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characteristics of the church of smyrna

They could not advance in jobs. Finally, Jesus warns His people to expect more suffering, persecution, and testing. How Are the End Times Described in 2 Timothy? And whenever we do, the vision of Jesus standing among us in all His glory, and the words of promise He speaks, will sustain and guide us.7, I hope you all have had a great week studying about suffering. Oh, youre too good for us. Be encouraged as you study the message sent to this church. That is a way of worshipping Him, showing honor to Him. If they kill you, they just ended your physical life. The substance was used to make fragrant perfumes and anointing oils (Exodus 30:23) and was used in ancient burial preparations (John 19:39). The Message to the Church at Smyrna. Do you ever feel that way that you are under that kind of pressure that it is just going to suffocate you? What three things did Jesus mention that He was aware of concerning the church at Smyrna? 2. One of the instructors of one particular lab was a well-known atheist there at the hospital. 3:17); it is impossible for a person to be in Smyrna, before the Lord, yet at the same time be in Laodicea, before the world. Rest in His presence. How do our stubbornness, recklessness, and selfishness contribute to a church's dysfunction? 2007 - 2023 ChurchLeadership.Org - All Rights Reserved. Its association with death perfectly pictures the suffering church at Smyrna. How wonderful it would be if our church received an encouraging letter from Jesus, especially if it contained no criticism. I Peter 4:19 instructs those who suffer according to the will of God to entrust their souls to a faithful creator in doing what is right. 3 Stott, What Christ Thinks of the Church, 44. I was kind of scared. If this was your church, what could be done to make sure it did not die but be revived to its formerly healthy and vibrant ways? Revelation 2:8-11 - The Church in Smyrna - Ministrymaker 7 Richards, L., The Teacher's Commentary (Wheaton: Victor Books, 1987), 1075. She also has two B.S. They were being slandered by those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan. These Jews were physical descendants of Abraham. The Essential Inductive Questions (for more Inductive questions see Inductive Bible Study): What does this passage say? But, we are going to experience suffering on this earth without doubt. It is because the soul is no longer there. He knows the tough times. Another warning for us is do not let him use you. by David C. Grabbe Forerunner, "Prophecy Watch," January 2, 2009 . He has witnessed their continual affliction and the slander theyve suffered from those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan. The fact that these hardships have not escaped their Saviors attention surely would have strengthened the Body and served as a loving reminder of Jesuss abiding presence. What was Jesus message to the church in Sardis in Revelation? You will not worship the Roman emperor, then we will make you! Jesus wanted to encourage them to stand strong, even if it meant physical death. They had no food. Because I was on staff here and was one of the instructors, I had to go to all the parties, all the festivities, and all the graduation dinners. First, the letter is the shortest of the seven, at only 90 words. We became great friends. Others were taken to the Coliseum and fed to angry, hungry lions. Thus, it is not that much of a stretch or even a job relocation to be a church of Satan, since we are already such a place. She went on and on and on and I was dumbfounded. But, Jesus reminded them that they were poor here on this earth but you are so rich. We need to really commit to pray. Toggle Name and characteristics subsection 1.1 Definition. They made up whatever they could and went to the government and they were persecuted. The pressure came with these students. 1. Why does God allow Satan to bring tribulation in our lives if God is ultimately in control? The first thing He promises is that they will receive the crown of life for being faithful until death. Smyrna was a church where people's agendas were in opposition to Christ's. For example, the letter to Ephesus . It is just the beginning because He is the victor and He conquered death. They were going to nail him to the stake, but he said they did not have to nail me, I will stay. We may not be worshipping Satan, but when we run the church by our ways and agendas, we are, in fact, worshipping Satan, because Christ is not only ignored, He is being opposed! 