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how can i measure my body frequency

The latter is known as an ideographic approach in the field of psychology. 2. Although we cannot and may never be able to measure the flow of qi per se, the greater uniformity observed in the GDV images is suggestive of improved energy regulation. One key example is a study done at the Walter Reed Research Institute that used a fluorescent probe to measure changes in intracellular free calcium concentration associated with emission of external qi, which is apparently the result of changes in cell membrane channels (Kiang, Ives, and Jonas, 2005). A series of studies on the effect of external qi therapy on cultured brain cells was conducted in China (Yount et al, 2004). They will be useful in developing digitized cosmetics/pharmaceuticals: electronic chips/devices that broadcast electromagnetic waves with the frequency which match the frequency of human body in different body conditions: skin rejuvenation, lines and wrinkles, scar and uneven coloration, dark circles, respiratory, cardiovascular, neurological, gastrointestinal, tumorigenic, diabetic, mood, etc., based on the resonance phenomenon between the frequencies emitted by the products and the human body frequencies for different body conditions; as well as digitized fragrance (non-molecular scent): capture, digitize and replaying the molecular vibration of a scent. Alternatively, existing products, raw materials or compounds can be combined to create a source that emits an EM field precisely suited to treat a particular condition. A considerable number of devices are available today that use a method of assessing electrical conductivity of the skin through the acupuncture meridian system for the purpose of providing information about the energy flow related to the health of the body. The average intensity for healthy people was taken from the younger-older age group study. Medication test. Therefore scientific advances in biofield research have been few, and biofield science remains a frontier area ripe for exploration. Yu T, Tsai HL, Huang M L: Suppressing tumor progression of in vitro prostate cancer cells by emitted psychosomatic power through Zen meditation, Am J Chin Med 31:499, 2003. Recent Article on the Evolution of a Theory of Covid Origins, Virus mutation by artificially guided selection. In particular the invention provides novel methods of measuring and treating human body conditions including but not limited to conditions of skin, respiratory, cardiovascular, neurological, gastrointestinal, tumorigenic, diabetics, musculoskeletal, mood, tinnitus, etc. The constant-pressure probe ensures measurement stability and is fitted with a ball of cotton saturated with saline solution for optimal conduction. The various biofield practices coevolved with different ideas about the origin of the energy transmitted and the role of the practitioner. 2023 Physics Forums, All Rights Reserved. Short answer: The benefits of sex are many. There is also a need for using the information obtained from such measurements to treat different body conditions, such as, for example, skin rejuvenation, lines and wrinkles, scar and uneven coloration, dark circles, respiratory, cardiovascular, neurological, gastrointestinal, tumorigenic, diabetic, musculoskeletal, mood, tinnitus, etc., based on the resonance phenomenon between the frequencies emitted by the products and the human body frequencies for different body conditions. Needless to say, the concept of an organizing field in biology and medicine evokes shades of vitalism, an old philosophical concept in the West from the 1600s that was overthrown in nineteenth-century science. Subscribe to our monthly free email newsletter, 2009-2022 Foundation for Alternative and Integrative Medicine | Contact us, Foundation for Alternative and Integrative Medicine, Many case reports documenting the success of EDS have been published. This effect became known as the indicator drop (Voll, 1975). One problem is that biofield measurements assess energetic aspects of the body, which may either precede physical changes or possibly correlate with the present physical status of the body. The methods disclosed using state-of-the art spectrum analyzers offers several unique advantages. Kazakh State Department for Higher and Special Academic Education . In a pilot study with eight experiments, results show a trend toward increased cell proliferation in the samples treated by external qigong therapy (qigong/sham CFE ratio > 1.0). Liboff A R: Toward an electromagnetic paradigm for biology and medicine, J Altern Complement Med 10( 1 ):41, 2004. Another observation is that the emission patterns from the 10 fingers of each subject showed decreased variability after qigong. Weights training combined." CHARLOTTE PRICE | Online Coach on Instagram: "10 things I've learnt on my