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Look at Wayneward Edison and at least keep an open mind to this because it couldve been any one of us that night but poor Darl has been locked up for 30 years because of some crazy intruder. I would not have risked that either. Why? We are Americans. I just cant believe the similarities to Diane Downs. Dont you dare sit there and tell me that the prosecution did not not make both sexist and RACIST character judgments on this woman, none of which had anything to do with her children being murdered. I didnt believe it but then a man told me to read the laundry ladys testimony and holy cow! My heart hurts for Darlie and her family. Scan this QR code to download the app now, I hope all the big mouth non supporters will be there and ready to provide apologies and retribution! More than two decades later, the Rowlett woman Suite 2100 Brings new meaning to the phrase Sunday Funday. also I think it was Jade mentioned letters where Darlie said she saw the killer and someone else said that happened a yr or so after her conviction. And no one, no family, not Darlie, not even her post conviction defense attorneys ever publically addresses this. DNA testing was a mature science when this crime occurred. The 33K mistakes the court clerk made should have automatically been a mistrial. At the instruction of defense attorney Doug Mulder, he shaved off his beard, leaving only a trim mustache, and had gotten rid of the nugget-size rings, replacing them with a single gold wedding band. But who knows how anyone in her situation would act. They have the ability to upload this print into the national database. Did you really get into the case? Routier herself almost died in the attack; her throat That many people can keep a secret for this long and not slip up? All of you are liars. Darin and Darlie Kee Both agreed that it did. Please, enlighten me. Shining a spotlight on shocking deeds done by damsels in anything but distress. Prayers for you, Barb! Theres no reason to lie. However, theyre deflecting the blame onto someone who doesnt exist and made Darlie into the biggest victim in this tragedy. The Munoz interview became the hallmark of the case. THAT was a deal breaker for me Ill tell ya. Its plausible that he could have set Darla up. They were living together, although neither family particularly liked that arrangement, but there was no way they would be separated. No this. I really hope youre not a sister, if you are then youre a disgrace to our race , Her wounds were 100% self inflicted and anyone who thinks she is innocent you should look at the pictures of the boys wounds and then compare them to Darlies wounds poor Devon had a defensive wound on his arm that is real and I think she tried and copied that wound to her arm but it isnt close to being the same and her finger wounds are barely scratches Ive had worse paper cuts and the hesitation and jagged cut on her neck is a joke she wasnt close to dying her vitals were perfectly normal when paramedics arrived the neckalace fell off when the NURSE pulled the paper away it was never on her neck when she went into suregery and actually the wound had stopped bleeding before surgery and those letters where she straight up says I SAW HIM I KNOW IT WAS HIM was not a wish she was lying trying to convince anyone and everyone she didnt commit the most horrendous act against her own sleeping children I hope they run that print and I wish they would try her for Devons murder he deserves justice also and then she will have a death sentence along with a life sentence for killing both of her children. I looked at the pictures and it's a common men's sock. You didnt do this your daughter did. Darlie Routier Do you think there is a chance that Darren will go to prison too? Bree7702 1 yr. ago. Since the morning of the murders, the media had jumped on the story like crows on corn, and everybody in America had seen the smiling photographs of Devon and Damon, and of their sorrowful parents. I am so sorry for you the family and Especially Darlie shes and the family are always in my prayers. And why? Lol, its an article by Cruz, you dont think she reads the comments? To my knowledge the sock was never tested for chemical substances. Its pitifil already the constant stream of lies. Better start looking for a therapist now. It is yet ANOTHER violation, another loss of privacy on top of everything else, another basic human right being stripped away in an attempt to manipulate the jury to see something that was never there. But there were blood droplets on the back of her shirt containing her blood mixed with Devon and Damon's blood. He made damn sure he was on the bench in this case when he was supposed to be retired as of the end of December 1996. It did NOT sound like a performance to me. Dont you want to live in an America where you can be sure that those in authority will do whatever necessary, within