6. In James 1:12, James write, Blessed is a man who perseveres under trial; for once he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love him. 1. This was true of this church, all the seven churches, the church throughout the ages, and churches today. She finally said, do you have anything you want to say? I said nope. I did not know what to say because I thought I knew I was going to cry. Well, they were under pressure from several forces. Do not be afraid. What does He mean when he refers to their being rich in the midst of poverty? Maybe someone you love is hurting. Based on His intimate awareness of their spiritual condition, Jesus uses these letters to dig deep into the inner workings of each church and flesh out areas of commendation or correction. More insights from your Bible study - Get Started with Logos Bible Software for Free! That is the doctrine or the view of annihilation of hell. They had sufferings to overcome and learn from, but most chose to run the course their way and tarnish His Way. WEALTHY WITHOUT WEALTH In the church Ephesus, the Lords finds a decay of first love, in Smyrna, we see Him voiding Satan's malice to restore the former freshness. He never promises us that life is just going to be great. 3. Smyrna -- The Suffering Church | Well, the second thing we need to remember is that the ultimate test is suffering. What the Bible says about Smyrna, Church of - Bible Tools 3. John was then to send the divine dictation to the seven churches: to Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia, and Laodicea. (Revelation 1:11). 5. I never wanted to open my mouth to pray because my words seemed so shallow compared to the prayers of these godly men and women who had suffered greatly. Thank you for the strength that You give us when our flesh just does not have it. The Church of Smyrna: A Study of Revelations - A Beautiful Mess Consider this: when we are independent from Christ in our personal lives and in running our churches, we are forsaking and opposing Him. The second death will be eternal separation from God in torment. But, when we trust in Him, He will give us the strength to endure. She and her husband have five childrenthree who have already flown the coop and two adopted teens still roosting at homeplus two adorable grands who add immeasurable joy and laughter to the whole flock. Olympian games were held in Smyrna. Even Jesuss greeting to the church reveals His loving, personal care. The first thing we have to remember if we are going to suffer well is that the ultimate victor is Jesus Christ. What season of life are you in today? He is talking about that kind of pressure that comes from when you take a heavy rock and you put it on someones chest and you press down on their chest with all your force so that it suffocates the person. When we suffer, we may think that Christ is absent, but He is not. Christ not only knew their hearts, but He spoke to this flock using language and terms that held deep personal meaning for them. They might face death. I had the opportunity while I lived there to visit in the homes of some Chinese believers who had undergone some serious persecution for their faith during the years of the Cultural Revolution. We need to look beyond the trial. Why Did Jesus Give Believers the Beatitudes? Until recently, we who live in the United States and Canada have had many personal liberties, particularly the freedom to worship God.In the post-World War II era, most other modern Israelitish nations have also enjoyed such freedoms, and thus most in the church of God are not accustomed to widespread or severe persecution. This second death means that those who fail to accept Christ will also be resurrected, only to die again in the "lake of fire." Smyrna is still a large seaport with the present population of about 275,000 people. I came back that fall and I was so on fire for the Lord. Sermon on Revelation 2:8-11 - The Church Of Smyrna - Study and Obey Every time that God has taken me through a difficult period of life, whether it is just a trial or suffering, I can always look back after it is over and go, yes, Lord, I see how You used that in my life. This will give great comfort to this church because this was a church that was going to be persecuted. It is a gift. As with all Jesuss letters to the seven churches, His letter to Smyrna ends on a note that invites every Believer, in every age, to hear and receive these important messages. What additional insight do these verses give concerning the crown of life? Kingdom 103: Where Does the Governor Reside? He assures His people that their continued faithfulness, even to the point of death, will earn them a reward that far outweighs their earthly trialsa victors crown. The people loved the Roman government because it was strong. 