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neptune square ascendant transit astrolada

Initially, I was trying antibiotics and prednisolone and they only worked for a short time. Neptune Transits Opposition Midheaven Even people who are normally punctual might find it hard to be on time during this transit. This emotional serenity, although subtle, helps you solve problems naturally and intuitively. It is better to ignore them because they could confuse you about who you are and where you . This can be achieved through discipline, a lot of patience and by being persistent for the fears to no longer exist and their dreams to come true. You may need to spend plenty of time alone to recuperate your energies. We might attract challenging situations or relationships into our lives because of a deep longing for more drama or glamor in our lives, or for a soulmate connection. This can mean that you are especially adept at advertising, but it also improves your relationships with others tremendously. You can easily get carried away by certain fantasies, idealism or situations that are unrealistic and useless. That happens moment by moment. Sometimes people experience a burnout of sorts that eventually leads them to take a different pathoften a more spiritually rewarding and fulfilling one. *Work and important projects undergo difficult changes now. Saturn Square Neptune Natal. Therefore, it is not a good time to enter into contracts or business partnerships. *You encounter people now who are very considerate, understanding and nonjudgmental. Increased sensitivity and openness to subtle and spiritual realities and spiritual guidance. New and fresh beginnings on creative levels characterize this transit. You might find it especially challenging to follow routines, to concentrate or focus on monotonous tasks or work, and to focus on academic subjects that require attention to detail or rote learning. Welcome to Neptune Square Neptune. Details can be glossed over in favor of the bigger picture, and you can find it hard to stick to systems or schedules. *Restlessness, expansiveness, travel, imagination, and philosophy are key issues now. Mystical feelings of closeness with family or others. Your ambition and drive to achieve personal recognition are very strong, especially if you've felt restricted in the past. Your desires are tender and compassionate. You simply let it in. You may encounter mysterious, confused, unusual, or spiritual experiences surrounding Mercury-ruled people and things (such as siblings, neighbors, travel, studies, and so forth) during this time. Instead, you must learn to be more of the parental grounding that you likely didn't have. Fears or worries may be too vague to define but persistent at this time. So, a year and a half before the exact opposition, just a degree away from the Moon, Neptune`s waves started slowing but surely to flood into my life. While giving your heart to someone may feel wonderful and it might lead to a wonderful experience, it might also end up being a big learning experience if you are not also considering practical and realistic matters. Neptune transits sextile or trine Mercury. This problem is particularly strong if you have not been honest with yourself, kidding yourself about where your current life is leading you, or ignoring your dreams and ideals because you feel they are unrealistic. That's because Chiron transits are meant to help you identify places in your life where you're still . You are also likely to form relationships with people based on a deep level of mutual appreciation and understanding for each other. Learn to appreciate more where you are now, rather than dreaming that a different origin or achievement solely defines you. The desire to transcend normal reality is common. This transit tries to dissolve your worldly ego, so you may feel insecure, unworthy or undeserving. Self-deception may be your biggest enemy during this period of your life, and for some, deception from others might be a theme now. The art of introspection and zoning out! Transiting Neptune trine, or sextile, to your natal Pluto, is a new start. I also have transit Uranus on my Chiron now. *You are more humble, receptive, and less aggressive in your work now. Finances can suffer under this transit if you have a tendency to live on credit. You may not be able to communicate or you may feel misunderstood. I became much more feminine and wanted to project a vulnerable image-So I got my self lacy dresses, pinks, whites, frills, flower patterns, flowing silks! The spirit world seems real and possible. The World's Best Horoscopes There is the tendency to idealize people, especially lovers, and to blind yourself to the truth about their failures. 