fitness journey in the last 7 years: 1. Connect the test leads to the circuit. Thank you for your tax-deductible support! Interestingly, these two fingers are considered the sword fingers in certain styles of qigong and are sometimes considered to be the chief emitting fingers in giving external qi. Do Metamucil Gummies Work as Well as Powder. In related experiments, subjects were actually asked to increase their light emission, and an increase in the signal was found to be significant over controls (Dobrin et al, 1975, 1979). In Schwartz G, editor: Research Findings at the University of Arizona Center for Frontier Medicine in Biofield Science: A Summary Report. The accuracy of EDS measurements may be somewhat dependent on the practitioners skill and technique, as associated, for example, with calibrating the instrument, placing the probe properly on the acupuncture point, maintaining consistent pressure with the probe, avoiding physical contact with the patient except at the measurement point to minimize energetic interactions, and the consistency of procedure throughout the measurement process. The lack of validated measurement tools and energy markers remains an obstacle to progress in biofield science and medicine. The electrical conductivity of the 12 source acupuncture points of the body, on the left and right side, is measured, and the resulting values are analyzed by the software package in multiple ways according to the different schools of oriental medicine. Another study of transcendental meditation (TM) subjects in particular showed that regular meditators have the lowest biophoton counts and that biophoton emissions of meditators and controls did not vary much in anatomic distribution, except for the throat and the palm of the hand (Van Wijk et al, 2006). The methods will facilitate the development of treatments to mitigate/remediate these skin/body deficiencies through application of topical cosmetics or pharmaceutical products or by the use of a device (digitalized cosmetics) that emits specially selected electromagnetic signals/frequencies or their harmonics to match or interfere with the electromagnetic frequencies and their harmonics emitted by the afflicted parts of the body. Large intensity signals, e.g., larger picowatts to watts (or more), can directed to the targeted condition from relatively larger distances (several feet or more) as long as the intensity on or near the target is large enough to be capable of interacting with the body frequency intensity to achieve the desired results. Medical experts consider DEXA scans to be the most useful, easy, and inexpensive test for helping to diagnose osteoporosis. From the proceedings of the Bridging Worlds and Filling Gaps in the Science of Healing, Chez RA, editor. The time exposure of the sample is selectable from 0.5 to 30 seconds. Using a quantum-biophysical model of entropy and information flows and supported by some clinical data, Korotkov, Williams, and Wisneski (2004) advance the concept that the GDV technique provides indirect information about the level of free energy resources (excited electronic states) available in protein complexes in the body. In most of these modalities, practitioners begin their patient treatment by sensing imbalances in patient biofields and then work to improve their energy regulation by transmitting energy to them, all through the use of their hands. D. B. Rendon et al., Mapping the Human Body for Vibrations using an Accelerometer, Conf. : In order to measure the frequencies of electromagnetic signals emitted by different substances, a BT3 Frequency Monitor System manufactured by Infinity Resources, Cheney, WA, was used. This concept is a radical departure from the conventional biomedical view that holds biochemistry to be the prime mover. #frequency #energy #energyhealing #vibes #selfimprovement For a FREE guide on how to reduce stress and overwhelm in the body, click here:https://www.christin. We cannot isolate it or analyze it comprehensively. In addition to still digital photography, recording digital video is also possible for up to 30 seconds. Besides the GDV capture program, other GDV software modules have been developed that work in tandem to assess various parameters of the emission patterns, including area, intensity, density, and fractality, as well as details of various sectors of the fingertip patterns that purportedly relate to the bioenergetics of specific organs and organ systems (Figure 20-7) (Korotkov, 2002). A main obstacle to the acceptance of EDS is an attitude on the part of the conventional medical community that has historical origins. And to help you get your vibe even higher I created these just for you. It has also been used to monitor the results of stress-management training (Dobson and OKeffe, 2000). Edwards R et al: Measurements of human bioluminescence, acupuncture, and electrotherapeutics, Res