2:8-11. As a matter of fact, He promises us that if you are a believer, you will face suffering and you will have some persecution in your life (2 Tim. The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God. . Maybe you have a financial issue. The application is that a dead or dying church with faithful, Christ-empowered people can be resurrected. They cannot coexist. California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. Jesuss short correspondence with His people in Smyrna gives us incredible insight into this group of believers way of life and faith. Slander damages our reputation. He will do anything to stop good things that God is doing. How can you better realize the fact that our trials will be limited and temporary? I know your afflictions and your povertyyet you are rich! Smyrna covers the second church period from approximately from 100 C. E. to 323 C. E.; the Age of Martyrdom, 200-250 years during the second and third centuries C. E. What can you do to grow in this area and to glorify Him more fully? He does not want you to know that Jesus wins and that he loses. Jesus thus says in effect, you know what, I know what it is like to be persecuted by your enemies. In fact, transactions in the world have never fruits and to lose belly been completely equal. Life was hard for these Christians. 9. Take some time to praise God for who He is in light of the Scripture you read today. Others roasted alive. Do not let him use you. My entire senior year was spent at the hospital as we would rotate through labs. They got drunk. Clarence Larkin :: Chapter 22. The Seven Churches - Blue Letter Bible The letter to the church at Smyrna is unique for several reasons. The city rivaled Ephesus in grandeur and influence. Whatever it is, it is a hard season of life. If so, pray for those who dont know Christ and dont have eternal security. According to Revelation 4:9-11, what are crowns ultimately for? She went on and on and on about my faith in Jesus Christ. How would you encourage someone who is being persecuted for his faith or going through a tough time? You are so dependent on this myth and you are crazy. Pagan worship, especially of Zeus but also of numerous other deities flourished there. Annette has also written curriculum for character growth and development of elementary-age children and has developed parent training seminars to benefit the community. He wants to discourage us. Kingdom 103: Honoring the Father Through the Son, Kingdom 103: Living in the Kingdom Culture, Kingdom 103: Power and Authority in His Name, Kingdom 103: Many Little Kingdoms, But Only One is True, Kingdom 103: Kingdom Citizens Are Examples. 5. What Is the Abomination of Desolation in the End Times? What was Jesus message to the church in Ephesus in Revelation? 2. They had absolutely nothing. Some suffered the Roman crucifixion, a horrible way to die. Ephesus & Smyrna & Pergamum - Barabbas Road Church in San Diego, CA Yet, we tend to fill His call with the void of our stubbornness, recklessness, and selfishness. Before they lit the fire, he prayed, Oh Lord, almighty God, I thank you for counting me worthy of sharing the cup of Christ among the number of your martyrs. What do these verses imply about persecution and the believer? They would tell us about their relationship with the Lord and they would tell us about the things they had endured during the Cultural Revolution because of their faith in Christ. The fragrance from Myrrh is only released from the sap through crushing. Smyrna, originally peopled by Asiatics known as the Lelages, is located 56 kilometers (35 miles) from Ephesus and 79 kilometers (49 miles) from Pergamos (Pergamon). This article is part of our larger End Times Resource Library. I was not Crickett then. How do you respond to suffering and tribulation? By surrendering our lives to our born-again existence, we join our Smyrnaean brethren as overcomers who wont be harmed in the second death, which is the final judgment of the wicked (Revelation 20:6, 20:14, 21:8) Jesus Christ paid for our sin on the cross at Calvary. So, they were infatuated with the Roman government and they worshipped the emperors. It would protect them. Even if these believers face death at the hand of the persecutors, it is not the end for them. He just reminded them that what you have in Christ is far greater than anything on this earth materially that you will have. 6 Stott, What Christ Thinks of the Church, 43. In what ways are you rich in Christ? How have you seen God use trials and suffering in your life? Have I done something to offend you? Anytime there is a sense of spiritual awakening or spiritual revival or the sense of the spirit