3. This inner confusion will color the way you appear to other people and theyll indeed see you as being lost now. You may think someone is trying to deceive you when they are only trying to save you. college board geomarket map You are easily charmed, and you must watch for a tendency to see what you want to see in romantic partners, rather than for who or what they are. Watch, too, for a lot of wasted time or wasted opportunities, as well as exaggeration. While it is still dancing on your Moon, it is hard to be objective, reasonable or practical. You are absorbing things from your environment differently than before. In fact, you are very impressionable at times and you tend to idolize others who exhibit the kinds of qualities that you aspire to. I can relate to what youve written here regarding the Neptune square transit. You are in touch with your more sensitive, spiritual qualities, and you are able to express a greater level of sensitivity and greater empathy than usual. Extreme sensitivity to verbal and especially nonverbal communication can cause confusion. In fact all you want to do is merge with everyone, dissolve all barriers between you and others and float blissfully. Technical support Note that alternate meanings are indicated by a * and +. This is potentially dangerous and could end up in abuse or violence. Put new ideas to the test. You will not be very assertive at protecting your own interests, so you might attract people who take advantage of your vulnerability. You have to know that this cycle is temporary, even though you may feel that youve lost your grip on life. You may gloss over important details and practical concerns in favor of idealistic visions and perceptions. These tests and challenges can be psychological in the form of guilt, fears, and anxieties. *Speculation, optimism, restlessness, and perhaps downright foolhardiness are key issues now. Your soul now yearns for a more spiritual or romantic bond. This transit can also do a number to your value system. This is the time to spread your wings and explore imaginative new possibilities. You may use others as a mirror to judge yourself. This transit should free you from attachments, not tie you down to them. You may take up, or renew, an interest in the psychic or divining arts. I kind of went for all all of them overthe 2 year Neptune transit, even though I was aware of it, but no one can avoid the lessons of the planets! Simple psychic protection techniques, such as imagining yourself surrounded by an egg of white or golden light, and filling that space with positive energy, or praying and affirming that you are surrounded by the love and protection of a god, or similar visualizations and prayers could be done daily. Live and let live. First, I got super dreamy(I am natally with a strong Neptune-it has to be in the natal chat first in order to manifest some day), started dreaming of my future imaginary man, of a great, epic love, someone to sweep me off my feet like never before, I just wanted to be in love in a dramatic way. If you resist the process, youll find a host of Neptune problems plaguing you: losing the car keys, forgetting to pay the electric bill, having the attention span of a three-year-old on a sugar jag. Some aspect of your life will pass, leaving room for a new level of values and consciousness to begin. Now Im into astrology and tarot! I do appreciate your consideration of aspects to the Ascendant I have 4 or 5 tight aspects to my ASC that I consider v. important but it seems not many astrologers do. Be careful! At the same time, you may lose sight of your personal goals. You are opening up your heart, which can also mean you are more vulnerable to romantic illusions. Neptune Transits Square Midheaven You are able to see your work in better perspective. Neptune = blue. Neptune Transits Trine Ascendant I have Neptune on the Ascendant in my natal chart, and I am currently in the middle of a Neptune square natal Neptune / Ascendant transit. Look to planets in Gemini and Virgo in your chart to see other parts of your personality that Neptune is now infusing with spirituality and sensitivity. Placing faith in something higher than you is one thing, but if taken too far, you might one day regret letting life pass you by. It's also possible that this becomes the moment when the bubble bursts from how you've seen your family, especially your parents. Heightened imagination opens new worlds and any work involving music, art, imagery, or healing is enhanced. Neptune Transits Conjunct Ascendant I agree pay attention to your dreams. Letting go can hurt, but you will only lose things now that dont serve the purpose of your lifes spiritual path. Walk a careful line when it comes to dreams versus realities. For example, you might throw yourself into a new romance that others warn you is not realistic. Perhaps the transit was trying to teach me to be more flexible, go with the flow and show me that even apparently giving up could, ironically, help me to achieve my aims in life. Living in a dream world. Being highly attuned to unspoken cues/vibes etc can also lead to artistic/musical/acting inspiration you hint at this towards the end but the rest is pretty negative. Say yes to your silly desire to paint, or write poetry, or to use your imagination in creative ways