA, Defence stated that The Defence Ministers are provided with a Quarterly Performance Report, which includes Projects of Concern, Projects and Products of Interest and Performance Summaries for the Top 30 Sustainment Products.44 The stated intent of the Quarterly Performance Report is to provide ministers and senior Defence personnel with: a clear and timely understanding of emerging risks and issues in the delivery of capability to our Australian Defence Force end-users. 3.50To assess Defences public reporting for the sustainment of specialist military equipment, the ANAO considered: 3.51The Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013 (PGPA Act) aims to improve the line of sight between what was intended and what is delivered. This chapter examines Defences performance framework to support the management and external scrutiny of materiel sustainment for specialist military equipment. However, based on the ANAOs review of a Quarterly Performance Report produced during the audit, its contents are neither complete nor reliable, it takes two months to produce and its contents are sometimes difficult to understand. 179At the time, the British Standards Institutions Publicly Available Specification for the optimal management of physical assets (PAS 55) was the benchmark international standard. The Rizzo Review into naval sustainment raised this problem in the following terms: To avoid being seen to fail personally, there is a danger (especially in the can do, make do environment) that staff will choose to not raise bad news. Develop an Asset Management Strategy for sustainment. 3.32The First Principles Review found no direct measures of productivity in the existing management information systems, though some cost and schedule information is included in MRS and SPMS. Improvements are still being seen in Rate of Effort (ROE) generation, since the implementation of the renegotiated ARH Sustainment contract arrangement. It is now not clear whether Defence will continue with this work. Systems Program Office staff are involved in both acquisition and sustainment. 23Fleet Screenings is a term originally used by Navy. There are four basic financial . For example, the Systems Program Office reviews are not yet complete and Defence has provided no evidence that decisions have been taken on changes to their structure and functioning. With benchmark availability on the verge of being achieved, the focus should now be on efficiency improvements and cost reductions across the sustainment program. Table6: Capability Sustainment Program lists estimates for nine elements of Defences Capability Sustainment Program (Navy Sustainment, Army Sustainment and so on) over the four financial years of the forward estimates period. Defence has engaged industry expertise to guide and help it with the First Principles reforms relating to acquisition and sustainment, including $107million with a single company where the contract for services is not performance-based. %%EOF The absence of an asset management approach within Defence makes it difficult to piece together a holistic asset management view across the myriad individual policies which focused on discrete processes. From the perspective of the field review, there is some indication that the sustainment models continue to drift apart.202. Decision-makers are empowered and held responsible for delivering on strategies and plans within agreed resourcing. 99Some of those attempts are examined later (paragraph 5.54 forward). In light of the Parliamentary interest in Defence sustainment (see paragraph 1.4 forward) the ANAO has considered, on the basis of the current audits findings, the issue of enhanced scrutiny of sustainment through a process similar to the existing Major Projects Report (MPR).1 The MPR has been prepared annually over the last decade to provide independent assurance of the status of selected Defence major acquisition projects. processes for documenting capability managers requirements around sustainment. Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear and Explosive Equipment, Personal Field Equipment, Aerial Delivery and Adventurous Training Equipment and Combat Protective Equipment, and Special Forces equipment and needs. Deficiencies in the configuration record indicates potential Configuration variance and will impact the availability of necessary inventory for planned and corrective maintenance tasks resulting in increased risk to achieving Materiel Ready Days (Materiel Availability outcome). Sustainment costs were increasing because of the inappropriate application of DMO policies and procedures, and a lack of business acumen in contracting and engagement with industry. SeeCost Considerations-The Cost Principlesfor additional details. 