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6 essential elements of information

Existing structures can play many significant roles. What behavioral health care response elements (if any) have deployed, including IRCT, ERT-A, etc.? Therefore, commanders and ASCC G2s must ensure an optimized intelligence enterprise by preserving and stewarding intelligence capabilities as well as the intelligence core tasks (e.g. The colors in the spectra show dips, the size of which reveal the amount of these elements in the atmosphere of a star. Not every one of a units PIR will be able to be nested with a PIR from the higher headquarters but the more that are, particularly ones that are tied to the next higher headquarters main effort or top priority, the more help from higher a unit will typically get. To visualize enemy forces, commanders need detailed intelligence, such as, speed of advance, tempo, and strengths and weaknesses. What is the projected requirement for DoD worker crisis counseling and mental health and substance abuse behavioral health capabilities/support? Essential Elements of Information is the required documents to support your grant. Column 2, Essential Element of Information The category/functional element of data to be collected. B-76. What is the plan for distributing behavioral health-based tips to deploying personnels families and workplaces? Evaluate healthcare organization, staff and supplies, Consider healthcare facility incident command status, Consider healthcare facility decompression initiatives, This page was last edited on 10 May 2021, at 19:34. Status of progress? Observation is the condition of weather and terrain that permits a force to see the friendly, enemy, and neutral personnel and systems, and key aspects of the environment. : This is the overarching question that needs to be answered. Situation-dependent-directly linked to current and future missions. Corps and divisions routinely interact with other US agencies, host-nation governmental agencies, and NGOs. They can begin working together more quickly than units not habitually associated. Full Motion Video of enemy formation, SIGINT collection, Cavalry Observation Post report of enemy movement. Examples of these include multinational corporations, United Nations agencies, US governmental agencies, and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), such as the International Red Cross. For this reason, elevated terrain often draws enemy attention. Column 3, Specific Information Required - The question to be answered or data to be provided byDepartment/Agency (D/A) or OPDIV/STAFFDIV identified in Column 4.Column 4, Data Collector(s) - The Department/Agency (D/A) or OPDIV/STAFFDIV responsible for providing the requested information to the Information Cell.Column 5, Data Source(s) To be completed by the Data Collector. This in turn prevents the enemy from successfully breaching the battle positions and ultimately defeats the enemy attacking force. B-52. For example, a commander may determine that if the enemy discovers the location and movement of the friendly reserve, the operation is at risk. It adds meaning to data as it processes it into information, organizing it in terms of METT-TC and creating the COP. During preparation and execution, CCIR focus on information needed to validate the selected COA or determine when to initiate critical events, such as a branch or sequel. Key civilian areas are localities or aspects of the terrain within an AO that are not normally militarily significant. These questions focus the analytical energy of the organization and provide areas of emphasis for collectors. While staffs may support commanders in achieving understanding, the most important understanding is that which commanders achieve. The answers the Program Delivery Manager received from the Applicant while asking questions from the Essential Elements of Information questionnaire during the Recovery Scoping Meeting produce documentation requirements in Grants Portal What does the State(s) need from the Federal Government for behavioral health care? B-3. A more appropriate way to ask the question is, How will the Donovian commander use his fixing forces? As will be illustrated in the later sections of this piece, answering this question as apposed to the previous one can provide more detailed insights into the enemy commanders thought process and can trigger the blue force commander to make a decision. They must be specific and measurable. What is the status of transportation (assets and routes, including air, ground, rail and accessible transportation)? This characteristic approaches terrain analysis (OAKOC) from a civilian perspective. Even though the phases are conducted sequentially, each phase may be occurring simultaneously and dealing with different needs. What state(s) need assistance? Organizations involved in recovery should develop EEIs to support their situational awareness and assessment efforts prior . Commanders carefully weigh the expected military benefits against costs to the community that will have to be addressed in the future. The personalities of subordinate commanders are also important: A bold commander may be a good choice for a pursuit