their abilities, to eliminate the possibility of killing an individual who may be innocent? And her family and all of her supporters that Darlie has convinced that each one is her girlfriend and boyfriend are foolish to allow themselves to buy her BS. It was a necklace that saved Darlie Routiers life on June 6, 1996. None of her followers give a hoot about them. The family room contained a huge karoake setup, where Darlie would croon I Will Always Love You in a voice remarkably like that of Whitney Houston. Most of all- to the women her, who want her to rotten in jail. She was such a light sleeper that she would wake up when Drake turned over in his crib yet she slept through all that? Darlie, though, wasnt. also pls explain to me why Darlies blood is splattered on the wall where Damon was found? Virus slows Routier case | News, Sports, Jobs - Altoona Mirror Texas inmates spend an average of 11 years on death row before being executed by lethal injection. Its all bullshit. I heard there was a bloody fingerprint found on a table in the living room where the murders took place that either wasnt properly tested or did not match anyone living in the house. It's part of an all-out push by the Innocence I saw him!. In the summer of 1996, Darlie Routier fell under the shadow of suspicion in the murder of her young sons. Thats ok if its not your style. Oh my gosh are you the mother of Darlie Routier? What did Darlie do to them to make them want to risk it? Coolios Gangstas Paradise, a favorite of the Routier boys, was played at their service and was used against Darlie by prosecutors, even though the song had nothing to do with whether she had killed her children. Sounds like you need to worry about finishing your own education before you worry about someone elses. Theres blood everywhere but she cleans the most incriminating area? They all talk about that print and more DNA. Why on earth should she have done it= there is no reason, no crucial evidence, but huge reasonable doubts, In dubio pro reo, in doubt for the procecuted person is a fundamental justical rule, which in the U.S is just being ignored. Darlie is a killa. Really? Those were for a pet cemetery burial for Darlies recently deceased 18-year-old cat, Sam. They could afford it; years of hard work had paid off. Her wounds were superficial & she didnt know what/where carotid was. They were unharmed. Devon and Damon would be sickened by these two. Still remain close but Darren is moving on in his life, while Darlie continues to have to suffer on Death Row. I know she called 911 but thats a given. Her mother had the opportunity a few years ago to go on Dr. Phil? She was wheeled past her boys and they were cleaning their bodies and she couldnt have cared less and that is according to the nurse who was pushing her in the wheelchair. WebDarlie Lynn Peck Routier is an American death row inmate convicted of killing her five-year-old son. Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb, Horror Movies That Don't Look Like Horror Movies. Youre right, on both points. Everybody knows what a lie is. I contacted his producers. IT WOULD BE DIFFICULT TO SEPARATE THE murder story from the love story that dates back to Mothers Day in May 1985, when 15-year-old high-schooler Darlie Lynn Peck sashayed through the front door of a Western Sizzler restaurant in Lubbock. How many of us would be ok with that happening if it was our trial? Some folks will do anything for a dollar. They would be sickened by you defending their murderer. Justice for Devon and Damon Routier is nearing. Isnt it odd how TLD producers, Kathy Cruz, Barbara Davis, Skip Hollingsworth and others never address publicly the letters Darlie sent to family and friends from the county jail about Glenn Mize and Gary Austin? Dont they have that responsibility? I have not yet had the privilege to hear anyone explain this. They should be in prison. I agree they know shes innocent there the true criminals!!! Drake lay in his bassinet at the foot of the bed. We 11-developed for her age, people would say, no matter what her age. After its June 1997 sale to a private couple, it sold to a single woman in an off market transaction in 2001, and to a private couple on MLS in 2006. also pls explain why if she was running to the sink to get wet towels for the boys are her blood drops not smudged directly below the sink? So many things point to her guilt. From the moment Darlie was arrested for allegedly killing two of the couples three sons to the minute the jury sentenced her to die for killing 5-year-old Devon, the kin performed a precarious balancing act little understood by others, shelving their private grief for the two little boys in order to place a ring of support around Darlie, as if their unconditional love of this mysterious little blonde might transmute into her freedom and end the nightmare. Whether you believe in Darlie Lynns innocence or guilt, please take the time to