88Previously, the relevant expenses would have been allocated across several categories, including repair and overhaul, and inventory supplies. Monitor and controls project cost, schedule and scope; Performs analyses and prepares reports in orders to ensure that contracts are within the negotiated and agreed-upon parameters and CASG cost principles guidelines; Timely and accurate project and corporate reporting; Incorporate contractual changes, ensure adequate funding on projects 14For the great majority of Defences military assets, Capability Acquisition and Sustainment Group (CASG) is responsible for sustainment. CASG Cost Principles | Business & Industry | Defence Failure to achieve planning milestones has been identified as a key constraint and has a direct impact upon the ability of Capability Acquisition and Sustainment Group to deliver platforms out of maintenance periods on time. The Future PGCS 2019 Chloe Kempster www.pgcs.org.au/library/2019 2 Defence should also clarify whether the Quarterly Performance Report system reports on sustainment activities across Defence or is limited to the activities of the Capability Acquisition and Sustainment Group. The ANAO found that, 18months after implementation commenced, there had been limited progress. Table10: Capability Sustainment Program corresponds to Table6 in the PBS (see above). The fact that a proposed cost is awarded as requested by an applicant does not indicate a determination of allowability. Defences view is that, once implemented, this initiative will improve Defences cost estimates for major capital equipment projects and will bring Defence practice into line with the approach adopted by capital intensive industries and Defence partner nations. That modelling indicated cost of ownership of between $240million and $360million per year (October2012 prices), or $5.1million to $7.7million per aircraft per year. LAND 121 PH 3B Project Office [Project OverlanderMedium Heavy Capability, Field Vehicles, Modules and Trailers], LAND 121 PH 4 Project Office [Protected Mobility Vehicles (Light)Hawkei], LAND 400 [Combat Reconnaissance Vehicles, Infantry Fighting Vehicles, Manoeuvre Support Vehicles, and an Integrated Training System. 171Defence, Airborne Early Warning and Control Sustainment Performance Gate Review, 30 July 2015. Reporting: SPOs report to multiple bodies for performance management and technical assurance, and all require different information, formats, and timings; Policy: implementing changes to policy and process from multiple sources with limited guidance or support; and. 187Defence Portfolio Budget Statements 201516, Table 94: Top 30 Sustainment Products by End of Financial Year Outcome 201516, p. 190, available from [accessed 20 April 2017]. [6], Ministerial statements in 2010 and 2011 suggested that the Government believed new procurement reforms were needed. This narrower focus risks telling only a partial account of sustainment within Defence and is potentially at odds with the One Defence model promoted by the First Principles Review. 3.45The First Principles Review found that, at the project level, Defence treats staff as a free good across the department: Employee costs are not considered part of a projects costs and a manager cannot adjust numbers of staff based on project need. Reforms to the management of sustainment flowing from the 2015 First Principles Review remain at an early stage, and this stream of activity is likely to take much longer than the expected two years. An output measure, which directly reflects achievement against the Materiel Availability outcome. 199In its 200809 Annual Report, Defence stated that to implement this recommendation, it had created the Sustainment Reinvestment Office to co-ordinate DMOs role in achieving the $5.5 billion in savings expected from Smart Sustainment under the Strategic Reform Program. 1.9The audit was conducted in accordance with ANAO Auditing Standards at a cost to the ANAO of approximately $422000. Mortimer identified five principal areas of concern. It also considers how Defenceparticularly within the Capability Acquisition and Sustainment Groupis implementing the reforms most relevant to the management of sustainment, and the progress of those reforms. For example, in April 2015, Defences Lessons Learned report for the Air 87 Phase 2 Armed Reconnaissance Helicopter project stated: By its nature the project definition and contract negotiation stages of the project focus on cost-capability aspects of the weapon system. 3.27The ANAO recommends that Defence institutes a risk-based quality assurance process to ensure the accuracy, completeness and relevance of the information included in the Defence Quarterly Performance Report. This, it states, is to be measured tri-annually and reported annually for each year of the corporate plan. This month closes out the Financial Year total at 3995.2 against the planned 5848 hours, a result of 68.32 percent. Source:Defence, Portfolio Budget Statements and Additional Estimates Statements; ANAO analysis. A separate reform stream began in July2010, when consultants engaged by DMO found its sustainment business model was strikingly different from those in the private sector. 22. 'Some Economic Aspects of the Weapons Systems Acquisition Process' (2003); available from, This page was last edited on 19 February 2023, at 03:28. [Materiel Acquisition Agreement] Closure and accompanying Product Schedule Change Proposal (PdCP) to transfer the delivery of the Deployable Aircraft Maintenance Rig capability to CA12 completed and awaiting Assets Under Control (AUC) balance adjustments before paperwork can be processed for signature. Based on this analysis the Review suggested indicative savings targets. 