mission. Unexpected, unplanned, and situation-dependent. Please enable scripts and reload this page. B-37. The collector may become fixated on counting equipment and only reporting when they see the exact size force described by the indicator. Lieutenant Colonel James King is a US Army Intelligence Officer. Close or broken terrain, heavy woods, built-up areas, and abrupt changes in elevation hinder heavy forces but provide cover and concealment for light forces. B-17. EEFI answer the question, How can I (the commander) prevent the enemy force from seeing me? Parallel planning can help make the most of time available. This transformation includes developing and maintaining staff running estimates. B-75. Then, the EEI questions are used by collectors of the information that may not be in direct contact with the consumer at the time the information is collected. What behavioral health assets can HHS OPDIVs and ESF#8 partners roster and deploy as necessary after landfall? FM 6-0 Appendix B, Information - GlobalSecurity.org Exceptional information directly affects either mission accomplishment or survival of the force. The PIR examples used to illustrate the previous sections are good examples of mission specific PIR. In the context of information management, the six factors of METT-TC-mission, enemy, terrain and weather, troops and support available, time available, and civil considerations-make up the major subject categories into which relevant information is grouped for military operations. Effective commanders and staffs know how much time and space their units need to plan, prepare, and execute operations. Terrain also includes environmental considerations, that is, the spectrum of environmental media, resources, or programs that affect and are affected by operations. Essential elements of information refers to the most critical information requirements regarding the adversary and the environment needed by the commander by a particular time to relate with other available information and intelligence in order to assist in reaching a logical decision. When assigning missions, commanders ensure all their subordinates' missions support the decisive operation and the higher commander's intent. Safety and Security of Human Drugs, Biologics, Medical Devices, and Veterinary Drugs. Commanders evaluate their observation capabilities for electronic and optical line-of-sight surveillance systems, as well as for unaided visual observation. PDF ASPR TRACIE Technical Assistance Request - HHS.gov It can also change local weather effects by modifying local wind or water pathways. CCIR are not static. Habitual relationships in task organization also save preparation time. What assistance have state officials requested from FDA, e.g., inspectional assistance, technical expertise, product sampling, and laboratory analysis? He has served at every echelon from platoon to combatant command and has deployed three times in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. These changed IRs produce changes to collection taskings. The elements of an information system are customers, business processes, product services and communication technology. However, information alone has no meaning. (See FM 22-100.). From the Collection Battalion to the Army Service Component Command (ASCC), PIR (and the analysis that goes into answering them) are one the most important tasks of the Intelligence enterprise. Without software, the hardware wouldn't be very useful. Have assessments of all hazards been accomplished in the affected area (assessing exposures on the general population and the at-risk)? Decisive terrain is relatively rare; it is not necessarily present in every situation. In the context of the cognitive hierarchy, understanding is knowledge that has been synthesized and had judgment applied to it in a specific situation to comprehend the situation's inner relationships. What systems are in place to distribute necessary supplies, equipment and support for infrastructure deficits? B-15. Units and soldiers who work together frequently already know each other's SOPs and how they use TTPs. B-45. Analysts can shift focus for a short period to shift their attention to specific mission priorities without completely dropping sight of the overarching campaign. It is not a procedural act, but an act of learning. The most important element of control is information. The effects of terrain on operations vary, depending on whether a force is defending or attacking. The second step of intelligence preparation of the battlefield (IPB) helps commanders with this complex task. Cover is protection from the effects of fires. Decisive terrain is key terrain whose seizure and retention is mandatory for successful mission accomplishment (FM 3-90). Engineer Obstacle Clearing Tracked Armored Vehicle Russian (MR-2 IMR-2M1). Commanders base their situational understanding on the COP. B-57. During operations, answers to IRs, especially the CCIR, contribute to assessments of the operation's progress that result in decisions by commanders and staff members. Does it include at-risk needs? B-66. Enemies always have opportunities to unhinge them. By definition, commanders need it to make a decision. B-74. Essential