that may be new to you. You stop resisting. Neptune transits conjunct Venus You are more sensitive than ever to emotional stimulus at this time, as your love and pleasure nature is heightened, open, and perhaps vulnerable to influence. You have a strong need to make your mark in the world, but may be confused about your motives. I feel like I owe this person something and feel like my leaving will hurt them badly. You may feel out of touch with reality and begin to understand things in a higher and more spiritual way. Neptune Transits Sextile Saturn With the opposition, you might feel challenged by others on the level of values, love, or finances. During this time, your relationships with others become confusing and difficult. Your relationships will become more spiritual and romantic. At the same time, you may lose sight of your personal goals. We know his Neptune is conj the IC, an indication of the character of the Mother, and his Saturn is conj the MC, where you find the Father, Pierre. The transits of the north node are not necessarily easy. You may become interested in helping those who need it and increasing your compassionate and spiritual sense. Keep a journal of your fantasies, dreams, visions. Well Im glad I share this with other very creative people (mine is 0.5 deg). And, while opening your heart to new possibilities, be sure to use some common sense. You will also begin to perceive the world more through your feelings under this spiritually enlightening transit. Astro Shop Shop. The text below is the interpretation of Neptune transits square Uranus. It is also possible that your attachment to material objects or certain relationships has held back your spiritual development. . Areas of expansion but possibly some confusion or unreal elements can include publishing, advertising, long-distance connections or travel, drama, and higher education. Neptune transits square or opposite Mercury. There is a reason behind this identity crisisyou are learning to let go of ego attachments. People often get themselves in messy and uneven relationships during a difficult Neptune transit--one gives more than the other, one uses the other or leads them on, one acts like the victim or savior--there are different possibiities! Neptune takes approximately 164 years to travel 360 Degrees in the Zodiac and the twelve houses. You are able to handle difficulties more easily, seeing them as part of a larger story. If you play the martyr, someone will play the role of persecutor. You may become confused about about your lifes path. Some of you might feel that youve lost your edge, or will to fight and take action. As Neptune retrograded and move just 1 degree off my Asc, chest infection cleared up rapidly. A classic transit bible. Perhaps it's because the flickering perceptions in your head are often more compelling than the consensual reality that nearly everyone else seems to talk about. You feel everything in your environment more strongly. *Changing attitudes and doubts about your career and overall situation in life can eat away at you now. Look to the house(s) of your natal chart with Cancer on the cusp for areas of your life where Neptune is acting to refine Look to planets in Cancer in your chart to see other parts of your personality that Neptune is now infusing with spirituality and sensitivity. You may behave in an impractical manner, or you may be vulnerable to deception or betrayal from others. Remind yourself that every problem has a solution. . New projects that show up now seem too good to be true, and they often are, but you may feel compelled to explore these new directions in order to find out if theyre really worthwhile. This transit can also do a number to your value system. They urge you to find new meaning in your life through leisure activities and/or romance. Incorporating more imagination, compassion, and spirituality into these parts of your personality will help you to not only manage the transit, but to learn from it. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use. Try not to borrow from your future, not just with regards to finances, but also when it comes to emotional matters. Astrological transits are a part of what is usually called predictive astrology, the claim of astrology to predict or forecast future trends and developments. Saturn Square Neptune Natal and Transit. Otherwise, they will think the worst and not believe you. You may, for example, be inclined to take shortcuts or to not know where you are headed exactly, and attract negative influences as a result. For example, you may believe that youre impressing someone, when thats not entirely true. You could get the wrong idea, develop false ideals, and let your imagination carry you away to the point that those who support and care for you are neglected or hurt. You may behave in an impractical manner, or you may be vulnerable to deception or betrayal from others. For all, its a period in which a no-nonsense, overly practical, or overly sexual approach to relationships is now