Int J 15:85, 1990. The results are the followings: Cream A appears to increase the energy of EM signal emitted by older people at 75.01 MHz. The number of times a complete motion cycle takes place during the period of a second is called the frequency and is measured in hertz (Hz). Figure 20-1. The methods will facilitate development of treatments to mitigate/remediate skin/body deficiencies through application of topical cosmetics or pharmaceutical products or by the use of a device (digitalized cosmetics) that emits specially selected electromagnetic signals/frequencies or their harmonics to match or interfere with the electromagnetic frequencies and their harmonics emitted by the afflicted parts of the body. Kirlian photography was not introduced to the West until the 1970s because of communication difficulties during the Cold War. Various approaches have been submitted by this author (Rubik, 1993, 1997, 2002b) and other authors [Popp (1996); Tiller (1993); Welch (1992); Welch and Smith (1990); and Zhang (1995, 1996)]. In relation to this phenomenon, certain patients under medical examination exhibit white coat hypertension that yields a false-positive result for hypertension. Van Wijk E P A, Ackerman J, Van Wijk R: Effect of meditation on ultraweak photon emission from hands and forehead, Forsch Komplementarmed Klass Naturheilkd 12:107, 2005. The test is quick and painless. Rubik B, Brooks A: Digital high-voltage electrophotographic measures of the fingertips of subjects pre- and post-qigong, Evid Based Integr Med 2( 4 ):24, 2005. The entire set-up is placed into a Faraday cage to shield it from any external EM fields. The Western school evolved in Germany through three main phases: EAV, bioelectronic functions diagnosis (BFD), and the VEGA resonance test (VRT) (Rademacher and Wesener, 1999). Figure 20-4. If the amplitude of EM signal is zero, the topical product applied to the skin, or the electronic device used, respectively, oscillate in anti-phase (the two signals are 180 degrees out of phase) with EM signals emitted by the human body with exactly the identical amplitude and the human body emitted signal is cancelled. Alternative medicine: expanding medical horizons, Washington, DC, 1994, US Government Printing Office, NIH Publication No. This discrepancy or inconsistency among the meridians that indicates excess excitation and inhibition causes illness. They will also be useful as a tool in developing allergen free products, preservative-free cosmetic/pharmaceutical products and digitized products that impact musculoskeletal or auditory performance. Indeed, the data taken collectively from these explorations reveal that the human biofield is as a flickering flame of energy: dynamic, with some coherence and stability and with some elements of chaos and unpredictability. A method for measuring in real-time the frequency and the power of an electromagnetic ("EM") field emitted by a human body for different body conditions, the resonance phenomenon between the EM fields emitted by various products or electronic devices and the EM field emitted by a human body, and the signals emitted by active materials, waters, topical products, etc. New investigators should work to establish this reliability in their data before venturing to conduct studies with the GDV. The measurement of all the points takes approximately 5 minutes. Rubik B et al: Manual healing methods. Rubik B: The unifying concept of information in acupuncture and other energy medicine modalities, J Altern Complement Med 3(suppl 1):S67, 1997. Voll R: Verification of acupuncture by means of electroacupuncture according t o Voll, Am J Acupuncture Res Conf 6:5, 1977. Your heart rate. When finished, remove the leads in reverse order: red first, then black. Inaba also used a system of two-dimensional photomultipliers to record the two-dimensional pattern of biophotons from the surface of the hands. That the different levels and range of experience of the practitioners may also contribute significantly to the variability of results is also possible. No. multiply it by itself), and lastly divide your weight in kilograms by your height squared. 