think about your own freedom. What the states prosecutors have done to Darlie and family of victims is criminal. All of you are. THEY CONVICTED ON THEIR MORALS AND WHAT THEY THOUGHT OF HER!!! Every single appellate court justice with brilliant legal rational minds reviewed the Routier homicides and denied every appeal because she is guilty. Also on serveral you tube channels they, for instance. But when one of us or one of our own fuck up we own it. Those kids didnt get a FAIR life. DUH. Somebody came here to purposely hurt us, and thats exactly what they did! Not because you dont think she really did it. "On July 16, 1997, Darlie's sister Dana was arrested in Plano and charged with two counts of Assault/Family Violence in an incident that also involved Darin, Danelle, Darlie Kee, and baby Drake. In the U.S you always have to be alert, expect the worst to happen? Two little boys whos lives were snuffed out ardbthe forgotten victims and every one of you should be ashamed defending a killer. Also, TLD was severely manipulative with the editing. No spam, ever. there was no Facebook then not much internet social media Post it, Nobody needs to post a damn thing her book sales spoke for themselves. Why write letters to relatives if she saw the killer? Previous shows were single episodes, and most encompassed one hour, commercials included. There are two videos of that. But does this sound like a mother that hates her children? Coward. She never would have called 911. Investigators claimed that Darlie planted the sock. Its situated on a large 0.214-acre curving corner lot in the established Dalrock neighborhood. It is Darlies print, most likely made while she chased Damon down to stab him again. She was lucky she didnt kill herself. Critical Thinker, I think you might be Kathy Cruz or Barbara Davis incognito? I saw a very good and telling video called Darlie Routier shows the classic signs of a psychopath. Im right here with the police. Yes, people, you forget how many crazy, psychopathic and completely crazy criminals are around ,all over, the security feeling you have in Germany or Europe, compared to the US, is completely different. He didnt care, he said, he just wanted to see Darlie. Likewise, no one has ever been able to answer my question as to why, if Darlie supposedly cut herself while standing at the sink, there is no castoff or blood spatter in the kitchen area to validate this theory. During the trial, the defense brought attention to a bloody fingerprint discovered on a table in the Routier home. Darlie said I know who it was! I saw him! Who cares what YOU say. The video shows she wasnt either of those.. I believe she is a victim Her life has been ruined. Police, satisfied with the reverse ripple effect of the investigation, in which everything moved toward the center, arrested Darlie Routier on Tuesday. She knows shes guilty AF and shes a scammer to. Time to fry the lying cunt, We all know how anti death penalty advocates lie to make a point. Then you too will be able to move on. In reality, police had already made up their minds that there had been no intruder in the house and were focusing their efforts on building a case against Darlie. She claimed that an intruder had broken into her home and stabbed her two sons, Devon and Damon, as well as herself. I know it. She seemed so happy in the graveside interview. Update 12/18: The home has dropped again in price to $390,000. And they stayed that way. She fought him off and he ran out through the kitchen and garage, dropping a knife on the way. Im really hoping to see you there. They should be in prison. 6 - Darlie and Damon Routier's two oldest sons, Devon, 6, and Damon, 5, are fatally stabbed in the downstairs living room of their home on Eagle Drive in Rowlett. Kee periodically returns to Altoona to visit her father Darlies grandfather who is in his 90s. But on those letters Darlie said I know its him! But he was in awe of Darlie. That was the most shit all stupidest thing Ive ever heard. Our community offers an alternative to subs that don't allow videos or podcast links as post submissions to kick off discussion. Where is the journalistic integrity? Why did you refuse if you truly believe her innocent? Devon and Damon would be sickened by these two. Your dad loves you all very much and I know in my heart he will take care of my babies. I wonder why this hasn't generated more attention? In December, the homes price was dropped to $390,000. Dalrock is especially desirable for its proximity to Lake Ray Hubbard and location on a peninsula-like shore of the lake. If there were an intruder it must have been a UFO as it left zero evidence. If she lost consciousness, that could easily explain why she has different versions and different memories of how she was awakened. In his few moments with Darlie, Darin never wavered in his love and even talked about how they would start a new family when they were together