seen as crude and unsatisfying. As Neptune transits a point in our chart, retrogrades back over it, and then hits it again in direct motion, it imparts its own special wisdom upon the point in questionthe areas of lives and parts of our psyches ruled by that point. You might long for more romance, care, love, and sensitivity in your life, but have a hard time knowing how to get them. You may become a victim of your own optimism! It seems to be saying to face the sea monster that stands between me and my future, emotionally (Moon/Neptune) my fears. You find yourself especially idealistic, romantic, and charming. The danger is that this can distract you from reality, and you may avoid confronting real issues in your day-to-day life. I thought I had evolved beyond Neptune`s more mundane faces. You are likely to feel that your current employment involves too many compromises. You are more sensitive than ever, and through the course of this transit, your emotional life opens up to incorporate more refined, subtle and understated perceptions. Since you've been thinking about this for a while, then its no surprise. This combination symbolizes a state of dynamic tension between your day-to-day stream of consciousness and your more refined artistic, imaginative, and idealistic side. . Your values are shifting during the course of this long-term transit. People, projects, and plans don't need to be perfect to be honored. Neptune Transits Opposition Ascendant You may also experience more clearly the powerful affects of music, color, and atmospheres on your mood and sense of well-being. The impression you make on others will change. If a close relationship deteriorates now, you may feel that you dont understand why its ending. Self delusion. You are in touch with your more sensitive, spiritual qualities, and you are able to express a greater level of sensitivity and greater empathy than usual. This is a good time to learn about feng shui, the Chinese art of creating harmonious, life-enhancing spaces to live or work in. This is a longer-term influence that can last for some time if Neptune transits and then retrogrades over your natal Jupiter. +The problems and responsibilities of life may be seen in a new light, as part of a larger drama you are living (almost like a dream). Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae lorem. Your tolerant, accepting attitude makes relationships with others pleasant and positive. When you have Neptune square Ascendant, you can put a lot of energy into being other than who you are or who youve been. It is common for Neptunes influence to be a confusing one in the first portion of the transit. Neptune Transits Conjunct Midheaven Similarly for singles, your romantic and love needs are evolving. You may be somewhat sensitive to criticism, and you may expect others to be as sincere as you are, so avoid subjecting yourself to situations that are too abrasive or harsh right now, if possible. But your lack of clarity or embarrassment about your identity is outwardly noticeable. Web design & Development: ThinkWeb ThinkWeb In my chart, for example, I have the ruler of the 8th house . Its the type of influence which, if you try to block it out, will infiltrate through the cracks like some sort of invisible gas leak. This period of time will bring significant challenge to the way you approach getting what you want out of life, and how your actions impact other people and your relationships. Sha Damji Jadavji Chheda Memorial leighton buzzard observer recent obituaries Neelijin Road, Hubli Supported by: Infosys Foundation Everything seems less solid and definite. If you write or speak for a living, this is an especially beneficial time when you are able to infuse imagination and animation into your communications. Be proud and stand on your own. Your attitude is a hopeful, faithful one during this period. *You approach your work and important projects with an unusual degree of imagination, idealism, and optimism now. Wow! This transit can point to lack of clarity and objectivity. Neptune takes approximately 164 years to travel 360 Degrees in the Zodiac and the twelve houses. +Problems could lose some of their definition and appear less difficult now. Some will be avoiding responsibilities which can negatively impact their lives. Speak to an expert today start your reading for free. Well all of the above happened but accompanied by Neptune`s vilest qualities as well. You are more sensitive than ever, and by transits end you may tap into your devoted nature. However, it can help you transcend mundane things and allow you to flow into higher, enlightening experiences. And it started a year and a half before the exact aspect. Levels of Consciousness and Astrology and How to Figure Your Vibration, The Age of Leo - the End of Atlantis. Some more Interpretations of Transit Neptune Square Ascendant from our astrology reports and readings: Found the reading dead-on. Astrolada. This is certainly a time of questioning your values, goals, and directions in