1. Various devices have been developed that claim to assess aspects of the biofield, most of them electromagnetic in nature. A Comprehensive Analysis, Exploring the Innovative JBX Theater: Revolutionizing the Entertainment Industry. Brain researchers used to study the workings of the brain only in special laboratories at universities or hospitals. Many advantages have been discovered to using EDS over other evaluation methods, such as its speed of use, individualized approach to care, and the fact that it is inexpensive relative to conventional biomedical testing. I am wondering if there are any new developments. In relation to this possibility is a less common form of therapy known as distant healing, in which the practitioner and patient are in different locations, ranging from many feet to many miles away. A product is applied to the condition, and a second measurement of the EM field is taken. You can help! However, no agreement has been reached in the scientific community on the definition of the biofield. In any case, we anticipate that biofield measurements may not be definitive but will add yet another dimension to the clinical picture and the resolution of the health problems of a patient. This includes but is not limited to Krebs cycle, blood oxygenation, glycation, wound healing, collagen and keratin production, ATP/ADP cycle and other body bio-electro-mechanical or bio-chemical activity. So those examples are a few that I could think of off hand. A photograph of one of the recent GDV models is shown in Figure 20-3. Repeated measurements may yield different values because the subjects energy may be rapidly shifting. You can use accelerometers to measure the transmissibility of vibration through the spine, from which you can find out the resonance frequency of spine Cite 1 Recommendation However, in some cases, for example, in certain altered states of consciousness, the emission patterns become ultraviolet. Using the method and instruments described in section a) above, a first measurement is taken of frequency and amplitude (power) of EM signals emitted by a human body, without any topical product applied to the skin, or without broadcasting any EM waves directed to the skin from an electronic device. EDT is more clinically useful than the other methods, whereas the GDV camera and biophoton measurements are largely still tools for exploration in basic and clinical research, with fewer clinical applications. We will also focus only on local biofield therapy. In Krippner S, Rubin D, editors: The energies of consciousness, New York City, 1975, Gordon and Breach . document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Proudly powered by WordPress This theory was developed by Yoshio Nakatani in Japan in 1949. Nonetheless, researchers were able to integrate the signal over time and then found it to be statistically significant over the noise. Although these phenomena involve an integral and dynamic wholeness that challenge the power of molecular explanation, another biophysical view of life has been offered that may help explain them. Researchers who possess more than a single version of these devices have noted differences in results obtained with the various models. When the frequency drops, our immune system is compromised and a disease process is more apt to begin to develop. These values represent the "Control" or the signal from the body alone. The subject sits or stands in front of the camera and is prompted by the researcher to place a given fingertip, one at a time, on the electrified glass plate of the camera, under a lens cover with a special port for the finger, to maintain ambient darkness. It is said that the intensity of this radiation is proportional to the temperature of the region of the body from which it originates. The lowest level is shame, guilt, apathy, grief, fear, desire, anger, pride, courage, neutrality, acceptance, reason, love, and finally, enlightenment. To monitor your breathing, you will need to find a quiet area and focus on the sensation of your breath moving in and out. The brain, not the human body, produces different electrical activities according to its state. Be discriminatory with some information out there OK. You can also "hear" PVCs when taking your patient's (Pt's) radial pulse. The biophysical foundation of life, proposed here as the biofield, provides the rudiments of a scientific foundation for understanding some of mysteries of life that remain and may perhaps take us beyond into a new era of understanding life. Some of the field emissions from the body are the basis of many technologies commonly used in clinical diagnosis and research. He found correlations between disease states and changes in the electrical properties of the various acupuncture meridian points (Voll, 1975). displayed on the screen of the spectrum analyzer. The Kirlian technique was used clinically in Germany for decades, and the Vega-Grieshaber Company manufactured cameras to record the Kirlian emission of hands and feet. It is believed that young skin may exhibit an optimal human frequency signal. Some of this research and its possible applications will be described. In fact, the heart makes the greatest contribution to the electromagnetic, as well as the acoustic, human biofield. In over 300 tests, EDS matched the history 74% of the time and was most compatible with the food challenge test, which is considered to be the most sensitive of all tests for food allergy (Tsuei et al, 1984). Also- Is there a frequency difference between humans in different emotional states, and how could you scientifically measure these