3.29The efficiency of sustainment has been raised repeatedly over the years. Knowledge of the total cost could contribute to a better understanding of the whole-of-life costs of Navy assets and, over time, could provide useful insight into whether cost-effectiveness is improving or deteriorating.41. In its 201415 Annual Report, Defence claimed to have achieved $2billion of savings from the initiative in its first five years. It was not expected to meet key sustainment metrics such as Reliability/Availability/Maintainability, Rate of Effort and cost of ownership, and should be replaced; the Chief of Army has place caveats on its useeffectively limiting what the aircraft can be used for, and where it can be used; Army did not deploy the helicopter in its engagements in Afghanistan or Iraq; the program has consistently underperformed; on average only 3.5 aircraft of the operational fleet of 16 aircraft were serviceable at 10 am on any given day in 2015, against a requirement of 12 aircraft; availability for the aircraft is predominantly limited by premature component level failures and is constrained by inadequate sustainment arrangements, despite the lower than expected hours flown, by June2014 sustainment costs for the Tiger had exceeded the original sustainment contract (, in June2016, the cost per flying hour for the Tiger fleet was $30335, compared to a target of $20000 (the long-term average in June2016 was $39472 per flying hour); and. This is potentially useful information though not always written in clear language. Develop cost baselines, models, and supporting processes for sustainment program. FCF = Net Income + Non-Cash Expenses - Incrase in Working Capital - Capital Expenditures. Develop a through-life capability management plan. SPOs with a preponderance of contractor activity in acquisition include Submarines and those SPOs designated Project Offices., Table A.2:Navy Materiel Sustainment Agreement Performance Framework Core Key Performance Indicators. They tend to manage outcomes by testing quality and auditing activity rather than assuring capability outcomes governing supplier processes; this results in man markingb [industry], duplication of effort, rework, and delays. The Mortimer Review (2008, p.48) noted that the efficiency and effectiveness of DMO sustainment performance will not improve unless it is measured. 5.56Appendix 6 of this audit report summarises proposals between 2008 and 2011 to introduce a Defence Sustainment Efficiency Office and a Sustainment Business Model. This includes the capacity to adequately direct, supervise, and monitor contracts. Efficient, Effective, Economical and Ethical Procurement 7. [13], In March 2009, the Corporate general manager of the DMO, Jane Wolfe, was dismissed for unsatisfactory performance. 206General Accounting Office, GAO/GGD-92-11 Government Contractors: Are Service Contractors Performing Inherently Governmental Functions?, 1991, p. 30, available from [accessed 16 January 2017]. Subsequently, the term has been used widely by others, including in a military acquisition context. The achievement of this should be greatly enhanced by the application of the cost model. 14. A cash flow statement is a financial report that details how cash entered and left a business during a reporting period. Poor Demand Satisfaction outcomes will ordinarily be reflected in the increase of Urgency of Need Designators A and B demands or directly in Priority 1 stores related Urgent Defect. The review considered the causes of this complexity, made comparisons with commercial organisations with similar operations and analysed the impact of this complexity on DMO. A Defence instruction on lifecycle costing has been in place since at least November1992.64 In addition, a Through Life Support Manual Volume 6Life Cycle Costing Analysis has been available since 2001 (and remains current).65 The issue of instructions and availability of guidance has not provided assurance of adequate costing action. Retrofitting the necessary sustainment arrangements is more challenging than getting them right at the outset. There was/were: In all, Mortimer made 46 recommendations, with 42 accepted in full by the Government and three accepted in part. Contracts with the principal provider are not performance-based. Research and reviews conducted for Defence have revealed a range of specific operational problems that are detracting from the efficient and effective sustainment of Defence capability, including the functioning of Systems Program Offices. DMOs approach was extremely variable and inconsistent, particularly when compared with most commercial and other government organisations: It has inherited 50+ business models that existed before the DMO was formed in 2000. 7.2 The Cost Principles - National Institutes of Health This introduces risks related to ensuring that Systems Program Office staff working on outsourcing have the necessary skills and competencies. 3.11The Quarterly Performance Report is the primary way by which Defence provides information to government and senior Defence personnel about the status of major acquisition and sustainment activities.43 The report was developed in 2015 in consultation with the office of the Minister for Defence. Defects post Maintenance Period. This was the case with the earlier Smart Sustainment reforms. 1See, for example, ANAO Report No.40 201617, 201516 Major Projects Report. Defence began its Smart Sustainment reforms in early 2010 as part of the Strategic Reform Program Implementation package. Defence had not defined the cultural changes it expected from the program and therefore may not deliver the behavioural changes required for long-term reform. 