nutrients are compounds that the body can't make or can't make in sufficient quantity. B-1. Obstacles fall into two categories: existing and reinforcing. As both processed data (information) and analyzed and evaluated information (knowledge) about the enemy and environment, intelligence is crucial to commanders' achieving situational understanding. Essential elements of friendly information are the critical aspects of a friendly operation that, if known by the enemy, would subsequently compromise, lead to failure, or limit success of the operation, and therefore must be protected from enemy detection (FM 3-13). At this point, a product useful for decisionmaking forms. Does the potentially affected state(s) need behavioral health care support in advance of RDD event; If yes, what are the detailed requirements (what is needed, where, and when, etc.?). Commanders consider available troops and support when analyzing whether they have enough resources to accomplish a mission. B-63. Until data is processed, it is often difficult to tell if it is relevant. Is there a threat from vector- borne disease? What Are the Four Basic Functions of a Computer. IM begins (at the lower left corner of figure B-2) with questions that the commander and staff need answered to exercise C2. Please turn on JavaScript and try again. ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS OF FRIENDLY INFORMATION. In Evaluating Immunities before a Special Tribunal for Aggression Against Ukraine, the Type of Tribunal Matters, Chinas Ferry Tale Taiwan Invasion Plan Is A Legal Nightmare, China Maritime Report No. Answering this question, however, is the goal of the rest of the process. It is preferable to distribute the plan prior to the start of the next operational period to allow providing agencies and elements planning and acquisition time.Instructions for Completion of ESF #8 Essential Elements of Information (EEI) Worksheet for Radiological Dispersal Device (RDD) Response Prior to distributing the ICP, the Information Cell should select the EEIs that are to be collected for the Operating Period specified. The ESF #8 Functional Element EEIs are taken from the National Response Plan and are designed to provide the IM the information necessary to be appraised of the status of each of the functional areas of ESF #8 response that he/she is responsible for. Have there been any outbreaks/reports of abnormal diseases or disease rates? During planning, CCIR focus on information needed to determine which COA to choose. B-8. Instructions for Completion of ESF #8 Essential Elements of Information (EEI) Worksheet for Radiological Dispersal Device (RDD) Response Prior to distributing the ICP, the Information Cell should select the EEIs that are to be collected for the Operating Period specified. It's basically the. B-42. Unlike key terrain, decisive terrain is not associated with any COA. Discounting these can tax the resources of follow-on elements. Does it include at-risk needs? Using this example lets say the collection manager assigned a Shadow Unmanned Aerial System to observe a Named Area of Interest to the front of 1-24INs and 1-5INs battle positions, and a Scout Platoon Observation Post is in front of 3-21INs position. The distinctions between the levels of the cognitive hierarchy are not always clear. 5-Analysis of this information. EEFI state the friendly force information that, if compromised to the enemy, would place mission accomplishment in jeopardy. Processing includes filtering, fusing, formatting, organizing, collating, correlating, plotting, translating, categorizing, and arranging. Once the Priority Intelligence Requirement has been broken down into its component parts and the collection assets have been assigned to collect against the requirement the organization can begin the process of answering the PIR. They tell the analyst what information the commander needs most in order to make decisions that can potentially change the outcome of the mission and save soldiers lives. Relevant Information Production and Flow. Human modification of terrain can change the shape of the land or its trafficability. This page is not available in other languages. B-73. This list of Essential Elements of Information (EEI) can be used as a guide for emergency medical planners and responders. CCIR and IR are the categories used to prioritize collection asset allocation and information processing within the C2 system. The analyst must know what information to look for, in this example the analyst must know what a fixing force is, what a fixing force typically is comprised of, and how the enemy deploys a fixing force either by their doctrine or by knowing how the enemy they are up against has used them in the past. (USINSCOM), proper implementation of the intelligence apparatus, using a PIR-driven methodology and enterprise synchronization, is part of a Line of Effort (LOE) for most Brigade Commanders and the HQs, as it is key task to set the theater. A thorough understanding of the mission focuses decisionmaking throughout the operations process. Civil considerations comprise six characteristics, expressed in the memory aid ASCOPE: B-41. B-43. Key Terrain and Decisive Terrain. However, commanders may determine that they need to know whether one or more of the EEFI have been compromised or that the enemy is collecting against a designated EEFI. PIRs identify the information about the enemy and other aspects of the operational environment that the commander considers most important.