things? When the results from all three studies were pooled to form summary statistics, including an overall t-test for significance, the mean for the qigong/sham data was above 1.0 but not statistically significant (Yount et al, 2004). The EMAS device is essentially a computer card housed in a metal casing that connects to a computer universal serial bus port and an alternating current (AC) power outlet (Figure 20-11). Another study investigated the effects of therapeutic touch on bone cells in culture (Jhaveri et al, 2004). Devaraj B, Usa M, Inaba H: Biophotons: ultraweak light emission from living systems, Curr Opin Solid State Mater Sci 2:188, 1997. Reliability and validation studies are scarce. A linear, broad range antenna or any antennae capable of capturing the range of frequencies operating in the 20 MHz to 900 MHz range was coupled to the instrument for preliminary scanning of EM signals emitted by a subject's human body. BFD simplified the EAV procedure; it introduced silver electrodes that conduct electricity better than the brass used in EAV, it introduced a sector measurement to assess any blockages in regions of the body, and it used only a few dozen acupuncture points on the hands and feet. A sensitive microphone can detect a much wider range, and of much lower power. Made by Health Epoch, Inc., the EMAS is composed of a portable measuring device and application software. I have a passion for learning and enjoy explaining complex concepts in a simple way. One way of assessing the components of the biofield that may be central to the living state and especially to healing is to study the therapeutic modalities that apparently employ the practitioners biofield: the biofield therapies, such as therapeutic touch, Reiki, Johrei, external qi therapy, and polarity therapy. No training in acupuncture is required to use this system. It's best to take your respiratory rate while sitting up in a chair or in bed. Studies on these biofield therapies in themselves may offer clues to certain key components of the human biofield that are associated with healing. We will summarize some of the key findings on biofield therapy that show effects on target systems in the laboratory. Beverly Rubik,Ph.D., is a leading scientist internationally renowned for her research exploring frontier areas of science and medicine. Second, one may also observe false positives (that is, failure to correlate with conventional diagnoses) for minor problems, particularly transient ones, of which the patient may be only minimally aware, or for conditions that may be subclinical or not yet fully resolved. JavaScript is disabled. Scam or not, one way to justify its claim will be to measure and verify the emitting frequency and intensity. Korotkov K: Aura and consciousness, St Petersburg, Russia, 1999, Russian Ministry of Culture, State Editing and Publishing Unit. Some anticipated complications have been discovered in seeking correlations between biofield measurements and conventional physical diagnoses. Measurements made from the hands and foreheads of five meditators showed that biophoton emission decreased after meditation (Van Wijk and Ackerman; Van Wijk, 2005). According to the existing research, the natural frequency of a human-standing body is about 7.5 Hz, and the frequency of a sitting posture in the cab is generally 4-6 Hz. Boyers D G, Tiller W A: Corona discharge photography, J Appl Physics 44:3102, 1973. In Mishra R K, editor: Molecular and biological physics of living systems, Dordrecht, Holland, 1990, Kluwer. For more information, contact Dr. Beverly Rubik; Lab phone: 510-428-4084. To check your pulse, you will need to place two fingers on the side of your neck or wrist and count the number of beats for 15 seconds. Conventional science and medicine have long used the electrocardiogram (ECG) and the electroencephalogram (EEG) to assess physiologic function of heart and brain, respectively. Lam and Tsuei at the University of Hawaii have published approximately two dozen papers establishing the correspondence of EAV readings with physiologic disturbances. Several studies by other researchers have been performed that explore the usefulness for whole body assessment of human subjects subjects (Rubik, 2002a). This device, which measures the electrical activity of your heart using sensors attached to the skin of your chest, is highly accurate. Use of EDS is greater outside the United States, and much of the literature on it has been published in German, French, Japanese, and Chinese. One result observed is that biofield practitioners were able to change their corona discharge parameters by the intent to emit energy, whereas controls were not. You can then multiply this number by four to get your BPM. Measuring Human Body Capacitance (or any capacitance) ElectroBOOM 5.51M subscribers 657K views 7 years ago As I always say, AC hurts more than DC