of God moving in lives I will tell you, it makes Satan scream. Anyone who has said I cannot earn salvation on my own so I put my faith in the blood of Jesus Christ to pay the penalty for my sins. You see, Smyrna had a lot of religions. What two instructions did Jesus give them concerning the upcoming tribulation? While there, the Holy Spirit spoke to John and instructed him to record everything Jesus was about to reveal via a vision. So, I caught all kinds of grief, you know, comments made like: oh, you would fit well into grandmothers generation. You are really out of touch with reality today. Just cruel comments. Christians were viewed as antisocial elitists for refusing to participate in it. Today it is called Izmir, Turkey. So I kept my guard there, but I said, have I done something? She told me to shut the door. What is in the way of my listening to God? Those crowns are not to make us feel good about ourselves. It reminds us of five things that we must remember if we are going to suffer well. Why is Smyrna being praised? It was celebrated for its schools of science and medicine, and for its handsome buildings. The fourth thing we need to remember is that the ultimate solution is trust. He knows the suffering that you are going through. So with that context in mind, let's take a look at Revelation 2: 8-11. When Polycarp, the pastor of the church in Smyrna, was commanded to worship Caesar and renounce Christ in 155 A.D., he refused and said, Eighty and six years have I served Him, and in nothing hath He wronged me; and how, then, can I blaspheme my King, who saved me? As the fire was kindled around his feet to burn him at the stake, Polycarp was heard singing and praising the Son of God. Scripture does not give us any information concerning the founding of this church, nor is it mentioned in the book of Acts. If you have ever gone to a funeral or to a visitation and you have looked in a coffin to view the body, you see that physical body, but you know something is missing. Then, I got my purse and I drove home. Most scholars agree that the name Smyrna was a reference to the myrrh, which was the chief export of the area. What did the future hold for the church at Smyrna and what would be the purpose? They were reporting false allegations to the government about these believers, saying things which were not true about them. Kingdom 103: The Kingdom Mindset of Authority, Kingdom 103: Ephesus, Its Believers' Characteristics, Kingdom 103: Ephesus, Its Believers' Characteristics Pt 2, Kingdom 103: Smyrna, Its Believers' Characteristics, Kingdom 103: Pergamos, The Compromising Church, Kingdom 103: Thyatira, Its Believers' Characteristics, Kingdom 103: Thyatira, Its Believers' Characteristics Pt 2, Kingdom 103: Sardis, Its Believers' Characteristics, Kingdom 103: Philadelphia, Its Believers' Characteristics, Kingdom 103: Philadelphia, Its Believers' Characteristics Pt 2, Kingdom 103: Laodicea, The Lukewarm Church, Kingdom 103: He Came Under the Cloak of Darkness, Kingdom 103: Authorized Power for the Heavenly Government, Kingdom 103: Never Assume in Marriage Pt 1, Kingdom 103: Never Assume in Marriage Pt 2, Kingdom 103: Love in Marriage Needs to be Refreshed, Kingdom 103: Fatherlessness, the Source of Disobedience and Sin, Kingdom 103: The Simplicity of the Kingdom Gospel, Kingdom 103: Kingdom Culture Displayed to the Blind. Mailing address: Kingdom Citizens, 1027 S Pendleton St Suite B-242 Easley, SC 29642, Kingdom Concepts: Understanding Religion Part 1, Kingdom Concepts: Understanding Religion Part 2, Past Tragedies In History While Seeking the Kingdom, The Contrasts Between a Kingdom and a Democracy, Christ's Message Was on His Kingdom, It's What He Preached, The Kingdom of God Versus The Government of Man, Understanding the Kingdom Concept of Territory, The Name Christian Is Neither God Sent Nor God Given, The Unshakable Kingdom and Unchanging Person, Everything That God Created Has Potential, Being Obedient, Is Much More Important Than Sacrifice, How Did We Lose the Gospel of the Kingdom? She began to just blast me for my faith. But, if we are not faithful, there is no outstretched hand, only missed opportunities and an infamy to a community, a life wasted, a church of dysfunction, and a crown of shame instead of a crown of life. And just like myrrh requires crushing to release the sweet perfume of its fragrance, the church at Smyrna would continue to be crushed through adversity. They cannot coexist. That should leave us to want to bring everyone we know to be with us in Heaven. The Cross And Christs Suffering For Sins (1 Peter 3:18-22), 6. Do you fear God more than people? However, Jesus wanted to remind them that their