69Defence Annual Report 199798, p. 224. 5.35The problem of existing contract arrangements was described as follows by an RAAF officer in 2005, with a special focus on ageing aerospace platforms: The typical [support entity] entails a Systems Program Office managing a variety of small to large volume-based, process-oriented contracts. Fragmented management meant Defence did not have an enterprise-wide view of the many Smart Sustainment initiatives, and was missing opportunities for wider reform. Defence advised the ANAO that Capability Acquisition and Sustainment Groups expenses on all employees in 201516 were $490.4million. 25. This data is likely therefore to understate the total number of staff in Systems Program Offices. Obsolescence will result in increased Urgent Defect, Cannibalisations and reduced Demand Satisfaction Rates. Chapter 237 Principles of Antiviral Therapy. The simplified formula is: Failure to pay sufficient attention to sustainment early on would increase the cost of ownership to Defence. Benchmarking the performance of the Collins Class submarines gave Defence a baseline against which to measure its progress in remediating the sustainment program. Poor product reliability has contributed to weak serviceability at the 1st Aviation Regiment in Darwin. There is a proven link between lack of conformance to operating intent / requirement and reduced platform life / reduce Sustainment Efficiency. 72ANAO Report No.6 201314, Capability Development Reform, Chapter 7. Defence further advised that approximately 850 contractors were employed in the Group in March 2017. The tasks articulated in the Directive cover the full range of Defence activities from humanitarian assistance and disaster relief to peace and stability operations, while ensuring the joint force retains the necessary baseline posture to mobilise in the self-reliant defence of Australia. Accounting standards IAS 18 require a company to recognize revenue only when the amount is measurable and cash flows are probable. A key criterion in determining whether consulting contracts would be appropriate is whether the government could maintain sufficient in-house capacity to be thoroughly in control of the policy and management functions of the agency. 3.16One potentially useful feature is a list of underperforming sustainment products.48 This is based on information provided through MRS, SPMS and gate reviews. It is now too late to revisit these events; nonetheless, Defence could benefit from evaluating future major change programs. 70.). Defence spends similar amounts each year on sustainment and the acquisition of new equipment. Consequently, DMO retains over 50 SPOs [Systems Program Offices] each operating relatively independently of others and in different positions in the value chain. Introducing performance-based contracting into Defence sustainment has been underway for over a decade. 150D Abraham, Performance based contractinga panacea for supporting legacy aerospace platforms?, Defence Geddes Papers, 2005, available from [accessed 16 January 2017]. There has long been a strong internal perception in Defence that sustainment attracts less management attention than acquisition. Defence has engaged Bechtel to assist [the] Deputy Secretary of Capability Acquisition and Sustainment, on an as required basis, to design and implement First Principles Review deliverables that relate to Capability Acquisition and Sustainment Group and its functions. The Reviews terms of reference included one specific reference to sustainmenta requirement that Defence ensure a commercially astute, focused and accountable materiel acquisition and sustainment capability. Due to the nature of the Key Health Indicator, it seeks to measure disruption post External Maintenance Period and consequential impact on Materiel Ready Days (Materiel Availability outcome). 152Defence, Next Generation Performance-Based Support ContractsAchieving the Outcomes that Defence Requires (PBC Discussion Paper v1.0), February 2010. 3.64Published estimates comprise of two separate data series. 53The 2008 Audit of the Defence Budget found that the lack of joint metrics for the serviceability of the FA-18 Hornets contributed to a silo mentality between the Systems Program Office and the Air Force squadron using the aircraft. The Commercial Division in Capability Acquisition and Sustainment Group expressed concern that Defence needed to articulate clearly its objective/end state before agreeing to contracts of this cost and magnitude. MSAs include an agreed price for the sustainment work and performance indicators by which Capability Acquisition and Sustainment Group internal service delivery is measured and reported.22. 3.44The Mortimer Review (2008) observed that through-life maintenance and support account for more than half of the DMO annual budget and involve about two-thirds of its workforce. There remains potential to improve some core key performance indicators used within the systemfor example to more usefully determine the total cost of the capability to Defence. The DMO was given responsibility for purchasing, through-life support and disposal of military equipment assets, other than facilities and administrative assets.

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casg cost principles