[i] Answering a PIR will result in one of the commanders decision point criteria being met. Is DOD assistance available to provide critical medical resource logistics and distribution support? 4-Uses Mental maps to organize information about people, places, and environment spatially. Health and Social Services EEIs (Impact Data). They generally have a hierarchical structure, defined goals, established operations, fixed facilities or meeting places, and a means of financial or logistic support. What are the illness and injury surveillance needs and capabilities of the potentially affected state(s)? Public Health Emergency - Leading a Nation Prepared. Number of hospitals, dialysis centers, residential long-term care facilities, etc. The relative impact of each category may vary, but the commander and C2 system consider them all. (See FM 34-130.) Avenues of Approach. Reports normally convey COP-related information. The world's increasing urbanization means that the attitudes and activities of the civilian population in the AO often influence the outcome of military operations. You follow the process, and measure those items that are critical to quality. EEFI are often key factors in designing military deception operations. It can be used to avoid threats, acquire targets, or take other immediate actions. Engineer topographic teams produce terrain analysis products to help commanders visualize the effect of terrain on operations. The same terrain feature may not be key for all COAs. Judgment, a purely human skill, transforms knowledge into understanding. What measures are State and local officials taking to accommodate inbound relief traffic in light of possible evacuation route (counter flow)? (Occupied Beds/ Vacant Beds/ Bed Requirements). Effective use of terrain diminishes the effects of enemy fires, increases the effects of friendly fires, and facilitates surprise. What activates, operations, transnational organizations, networks, and/or entities within Atropia pose the greatest threat to regional security/stability? U.S. Army Doctrine Reference Publication (ADRP) 5-0, by ICAIE (International Coalition Against Illicit Economies), by Rice University's Baker Institute for Public Policy, by Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime, by Center for International Maritime Security (CIMSEC), by Strategic Perspectives 41, National Defense University, by Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights, by C/O Futures Terrorism Research Note Series, by PKSOI (Peacekeepimh and Stability Operations Institute), The Fighting in Sudan is an Armed Conflict: Heres What Law Applies, Are drug cartels 'terrorist organizations'? Commanders also consider the consequences of using it. Commanders have only a limited ability to influence them, although terrain includes manmade structures, such as roads and cities. : IMR-2s following a large formation T-72 main battle tanks and/or BMPs moving in attack formation. The following criteria, listed in relative order of importance, help do this: B-80. : How does the analyst know he or she has answered an EEI? TTPs include battle drills and tactical actions that lend themselves to standardized execution, such as refuel-on-the-move site operations. How far in advance will the determination for mandatory evacuation of the possible evacuation impact area be made? Because processing involves rote application of procedures, machines can process many types of data more quickly and efficiently than people. Using the indicators reported by the Shadow and JSTARS the analyst has determined that EEIs 1,2, and 3 have been answered. Processing, Exploitation, and Dissemination (PED) is then done on the information collected by the collection asset and is reported to the analyst in the form of indicators. What is the projected requirement for medical supplies/ pharmaceuticals? Because collection assets are limited, a method of prioritizing collection and processing is required. Small Wars Journal is published by Small Wars Foundation - a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation. Standard supporting plans, such as rear area security plans, are a form of TTP. Which results in the Brigade commander executing the decision to commit the reinforcing element to 1-24INs position. These decisions and assessments produce new questions that address the changed situation and future command decisions. Capabilities include those areas in which the populace may need help after combat operations, such as, public works and utilities, public health, economics, and commerce. In order to focus the intelligence enterprise, the MIB (T) and the G2 use Priority Intelligence Requirements (PIR) as its main driver to focus the intelligence apparatus. These considerations can influence the choice of a COA and the execution of operations. The enemy, terrain and weather, and civil consideration contributions to the COP come from many