life, but try to come to rational decisions rather than act simply out of frustration. However, the interesting thing is that, before the transit was over, my original goal then suddenly did work out exactly as I had hoped at the time. You are able to handle difficulties more easily, seeing them as part of a larger story. Keep a journal to record these in, as they may contain inner guidance and creative seeds for future projects. You may be overlooking important details when it comes to money, and neglect of material concerns could impact your life now. +Misguided idealism and false spirituality could find you ignoring responsibilities in favor of a lot of high-sounding talk. The danger is that this can cause disappointment much later when you realize the other person isnt the perfect picture you imagined. You perhaps have some reservations about giving, since you may not be sure whether the potential recipient deserves it. Thanks to Neptune square Ascendant, it's difficult for you to know when and if you've "arrived" with your career aspirations. It may not display this or other websites correctly. This aspect causes messages to get jumbled up, which works both ways. This can be a magical time on a romantic and social level. The pleasures of life are experienced fully. The Mystery of VIRGO: Gods most beloved Sign, 10% of Astroladas profit goes to LightSource Charity. I only heard the words, shouting in a Scottish accent, "awaken the Kraken"!! You may sense what others are repressing. Its not the best time to lend out money, to sweep material concerns under the carpet, to buy on credit, or to avoid paying attention to bank/tax matters. Everyday life seems drab and dreary to you now, and you explore bigger, more exciting, more exotic alternatives. Its a good time to be alone and meditate on the meaning of your life and what you are doing with it. You may be in the right place at the right time. This is a good time to let go of things from your past that are holding you back. Try to avoid this, otherwise the other person will lose trust. How Neptune affects our lives depends very much on whether we resist its influences or we try to work with the planet of illusion and spirituality. This aspect softens your disposition somewhat, as you tune into your imaginative and artistic side. *Major changes in your career occur at this time. I had no idea what the Kraken was until Google helped. Even if one of you is doing it for the other persons good, the other will still be hurt by having a secret kept from them, and this will weaken the relationship. And yes, in a way, this Neptune-Node transit can indicate a dissolving of what has been the overt direction of your life to this point. You are likely to form new relationships of both a personal and business nature that you have high hopes for, but you are likely to eventually become disappointed by these relationships. All this happens in September this year. In fact, the outer world has become so pressing in its demands that youve partly lost contact with the inner one. It described us to perfectly. Youre more susceptible to be disappointed by other people. Your relationship with your parents may have been tense because of this. You are more open and accepting on an emotional level. A general description of transiting Neptune excerpt from the Sky Log report: The planet Neptune is presently tinting and shading your biography, adding its dreamlike quality to the existential stew. During this period you have a heightened sensitivity to everything around you at times an almost mystical sense of oneness or communion. Visit the Astro Shop. Increased compassion and sympathetic awareness of others. Fascinating comment made by a world renown gambler on an investment site I frequent: Used to play 7 card lo ball in a home game. Connecting with the divine feminine. Mystical oneness. Most commonly it happens when you fall for someone unavailable or dream of something unrealistic or unattainable. Neptune transits to the Moon directly affect the feelings, the public image, and personal popularity. Neptune retrogrades around every year for up to 150 days. You feel everything in your environment more strongly. There is a danger that you will be more impressionable, and this could lead to deceit from others if you are not careful. Are you feeling spaced out, dreamy, demotivated, out of touch with reality, more spiritual? *You encounter people now who are very considerate, understanding and nonjudgmental. By time Neptune moved directly, I decided not to take anymore antibiotics because I felt sure the infection would lift once aspect had passed.. To help keep the lungs clear I took up gentle jogging. Mercury Opposite Neptune Natal. Transit Neptune Trine Natal Pluto, or Transit Neptune Sextile Natal Pluto. Learning to trust in yourself is essential to developing a positive self-image. 3Vir35 Ascendant, makes for an interesting Full Moon at Aug 26/18.

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neptune square ascendant transit astrolada