sufferings would anoint them for a Christlike death and burial that could only result in an eternal resurrected life. Jesus gives them two instructions in verse 10 as to how to handle this impending suffering. The question we have to ask ourselves is, are we operating to the opposite tune that Jesus commands as this Synagogue and the church of Smyrna were starting to? They took him to the amphitheater where the proconsul tried over and over to persuade him to renounce his faith. And finally, Smyrna was the only congregation besides Philadelphia that did not receive admonishment from Jesus. It was mighty. What do I do about calling a priest father at my Catholic University? The 2 nd century Church bishop and . We will become lifesavers, thrown to those who are drowning. I was just going through my mind of what I was going to say. They, and the zealot Jewish leaders, hated Christians and prohibited them from working, buying, or selling, any time they got a chance. If you are only born once, you will die twice. If you are only born physically, you will die physically and you will die spiritually. The Bible tells us that. The Church in Smyrna (Revelation 2:8-11) An aspect of maturity is being slow to respond to accusation-as our Lord did. It is not for you to carry around and have them saying, wow, look at my crown! Your crown is a little small there. Look how many I have. These crowns are not for the purpose of making you feel good about your life on this earth because we are told in Revelation 4:10 that we will go before the throne of God and we will go on our knees and our faces before Him and we will cast our crowns at his feet. May I be accepted this day before you as an acceptable sacrifice. They lit the fire, but strangely enough, the wind blew the fire away from his body so it would not touch him. Ask God to strengthen your faith so that you can endure the suffering in your own life more victoriously. The church in Smyrna faced bitter persecution and death, yet it emitted a fragrant testimony of faithful commitment to . They are for us to give back to Him. How is Jesus described in verse 8 and which attribute(s) of God does His description emphasize? I do not want to simply stand there. My prayer for us is that we would suffer well. (How does Romans 2:28-29 relate to this? In Revelation 2:9 He says, , I know your tribulation and your poverty (but you are rich), and the blasphemy by those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan. In verses 10 and 11, he makes two promises. Even though He died, He conquered death and He rose again. At one end of its most famous street, the 'Street of Gold,' was the temple of Cybele, and at the other the temple of Zeus. Give it to the Lord, trust His hand, and look ahead to the blessings that await you eternally. Kingdom 103: Your Faith is Essential in the Kingdom, Kingdom 103: They Praise Him, But Fail to Obey Him, Kingdom 103: The King's Will and the King's Word, Kingdom 103: Know Your Purpose While on This Earth. I had just started walking with the Lord that year before and I had gone on a beach project with Campus Crusade that summer. The characteristics of the church as seen in verses 9-10 are its tribulation and poverty and the insidious existence of a synagogue of Satan. Is it fire, is it brimstone, is it gnashing of teeth? Ancient coin inscriptions describe Smyrna as first of Asia in size and beauty, and The Ornament of Asia.. Located just 35 miles north of Ephesus, at the head of the Aegean Sea, the thriving city of Smyrna was known for its beauty, wealth, and achievement. Death is that separation of the soul and the physical body. Ch 1 Pt 1, Kingdom 104: Where Are the Masculine-Thinking Men? Some can endure physical sufferings under tribulation and poverty, yet few can . I was doing an internship in medical technology at Baton Rouge General Hospital. But believers need not to fear death, because it will only result in their receiving a crown of life. Look at Revelation 2:8 with me, And to the angel of the church in Smyrna write: The first and the last, who was dead, and has come to life, says this: (NASB). They were dirt poor. But, maybe there are some of you who are in a very difficult season of life. It was exceptionally wealthy. Home values, sales prices, taxes, school data, and more. Only the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God. (1 John 1-5). What Does God Say about the Church at Smyrna? - How does this apply to me? Just trust the One who holds your life in His hands. How would Jesus words in Luke 12:4-7 encourage someone about to suffer for his faith?

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characteristics of the church of smyrna