again. WebDarlie was convicted by her own words when she insisted over the strenuous objections of her attorneys on taking the stand and testifying. Darlie has said she did not fight off an attacker. The defense got permission to RUN THE PRINT through IAFIS 10 years ago. Your daughter murdered her boys. There were also letters written to Darlie from others that would tell her about leads or suspects, getting her all riled up. Police, satisfied with the reverse ripple effect of the investigation, in which everything moved toward the center, arrested Darlie Routier on Tuesday. They are trying to extend her life. Join us this week as Erin takes us on an emotional rollercoaster that is the case of Darlie Routier. gets help from Innocence Project All bedrooms are upstairs as well as a large bonus room that can be used as a game room. I would like for you to address the 911 when Darlie says someone came in here and intentionally did it Darin. I feel sorry for you. Darin, only 28, was a proven earner who planned to make a lot of money as a businessman. Those buyers do exist. The person who stabbed the children so viciously did so because Devon kicked out at him and caught him square in the gonads, and it hurt like hell. Site by, Lend an Arm: Help Texas Patients by Giving Blood. I found out that retired FBI agent Lloyd Harrell believes that Darlie Routier was rendered unconscious with a chemical substance on the sock. They brought her physical appearance under questioning - such asher dyed hair and fake breasts - and proposed Routier was scared of losing her lifestyle, whichled her to kill her children. THE ENTIRE FAMILY WAS IN A STATE OF shock as a media blitzkrieg descended, private photographs became public, and neighbors, friends, enemies and people who didnt even know Darlie and Darin were interviewed and their words published and broadcast across America. Thats the kind of shit people dont forget! My husband has a sock like that. I want to believe with every fiber of my being Darlie didnt do this.. but I just cant see that she didnt. Darlie's DNA was found on the tip of it, but nobody else's. Which officers son are you referring to that was a suspect This is a new one I havent heard before. Plus her blood was all over the sink. While a window screen was cut from the outside, investigators found that the knife used to cut the screen was a bread knife from the Routiers' own kitchen. America dont accept lies from these people in power who are in it for career. That is really hurting. It cant be any other way. I cannot and will not pretend that Ive got it all figured out simply from the case that was presented because, as you say, there are too many unanswered questions. Who TF would want to go through life with the last Routier. I would love to see the look on their faces when they realize its over. 134: Triple D If Darlie gave a final statement admitting what she did and says her and Darin talked about it. That wasnt epicits all the old hag had. WebRoutier, Darlie Lynn: TDCJ Number: 999220: Date of Birth: 01/04/1970: Date Received: 02/05/1997: Age (when Received) 27: Education Level (Highest Grade Completed) 12: After the murders, the family room carpet was torn out, the kitchen sink removed, and parts of the kitchen floor taken out. In June 1996, newspaper headlines nationwide read, Mother Accused of Stabbing Sons to Death, Faking Intruder Story. The Dallas media with their cameras and bright spotlights were lined up in front of the stately brick home of Darlie, 26, and Darin Routier, 28, a Rowlett couple married for eight years, with three young children. Below the explanation, theres another note, Seller has nver occupied this proeprty. The gash across her neck barely missed her carotid artery. Routier, while charged with the killings of both children, was tried in early 1997 only in the killing of 5-year-old Damon because it was a crime that carried with it the possible death penalty. In the wake of the ABC docu-series The Last Defense, defenders of accused child killer Darlie Routier plan marches in Dallas with a specific demand. Darlie Lynn Peck Routier (born January 4, 1970) is an American woman from Rowlett, Texas, who was convicted and sentenced to death for the murder of her five-year-old son Damon in 1996. She has also been charged with capital murder in the death of her six-year-old son, Devon, who was murdered at the same time as Damon. Besides a used 86 Jaguar, Darin collected expensive sports memorabilia and Darlie was decked out mighty fine with fur coats, designer dresses, cashmere sweaters and naughty swimwear. I picked up the magazine, and I read it, Nelson said. It is devastating that they lean that far out of the window to speculate she is rather guilty. At around 10:30 pm, Routier's husband, Darin, took their youngest son, 7-month-old Drake, upstairs where they went to sleep in Darin and Darlie's bedroom.

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