and the reason is human body capacitance. Since not all methods of measuring physical activity give you the same detail, before choosing a method to measure physical activity, think about what information you would like to find out. In summary, all EDS machines measure the bodys electrical conductivity. It is also believed that the methods may also lead to the development and manufacture of allergy free digital fragrances. Rubik B et al: In vitro effect of Reiki treatment on bacterial cultures: role of experimental context and practitioner well-being, J Altern Complement Med 12:7, 2006. Results show that the emission rates were lowest in autumn. Usa Me t a l: ITEJ Technical Report 15:1, 1991. It is important to measure your body frequency because it can reflect your overall physical health, mental well-being, and spiritual balance. Typically, thermography is used to locate hot spots and left-right imbalances that correspond to problem areas. A cosmetic or pharmaceutical product adapted to emit EM fields that match the frequency of EM fields emitted by a particular condition of a human subject, the condition selected from one of skin rejuvenation, lines and wrinkles, scar and uneven coloration, dark circles, respiratory, cardiovascular, neurological, gastrointestinal, tumorigenic, musculoskeletal, diabetic, tinnitus and mood. The gauss meters available from ARPANSA measure magnetic fields from electrical sources that operate in the frequencies between 25 Hz (40 Hz for the EMDEX Snap) to 1000 Hz in units of mG. and try adding nutrients to our diet. The measurements will be particularly useful to identify skin and body deficiencies. To practice meditation, you will need to find a comfortable and quiet place to sit and focus on your breath. Body mass index (BMI) is a medical screening tool that measures the ratio of your height to your weight to estimate the amount of body fat you have. Healthcare providers calculate BMI by using weight in kilograms (kg) divided by the square of height in meters (m2). By using these methods, you can gain insight into your overall health and well-being and become more aware of your bodys energy. Dobrin R et al: Experimental measurements of the human energy field . Electricity in the human body -- Is there enough to power a prosthesis? The post that I read from 2009 said he used an oscilloscope to measure his and his wife's frequencies. Dobson P, OKeffe E: Investigations into stress and its management using the gas discharge visualization technique, Int J Altern Complement Med 3:12, 2000. In addition, a broad spectrum of radiant energies exists known as electromagnetic waves, ranging from the ultra-low, extremely low, very-low, low, and medium broadcast waves; very high frequency broadcast waves; microwaves; infrared rays; visible light rays; and even ultraviolet radiation, all emanating from the human body. Caldwell-Bair C: The heart field effect: synchronization of healer-subject heart rates in energy therapy (doctoral dissertation), Fair Grove, M o, 2006, Holos University. With respect to EM signals emitted by the body, it is believed that similar biological processes may be at work in impeding the ability to influence the body frequency signal of young skin with cosmetic products, i.e., the skin of young subjects already has "maximized" optimized EM emissions. To create a suitable treatment source, e.g., a lotion or a device, the measurement methods disclosed above may be used to identify existing sources that emit EM fields suitable for treating a condition. Nonetheless, meaningful results have been shown in some studies, consistent with improved energy regulation, for example, after qigong, and which are also consistent with measurements from using other types of biofield instrumentation. The method described above demonstrates the proof of principle. In Zhang C L, Popp F A, Bischof M, editors: Current development of biophysics, Hangzhou, China, 1996, Hangzhou University Press. Bundzen PV, Korotkov KG, Unestahl L E: Altered states of consciousness: review of experimental data obtained with a multiple techniques approach, J Altern Complement Med 8(2):153-165, 2002. Another influence is that they may transfer bioinformation carried by very small energy signals interacting directly with the energy fields of life, which is more recently known as the biofield (Rubik et al, 1994). New probes should be studied to evaluate their precision, reliability, and operator dependence relative to older probes. In foundational research for CAM, more interest has occurred in measuring regions of the human emission spectrum that are unrelated to thermal excitations of biomolecules, as in the case of visible light. Korotkov K: Human energy field: study with GDV bioelectrography, Fair L awn, N J, 2002, Backbone Publishing .

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how can i measure my body frequency