sources, including intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) assets and combat information. If for example your higher headquarters is concerned about drug trafficking and you know that drugs flow freely through your area of responsibility having a PIR regarding drugs that aligns with your higher headquarters will help to give you a higher priority for collection and analytical support. What is the status of providers? Percentage of students that have medical necessities provided by school nurses. The approach intentionally privileges productive language skills "from the beginning," she says. It addresses the following related concepts: the cognitive hierarchy of information, relevant information categories by subject (METT-TC) and by usage, information management categories, and relevant information quality criteria. This is the information part of an information system, and whether that is statistical data, sets of instructions, lists of names or even graphics and animations, it is all key to a CBIS. Some-such as, bridges, communications towers, power plants, and dams-are traditional high-payoff targets. B-9. What number of FDA-regulated establishments (food, feed, drugs, medical devices, cosmetics) require inspectional follow-up by FDA? (See FM 3-13.) Many people make the mistake of trying to encompass more than one question into a PIR, When and where will the Donovian commander used his fixing force? This question is asking two distinct things, when will the commander use his forces and where will he use them. Is DOD assistance available to providemedical surge capability support? Commanders analyze terrain and weather for favorable and unfavorable conditions. They and others apply judgment to transform that knowledge into understanding. 1 st Essential Element: The World in Spatial Terms. What is the forecasted need for behavioral health care resources over the next 72 hrs 1 week? Execution information is information that directs, initiates, or regulates action, conduct, or procedure. emilms.fema.gov This is no more important than at the theater or ASCC level. Relevant information is also placed into four categories based on how it is used: B-56. Weather effects are classified as direct and indirect: B-31. Staffs base their running estimates on the COP. Essential Elements of Information Essential Elements of Information (EEI) consists of the required information and documentation necessary to develop, review and process a Sub-recipient's grants. Commanders consider the effects of their decisions and their forces' actions on public opinion. Exceptional information results from an unexpected extraordinary event, such as an unforeseen opportunity for success or an early warning of an unforeseen threat. If you want to give a successful presentation, you need to connect with your audience. What are the locations/contact information for the facilities/providers? What response elements (if any) have deployed, including ERT-A, Human Services Assessment Teams, etc.? Technology must display RI about enemy forces and significant aspects of the environment within the same digital frame of reference as friendly force information. B-64. IPB is critical to analyzing and understanding the effect of terrain on friendly and enemy COAs. The Information Cell is responsible for completion of the matrix with the assistance of the Department/Agency (D/A) or OPDIV/STAFFDIV identified to provide input. Commanders decide what IRs are critical IRs based on their individual cognitive abilities and commander's visualization. Time available varies with unit size and mission. The mission statement defines the who, what, when, where, and why of the operation. An introduction email should be part of your company's broader email marketing strategy. B-19. 25: More Chinese Ferry Tales: China's Use of Civilian Shipping in Military Activities, 2021-2022, Hospital Ships: A Vital Asset for SOUTHCOM and South American Navies, The Goshen Massacre and the Specter of Cartel Spillover Into the US, Dangerous Alliances: Russias Strategic Inroads in Latin America, Year Ahead Emerging Technologies and the Collection of Battlefield Evidence, How Does Matter Matter In International Conflict and Security? What is the Federal plan for distribution and allocation of medical supplies to include main and alternate supply points and supporting terminals to be used or considered? What local partners and NGOs are operational in affected areas with the capacity to deliver critical health/safety information to affected individuals/areas, including the at-risk population? Still others are facilities with practical applications-such as, jails, warehouses, television and radio stations, and print plants-that may be useful for military purposes. Commanders also consider the effects of manmade and natural terrain in conjunction with the weather on friendly and enemy operations. They are constrained only by those control measures that ensure necessary coordination. Others-such as, churches, mosques, national libraries, and hospitals-are cultural sites that international law or other agreements generally protect.

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6 essential elements of information